There's still two overrides plus the fontawesome/fontawesome bit that you'll need in your projects for upgrades. I also just openned a merge request for wxt_library to upgrade wet-boew from 4.0.83 to 4.0.85 (fixes a jQuery 4 compatibility issue we found).
We've been using this merge request with Drupal 11.1.1 and now Drupal 11.1.2 since mid January. No issues reported after 500 hours of testing. Works in D11 as it did in D10.
@jibran, it's literally perfect now, please review again!
patch 25 is identical to the merge request patch
Here's a link to the merge request patch
I'll test anything that comes out of this, we're still seeing an issue in some of our environments and haven't nailed it down yet.
Haven't looked closely however I did look at the pipeline. In the unit tests I'm seeing two additional fails with the latest commit. Not sure if it's related but could be.
Relating to the fontawesome library , the namespace in packagist is actually forkawesome/font-awesome
6.2 million installs
74,000+ stars
@alok_singh, thanks for this, please note, Drupal code standard is two space indents. Your MR has tabs. The change to tabs makes a lot of noise in the MR and due to the indent approach the MR is harder to read and understand the changes.
Looks like a reasonable change
Reported in 5.3.x but probably also affects 5.4.x and 6.1.x
Thank you @avpaderno and @dieterholvoet!
This is a very important project and is imperative to have strong stewardship.
I have 100% faith in @dieterholvoet!
Thank you!
I've recently seen 404s on new content that have a path_auto pattern. Investigating . Occurs on both Drupal 11.1.2 and Drupal 10.4.x
To help soften the landing of Drupal 11 we've created a new contrib module:
JQuery Downgrade →
- jQuery downgrade, aiming to keep the use of this module to the bare minimum as from what we can tell so far the WxT distribution out of the box doesn't need any special treatment like this.
- Created because we live in an imperfect world and have to be pragmatic.
- The jquery_downgrade → module gives us flexibility to "downgrade" for a specific node (nid) or set of nodes (one per line) or view pages and can optionally be downgraded globally on a per theme bases.
- Additional configuration options are foreseen and patches to improve this module are welcome.
We've been testing this merge request in a Drupal 11 upgrade for over a month now. Haven't had any issues with it yet.
With that said we haven't focused our testing 100% on layout builder but it is functional.
Could we please merge this and get an alpha tagged release?
This would allow us to replace one of our two remaining overrides in our distribution release build.
This is fixed since quite a few releases back
🐛 Remove jQuery UI Library's Core dependency and Add module dependency Fixed
The js patch is related to an upstream js change in bootstrap 3.4.6
Tested the merge request patch, it fixes the warnings.
joseph.olstad → created an issue.
Applied this to the latest 2.x-dev
Resolves the WSOD to allow functional behavior again.
we need this fix also
we're using Drupal 10.4 and likely 11.1.x sooner than later
@mp, for this time, it's great, thanks for your upload, for next time, you may be interested in learning how to write a patch. I've included the link to the documentation on this. There's even a video giving a demo.
Thanks, someone can take that and make a patch with it, this is for 3.0.x right?
Is this the module you're using? → ?
try uninstalling the "module security kit" , undo your changes, rebuild caches and then see what happens.
line 213 of what?
In addition to the pull requests, there's a bunch of the overrides modules that got releases. Go through those soon.
joseph.olstad → created an issue.
Drupal 11.1.1
key module 1.x-dev latest as of today
key module 1.19 also affected
symfony mailer lite: 2.0.2
Operation: add a key-override for the smtp username and smtp password of the symfony mailer transport configuration.
The path of the request: /admin/config/development/configuration/key-overrides/add?ajax-form
Same exact error as illustrated above:
TypeError: Return value of Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageBase::getEntityClass() must be of the type string, null
You'll want to replace that jquery.min.js with jquery.js
minified is difficult to work with
Please tag a release with this fix!
probably related to the module security kit
With that said, feel free to upload a patch if you figure this out.
is meant for 6.1.x mostly
One more patch, this time for wxt_bootstrap. I'll also have to put this into the entreprise7pro/bootstrap build.
Looks great, thanks! Any greener than this and you'd need to get a lawnmower to start cutting the grass.
Yes actually I think this may have been due to our custom module that relies on filehash, I forgot about it and should put filehash as a dependency.
So ya, might not need this patch at all.
Ok here's another patch, this one actually behaves much better than 5.4.x which is completely broken btw.
This patch can be applied to both 5.4.x and 6.1.x
Patch is still needed. I'm testing Drupal 11.1.1 wanting to isolate a problem so I wanted to uninstall filehash and needed this patch.
It needs a reroll for 3.x
all that can be done in a merge request. Feel free to rename and add configurations.
3.0.x is NOT affected, already has the fix.
Keep 2x and 3x seperate
make a new MR for 3x
There's no plan to include bootstrap v5 into v3 as this would likely break support for Bootstrap 3
Please try the latest release →
Please look at your browser console for js exceptions and report them if you have some related exceptions.
AFAIL. 2.0.1 doesn't have this functionality.
With that said, 3.0.x-dev needs this, thanks very much!
Ok I've dug deeper into this, my patch is really close.
With that said, I found out that degov , govcms and vardot also used lightning_media
They're now using media_bulk_upload.
There's a MASSIVE merge request for media_bulk_upload to make it Drupal 11 compatible and it is marked RTBC with a lot of work having gone into it. 📌 Automated Drupal 11 compatibility fixes for media_bulk_upload Needs review
While this patch deals with dialog
I was hoping it would also fix resizable
I'm seeing this one:
Uncaught Error: cannot call methods on resizable prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'option'
Using a theme (not claro) for a node form.
This worked up until Drupal 10.4.x
In Drupal 11 there's a js error related to the media dialog.
new patch.
it's better but still not complete.
Ok another patch, still doesn't fix the issue but gets us closer.
ok new patch, it's not working yet, not sure what the issue is caused by whether it's dropzonejs or an incorrect refactor of wxt_ext_media
This patch → was created as an attempt to follow this change notice : →
It's a work in progress.
patch 77 is an incomplete refactor, working on it. next one I will test before uploading.
New patch, testing it.
Patch #75 leads to something deeper with the file extension validation going on in wxt_ext_media. Here's the related change notice: →
The new approach was introduced in version: 10.2.0, however the deprecated approach was removed in 11.0.0.
So , therefore, bunch of refactoring is needed in wxt_ext_media. See the change notice for more details on how to refactor related wxt_ext_media validation logic. → A bit tricky business.
Untested patch, possibly helps with comment #74
This should be fixed in 2.0-beta12 released today.
ah I see, the js_cookie fix is missing from version 2 , this is why you're trying version 3.
An easy patch to fix that.
ok so you can continue using version 2, it's still supported. AFAIK, I think version 2 should be the same Bootstrap 5 version you were using previously.
With that said, I think you for pointing this out!
hmm, ok I didn't know about that, I'm new to maintaining this project and was unaware of bootstrap 5 support. If you want to help out maybe clone the repository and look at the last commits in version 2 and version 3, see where things went and let us know.
Extensive testing - Discovered something that looks like a wxt bug, might be also in 5.4 but I'm seeing this in 6.1.x
Step 1) edit or add a user then select a picture for them
Step 2) Check the browser console ajax exception message
ok question, was bootstrap 5 ever supported with this module? if so, do you know which tag or release or branch?
It's possible yes! Just a small bit of code to look at.
src/Plugin/Action/UnpublishCurrentRevisionAction.php: if ($object->getEntityTypeId() === 'node' || $object->getEntityTypeId() === 'media') {
src/Plugin/Action/PublishLatestRevisionAction.php: if ($object->getEntityTypeId() === 'node' || $object->getEntityTypeId() === 'media') {
Try changing these to add an || with 'block_content'
so something like this:
src/Plugin/Action/UnpublishCurrentRevisionAction.php: if ($object->getEntityTypeId() === 'node' || $object->getEntityTypeId() === 'media' || $object->getEntityTypeId() === 'block_content') {
src/Plugin/Action/PublishLatestRevisionAction.php: if ($object->getEntityTypeId() === 'node' || $object->getEntityTypeId() === 'media' || $object->getEntityTypeId() === 'block_content')
Great sleuthing on the next minor fix @znerol ! that core commit happened only about 9 days ago
@phenaproxima , next minor and next major have not been released yet. It is completely normal that they could be failing at this point in time. We should focus on 10.4 and 11.1 and if ambitious 10.3 and 11.0.
This one is actually simpler to understand than
Fix PHPStan issues reported on CI/gitlab
Looks good, phpunit tests passing.
Let's wait for 3502957 and once that goes in, update the merge request with the latest commits to the head of 3.0.x-dev and then re-verify the pipeline results at that time.
Message to the maintainers:
Please add credit to: recrit → recrit worked on the deprecation of dynamic properties fix which is part of the phpstan fixes included above.
Closing this in favour of 3482015
🐛 In PHP 8.2+, the creation of dynamic properties is deprecated Active
Thank you all!
I reviewed all of these phpstan changes and approve!
Which services should be supported?
If someone else wants to take over the stockapi project I'll assign maintainer privileges to them. The current state is "broken" for various reasons. Should be rewritten.
with that said, there's another project called stocks_api
joseph.olstad → created an issue.
ok sure Claudiu, I'll gladly take it, please assign me as co-maintainer with sufficient privileges. Thanks for that link, I can likely backport the ck5_block_embed widget into embed_block quite easily .
I have a module called access_unpublished_linked_nodes that is depending on embed_block , so there is reason for me to continue using this and building on it.
There's also entity_embed , with that said, the markup provided by embed_block is simpler than what entity_embed does.
Great job, thank you very much!
To resolve the test issue, just adjust the core requirements:
^10.4 || ^11.1
There's no need to support 10.3 for much longer anyway.
Tests are currently passing on 10.4 and 11.1.1
If someone is ambitious, we'll need a new branch for the ck5 version of this.