- 🇺🇸United States pfrilling Minster, OH
The markup is changing in https://www.drupal.org/project/project_browser/issues/3485747 🐛 The multi-category filter needs to be an actual set of labeled checkboxes Active . This will likely need a rebase once that fix lands.
- 🇺🇸United States bdh676 Springfield, MA
Some icons are not a uniform size, such as Content Editing Experience and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- 🇩🇪Germany rkoller Nürnberg, Germany
Yes thank you removing the
attribute made the installed button keyboard accessible. the only thing i would still add is thenot-allowed
cursor so for keyboard users it is signified it is not clickable in case they try. cuz with aria-disabled one can click but it has no effect.In regards of the styling of the button. the styling of the button in your first screenshot looks not in line with the drupal design system. the styling in the second link goes in the direction of the action link i've suggested. problem, the label (installed) has a too low color contrast. the grey has a color conrast of ~2.5:1, but bold typography should have at least 3:1. and the checkmark also looks not in line with the drupal design system. i guess if the button label would use the color used on the example here: https://www.figma.com/design/OqWgzAluHtsOd5uwm1lubFeH/💧-Drupal-Design-system?node-id=5315-242&node-type=frame&t=gS098wgWgrUhycl8-0 (stylguide -> action link -> lists and spacing ) as well as the checkmark it might look more consistent with claro? (but not sure where the svg for that checkmark is located)