I created a patch to add a ludwig.json file to the module.
For it to work, you must enable the ludwig (
https://www.drupal.org/project/ludwig →
) module and access its settings.
The ludwig module will automatically download the library and execute it.
During the module update, files from the old version remained, which caused the error.
gerson.analista → created an issue.
I created a patch with support for the PhpRedis RedisCluster class:
I used the issue patch as a study base:
Implement initial RedisCluster client integration
Needs review
I'm still running some tests, but it seems to be working so far.
The default menu link is requered and always generates a record in "link__options" field of the {menu_link_content_data} table.
The new field created by the "Translatable menu link uri" module "link_override__options" on {menu_link_content_data} table is optional and his value table can be empty.
This fact causes the deprecated message in the core\lib\Drupal\Core\Entity\Sql\SqlContentEntityStorage.php file around line 602.
foreach ($columns as $property_name => $column_name) {
$column_attributes = $definition_columns[$property_name];
$values[$id][$field_name][$langcode][$property_name] = (!empty($column_attributes['serialize'])) ? unserialize($row[$column_name]) : $row[$column_name]; //Deprecated generated here
I marked this problem as active because I was investigating the problem further.
I have some sites that use this module, I thought I would find a way to avoid the deprecated message directly in this module, but by the way we will have to wait for the problem to be fixed in core of Drupal.