🇫🇷France @progzy

Account created on 24 June 2010, over 14 years ago

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🇫🇷France progzy

@cchoe1 you're welcome.

So I did it again. I did it at https://d0cq3.ply.st (admin/admin as user/pwd) so you can try by yourself (It only lasts 12h though). Any way here are the AJAX responses :

- First remove attempt that goes well: https://pastebin.com/raw/WyUbVTZX
- Second remove attempt that fails: https://pastebin.com/raw/THFdp2xS

Hope this helps.

- Drupal 8.6.5 (not sure it your patch works with 8.6.7)
- Paragraphs 1.5
- Patch https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2018-12-17/1038316-183.patch →

🇫🇷France progzy

I've tested with patch #183 and got issue.
I've used Paragraphs module (latest stable version just like Drupal , 8.6.5, installed with composer)

I've created a custom content type.
I've created 1 paragraph with a single plain text field and a unlimited link field.
I've added this paragraph as a unlimited field to this content type.

Then created content from previous content type and add 2 instances of the paragraphs with 3 links for each. Saved.

Now on edition if I try to remove second link of first paragraph it is actually removed. Then I try to remove second link of second paragraph, nothing happens (except spinner) when I click "Remove" (Even if I can see an AJAX call in debugger). I click "remove" again and everything is messed up.

Some other combinations also lead to a messy result as well.

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