Issue: Fix PHP 8.4.x deprecation and other warnings (PHPStan) Project: Field Group
Issue: Possible extra billing for Google Places API Project: Geolocation Field
Issue: Fix problems arising from "Consolidate tests" Project: Gift Aid management
Project: Drupal core
Project: ECA: Event - Condition - Action
Issue: Fix PHP 8.4.x deprecation and other warnings (PHPStan) Project: Field Group
Project: Experience Builder
Issue: Fix PHP 8.4.x deprecation and other warnings (PHPStan) Project: Field Group
Issue: Toggle description on multi-fields form Project: Gin Admin Theme
Issue: Add Embedding capabilities Project: Gemini Provider
Issue: Fix implicit nullables for PHP 8.4 Project: Field Group
Issue: Fix coding standard Project: Field Group
Issue: Fix implicit nullables for PHP 8.4 Project: Field Group
Project: Views data export
Project: Experience Builder
Issue: Explode giving issues on OSX Project: Advanced Mautic Integration
Issue: Add option to force https on redirect url Project: Views data export
Project: Drupal core
Project: ai_translate_paragraph_asymetric
Issue: Run 3.x tests on 10,11, and 12 Project: JSON Web Token Authentication (JWT)
Project: Experience Builder
Project: ECA: Event - Condition - Action
Project: Diba clean
Project: Drupal core
Project: Drupal core
Issue: Compatibility with fast404 Project: Drupal Perimeter Defence
Project: Taxonomy Term Glossary
Project: Diba clean
Project: Taxonomy Term Glossary
Issue: Compatibility with fast404 Project: Drupal Perimeter Defence
Project: Drupal core
Issue: GraphQL Compose plugins integration Project: Phone Number (field)
Project: Drupal core
Issue: GraphQL Compose plugins integration Project: Phone Number (field)
Issue: Suppress Toolbar on HTMX responses Project: htmx
Issue: GraphQL Compose plugins integration Project: Phone Number (field)
Project: Taxonomy Term Glossary
Issue: GraphQL Compose plugins integration Project: Phone Number (field)
Project: Drupal core
Issue: GraphQL Compose plugins integration Project: Phone Number (field)