Account created on 4 March 2005, over 19 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇨🇦Canada danrod

Done @Duwid

Do you have more more details about the spam that you are getting? I'll look into this tomorrow.

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Could we have a patch for this instead, for now?

🇨🇦Canada danrod

I'll move this to "Fixed" for now, I believe these functional tests will do just fine for now, if anyone has more suggestions of other tests that can/need to be implemented, please let me know, I plan to write another batch of issues in the next release.

Thanks !

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Thanks a lot for this, did another round of testing and worked fine, I'll move this to "Fixed".

🇨🇦Canada danrod

This looks good, I tested this and I added the user_register_form id in the Excluded form IDs field and the form was indeed excluded from the antibot protection:

🇨🇦Canada danrod

danrod made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Did another round of testing, I'll close this, I will create a new release shortly.

Thanks a lot to everyone involved !

🇨🇦Canada danrod

This is a duplicate of 🐛 TypeError: implode() RTBC

I'll mark this as Closed (duplicated)

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Thanks a lot @pyxio, I tested it and worked ok, I'll move it to RTBC.

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Thanks @BenStallings , could you create a MR against the 2.0.x branch please? I need to set that branch as the default one and not the the 8.x-1.x.

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Hi @Pawelgorski87 how's this going? are you going to create a merge request for it?

🇨🇦Canada danrod

I created a functional (basic) test for testing the google calendar service configuration, this could be a good start, I'd like to write tests for the calendar entity creation/edit/deletion in the near future, but I believe this is a good start and can be reviewed now:

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Attached a patch to make the drush wxt-cex command to work under WxT 5.2-dev, needs further testing.

🇨🇦Canada danrod

I was able to apply the patch #20 with no issues, I'll test the functionality

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Patch #2 applied ok on my side, still need to do some extra testing to see if the updated module actually works for D10, if not, we might need to consider rewriting this in a new custom module.

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Thanks @rclemings , I'll move this back to "Fixed" for now, let me know you findings on that, I can always look back on this issue.

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Hi @rclemings I did some test on a branch new and I didn't see this issue again, maybe the JS files of your site are being cached externally somewhere (Varnish/Cloudflare..)? Is anyone else having the same issue?

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Thanks for reporting this @rclemings , I didn't see this problem myself, reviewing now.

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Committed to the 7.x-1.x branch and created a new release:

Thanks a lot to everyone involved.

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Thank you !
I'll move this to RBTC and commit this patch to the 7.x-1.x branch.

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Merged to the 2.0.x branch, thanks !

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Makes sense, I'll push this to the 2.0.x branch.

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Thanks for the patch !

I tested this and works as expected, I was able to do a webform submission (the webform was set to use an AJAX request for all submissions) and worked fine, no errors seen in the browser console.

There are some issues when running the tests on this module (mentioned in the comment #6), but I'll address these issues in a separate issue: 🐛 Fatal error when running tests Needs work

I'll commit this to the 2.0.x branch.

Moving this to "Fixed"

🇨🇦Canada danrod

I am getting this error when trying to run the tests, does anyone have any idea what is triggering this error?

$  ../vendor/bin/phpunit -c core modules/contrib/antibot
PHPUnit 9.6.15 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Testing /var/www/html/web/modules/contrib/antibot
..E                                                                 3 / 3 (100%)

Time: 00:10.177, Memory: 4.00 MB

There was 1 error:

1) Drupal\Tests\antibot\FunctionalJavascript\AntibotJavaScriptTest::testJavaScript
TypeError: trim(): Argument #1 ($string) must be of type string, bool given


Tests: 3, Assertions: 15, Errors: 1.

HTML output was generated

I'll try to investigate this today, meanwhile I'll move this to "Needs Work"

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Thanks @Jay Jangid, committed and attributed !

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Created a new release with this patch:

Thanks a lot to everyone involved, and let me know if there are still issues with this.

Moving this to "Fixed" for now.

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Thanks everyone for the feedback, I just committed the patch to the 2.0.x branch, I'll release a tag version shortly.

I'll work towards creating a similar patch to the 7.x-1.x branch.

🇨🇦Canada danrod

I think It can be reviewed again now, applied some flexbox to move the footer to the end of the page:

🇨🇦Canada danrod

I applied the patch #14 with no issues, tested this on a DEV site exposed to the internet and haven't got any spam for now (again, it is a dev site so it isn't getting a lot of requests).

Please let me know how this is working on your end (not getting spam after applying the patch) and I'll commit this to the 2.0.x branch.

I'll try to create a patch for the 7.x-1.x version.

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Fixed it, I added an extra media query for removing the space if screen width is less than 992px, please review:

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Thanks a lot !.
Committed and attributed.

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Created a MR to review this, I added a min-height property in the node div class, please review:

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Created a MR for this, please review.

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Thanks a lot @gaurav.kapoor !

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Thanks !, moved to "Fixed":

🇨🇦Canada danrod

This seems to work well for the 3.0.x-dev release (attached screen), I'll cherry-pick the same changes to the 8.x-2.x branch, I'll move this to "Fixed" for now:

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Hello !
I'd like to be a co-maintainer on this, I maintain over 50 projects and I fix/review issues on a day-to-day basis, here's my profile:

🇨🇦Canada danrod

I'm seeing the same issue here, it looks like the *.map files are being invoked from these files:

./html/libraries/wet-boew/js/wet-boew.js line 1456:



./html/profiles/wxt/modules/custom/wxt_ext/wxt_ext_editor/css/cke5-theme-gcweb.css line 19436:

/*# */

Can we try to re-build the assets and include the map files? I tried to do this myself but I couldn't find the cke5-theme.sass file for that.

🇨🇦Canada danrod

I merged all the fixes to the 3.0.x branch for testing, please look for instructions in the file on how to install the JS libraries with composer, I also removed the dependency drupal:libraries in the *.info.yml file since it was causing some issues documented here: 💬 Drupal\Component\DependencyInjection\ReverseContainer::generateServiceIdHash(): after installing libraries module Postponed: needs info

🇨🇦Canada danrod

I am having the same issue if I list the libraries module as a dependency in my custom module *.info.yml file.

🇨🇦Canada danrod

danrod changed the visibility of the branch 3346567-js-libraries to active.

🇨🇦Canada danrod

danrod changed the visibility of the branch 3346567-js-libraries to hidden.

🇨🇦Canada danrod

danrod changed the visibility of the branch 3346567-js-libraries to active.

🇨🇦Canada danrod

danrod changed the visibility of the branch 3346567-js-libraries to hidden.

🇨🇦Canada danrod

This seems to work now:

I am closing this for now.

🇨🇦Canada danrod

I think I've found a way to implement this, I'll move this to "Active"

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Moving this to "Fixed" for now, thanks for pointing this out, credited.

🇨🇦Canada danrod

I can see that the pipelines worked ok, can be moved to "Needs Review" for now:

🇨🇦Canada danrod

Updated both 8.x-2.x and 3.0.x branches with the new download link, and also updated the project's page, please review, otherwise I'll move this to "Fixed" since it is small documentation change.

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