- ๐ณ๐ฟNew Zealand quietone
Drupal 10 is now an LTS, or in maintenance mode, and there are limited allowed changes for a maintenance minor release โ . This change is not eligible for commit.
Reading this issue, the problem seems to be something with the Flag module. There are no steps to reproduce here as asked for in #9. Is this reproducible with only Drupal core?
I am setting the status to Postponed (maintainer needs more info). If we don't receive additional information to help with the issue, it may be closed after three months.
- ๐จ๐ฆCanada joelpittet Vancouver
@quietone I don't believe the screenshots in #44 accurately display the root problem for why the decimal settings change between aggregation being on and off.
I added the screenshot from #38 which identifies where this stems from to the issue summary, which displays the accidental copy/paste error in https://git.drupalcode.org/project/drupal/-/commit/684b4a036e736b16d21a1..., which manifests itself into the originally reported issue as well as other Views UI issues including the error I mentioned in #56 when I bumped the priority and which @ramil g wrote the tests against.
Also I added a bunch more screenshots to the IS illustrating both problems.
One thing I don't know how to change the title to indicate the original issue is resolved + issues with any numeric aggregated field? Any suggestions?
- ๐ฎ๐ณIndia mangesh.borukar
The issue still persist with the Drupal version 10.4.1 and with the latest version of Flag i.e. flag 8.x-4.0-beta6 the patch added to #12 is not applicable.