Account created on 5 April 2023, about 1 year ago

Merge Requests


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Volha_Si โ†’ changed the visibility of the branch 3449376-wrong-default-sorting to hidden.

I applied this patch and it caused the issue: menus are not translated anymore.
Opened a new ticket, as I cannot reopen this one. ๐Ÿ› Menu isn't translated after patch applying Active

after some investigation I found that here we have two separate problems (not domain-connected):

1) The default version is being set equal to custom on the custom version submission if the custom version is new (or 1.4, but let's discuss it here ๐Ÿ› When custom version is set to 1.4, the default changes and 1.4 is dublicated in the list of default version Needs work ).
As mcdruid explained, it works as designed but it's still confusing.
So I propose just to add a note that the default theme will be set equal to custom after submitting.

2) 'Default jQuery version' selector always shows the value of the Custom one (jquery_update_custom_version_jquery) instead of the Default (jquery_update_jquery_version) even if they are not equal.


  1. 1. Set the custom version to 3.5 and save configuration.
  2. 2. Change the default version from 3.5 to 2.2 and save configuration.

AR: the default version is still shown as 3.5. But in DB jquery_update_jquery_version is set to 2.2.

This issue should be fixed, as proposed in the issue description, because it makes no sense to show here the custom version under the title 'Default jQuery version'.
I've made the fix, review needed.

Poker10, thank you for your notice.
I've put the check after if/else - it will catch null in case of 'else'-branch execution and also in case of smth wrong during 'if'-branch execution.

The attached patch (#12) looks good for me, please commit the changes.

Created pull request to fix warnings like "\Drupal calls should be avoided in classes, use dependency injection instead". Because _pratik_'s MR doesn't fix these warnings.

Production build 0.69.0 2024