Project: Honeypot
Issue: Improve Response Code Descriptions Project: Link checker
Project: Block Class
Issue: Some button labels are not translatable Project: Block Class
Issue: Discuss: Unify translate operations over ai Project: AI
Project: Disqus
Project: Excel Serialization
Issue: Discuss: Unify translate operations over ai Project: AI
Issue: Provide Search API-based alternative to dblog Project: Search API Solr
Project: Excel Serialization
Project: Excel Serialization
Project: Excel Serialization
Project: Excel Serialization
Issue: Fixes for 2.x release Project: Symfony Mailer
Project: Tagify
Issue: Improve Response Code Descriptions Project: Link checker
Issue: Improve Response Code Descriptions Project: Link checker
Issue: Improve Response Code Descriptions Project: Link checker
Issue: Improve Response Code Descriptions Project: Link checker
Project: Entity Registration
Project: Layout Paragraphs Limit
Issue: Html filters aren't applied within the HtmlExtractor Project: Link checker
Issue: Html filters aren't applied within the HtmlExtractor Project: Link checker
Issue: Html filters aren't applied within the HtmlExtractor Project: Link checker
Project: Office Hours
Issue: Create a headline SDC component for Feed Icon Project: Drupal core
Project: BPMN.iO
Project: BPMN.iO
Project: BPMN.iO
Project: BPMN.iO
Project: BPMN.iO
Issue: Create a headline SDC component for Feed Icon Project: Drupal core
Project: Huggingface Provider
Project: Entity Mesh
Project: Notifier
Project: Notifier
Project: Entity Mesh
Issue: Try to simplify checks in AdminNegotiator Project: Drupal core
Issue: Replace operation links in the widget with a dropbutton Project: Office Hours
Project: Notifier
Project: Notifier
MR: API Connectivity
MR: API Connectivity
Issue: Try to simplify checks in AdminNegotiator Project: Drupal core
Issue: Try to simplify checks in AdminNegotiator Project: Drupal core
MR: API Connectivity
MR: API Connectivity
MR: API Connectivity
Project: Feeds
Project: Feeds
Project: Mailchimp marketing
Project: Mailchimp marketing
MR: API Connectivity
Issue: Automated Drupal 10 compatibility fixes Project: Mailchimp marketing
Project: Single Content Sync
Project: Symfony Mailer
Project: Symfony Mailer
Project: Symfony Mailer
Project: Symfony Mailer
Issue: Unable to access the "Core modules" source Project: Project Browser
Project: Single Content Sync
Project: Tagify
Issue: Unable to access the "Core modules" source Project: Project Browser
Issue: Fix phpcs warnings Project: ClamAV
Project: Flysystem
Issue: Unable to access the "Core modules" source Project: Project Browser
Project: Flysystem
Issue: Fix phpstan warnings Project: ClamAV
Issue: Fix phpstan warnings Project: ClamAV
Issue: Scheduler 2.2.0 breaks code Project: Scheduler content moderation integration
Issue: Fix phpstan warnings Project: ClamAV
Project: Office Hours
Issue: Scheduler 2.2.0 breaks code Project: Scheduler content moderation integration
Issue: Fix phpstan warnings Project: ClamAV
Issue: Fix phpstan warnings Project: ClamAV
Project: Symfony Mailer
Issue: Transition to 2.x Project: Symfony Mailer
Issue: Unable to access the "Core modules" source Project: Project Browser
Project: Office Hours