Denver, CO
Account created on 7 November 2005, about 19 years ago

Merge Requests

Recent comments

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Thanks so much! It's very satisfying to see that green background and the shield icon.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

I filled out the survey. Thanks!

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Hi Dieter,

That'd be great to join us in co-maintaining the module. I've added you as a maintainer. I'll reach out directly to discuss next steps.


🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Small wording change to the title.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Move the page to the Drupal 8+ guide.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Removed empty heading.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Update title, add a link back to the Metatag module.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Updated the instructions per the new Google Search Console interface.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

I removed the calls to action to help contribute because the audience for this page is a stressed out site owner and it doesn't feel appropriate to ask them to also contribute back to Drupal in this situation.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Added link to converting theme files to Twig.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

This is a very exciting feature! I'm marking it as needs review since emanaton has contributed a patch for this.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Thanks everyone for your work on this. We need someone to test this with a long, complicated form using MaxLength 3.x to determine if this is still an issue.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

I tested this through the UI and everything continues to work as expected. So as long as it passes a code review by a maintainer this can be merged into the 3.x branch.

Thanks gaurav_manerkar for the code cleanup.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Hi alvarito75,

Thank you for reporting this bug. While it is a frustrating one, I do not believe it meets the threshold of a major issue. See the Major bug criteria for more info.

For example, there is a workaround here by reordering the field's values, saving the form and then editing the form again.

That said, this is still important to resolve and welcome any community contributions to fix it.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Hi Stefan,

Thank you for your ongoing testing and investigation of this issue!

I support your proposal of using hook_library_info_alter to add the dependency in case the CKEditor5 module is enabled.

Since this is now only displaying a warning message, I am reducing the priority to minor.

I'll leave it assigned to joevagyok to review this suggested proposal and if you're up for it Joe, implement the proposed resolution.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Hi prudloff,

Thank you for reporting this and for contributing a patch. I agree with your suggestion to skip calling ml.strip_tags() on plain text text areas.

I'll leave this assigned to joevagyok for review.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Thanks for contributing this fix Heather. I've confirmed this does indeed implement the proposed resolution. Marking this as RTBC. The next step is getting final approval from the Views Show More maintainers.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Thanks for checking in on this Gaurav. Since my company is standardized on Pantheon, which doesn't support BigPipe I can't review whether the patch does indeed fix the issue. Can you test this with BigPipe installed and confirm whether or not it still fixes the issue?

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Thanks stefan for your latest patch and thoughts. It sounds like we need to make a decision on whether the current patch is acceptable or if an approach inspired by yours that is more flexible needs to be done.

Personally, I am ok with the simpler, existing approach but defer to the Views maintainers and broader community.

I've updated the remaining tasks section with my understanding of where to go from here.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

I've tested this in Claro and it happens there too. However, there must be something unique to my website's set up because I tried recreating this on a vanilla Drupal site and was able to create a new webform without issue.

Marking this as Postponed, maintainer needs more info while I look into other conditions that are contributing to this issue.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Thanks for reporting this issue acemichael,

I can reproduce this issue as well.

A workaround is to save the form, edit it again and the MaxLength functionality begins working again.

I'm going to update this to be a 3.x-dev issue since that is the new version we will be actively maintaining.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Thanks for sharing your solution macdev_drupal.

drs2034, does that suggestion work for your situation?

If so, we would appreciate you updating the documentation with your findings. We'll be sure to credit you on this issue if you do. Thanks!

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Hi Marco,

Thank you for reporting this. How many characters are in the body field when this occurs? I tested this with 30,000 characters in the body field and was still not able to recreate the issue.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Thanks Alejandro. Since it's better for us to fix 🐛 Line break count is broken Active rather than add an extra configuration option, I'm going to close this and mark it as a duplicate.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

I've tested this as an editor and it works as expected. Marking reviewed and tested by the community.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

This is still an issue in Drupal 10+ so I'm re-opening this issue. I'm also adding the Usability tag because this helps users who are posting comments on a site.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Added info about file deletion permissions.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Add information on how to delete files.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Updating this to a feature request since it's not possible to override the Comment Notify label.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

I've updated the task description based on the UX committee's recommendations.

As the Comment Module's maintainers, @larowlan or @andypost can you review the proposed resolution and state whether you approve of the proposed resolution? And if not, list out your concerns and ideally an alternative proposal?

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

I think this is now working. You can change the date format displayed on a comment by doing the following:

  1. Visit the Manage display form of the Comment view mode that displays the comment (eg: Full Content)
  2. Click the gear icon next to the Created field.
  3. Change the date format to the one of your choosing.
  4. Save the Manage display form.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Hi Alejandro,

In that case this other issue sounds like the same problem you're experiencing - 🐛 Line break count is broken Active

Is that right?

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

I tested this and the countdown counter does not update as I enter text into a formatted text field with CKEditor 5. The same thing happens in the 3.0.x branch in general, before applying this merge request. When I save the node and then return to edit the node, the character count starts at the correct count, but then does not update as I type.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Marking this as needs review to double check this patch works with the 2.x version.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

I am also able to install and configure the module as expected. Marking this, "Postponed (maintainer needs more info)."

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

This is a really helpful module. Thanks all who've contributed to it so far.

It would be great to issue a stable release of the module.

Reviewing the issue queue, I don't see any major bugs that would prevent a stable release from being issued.

I've taken a first pass of a roadmap.

The 3.0.1 version works in the normal priority bugs. The 3.1 version includes feature requests and a minor bug.

What do folks, especially the maintainers, think?

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

cedewey created an issue.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

I was pleasantly surprised to find that menu items added through the menu admin form did show up in the Views block I configured with the Menu Children filter.

I assumed it wouldn't work based off this sentence on the project page under the "Limitations" section,

Also, the menu links need to be created inside the node, so they have the "entity:" uri prefix. "internal:" is NOT currently supported.

So does that mean this does indeed work and that limitation is no longer there? Or is that limitation on the project page describing something else?

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

A miniconference sounds like a good idea. I'd be interested in helping with that.

I also would be interested in a smaller event, such as a webinar or "office hours" event that helps site owners with the first steps of assessing their site and helping them plan next steps.

markdorison, your company, Chromatic's Drupal 7 Roadmap 45 minute workshop sounds very similar to what I had in mind.

Also, I'm involved in the Nonprofit Technology Network's Drupal Community of Practice and Denver Drupal's meetup. I could see an event like this happening through either of those communities.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

I'm generally free from 2-5pm Mountain Time and would love to meet up with others working on this initiative. Thanks!

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

I agree with joevagyok that we shouldn't introduce a setting for behavior the site builder expects by default.

For version 3.0 we will 🌱 Remove CKEditor 4 support Active so that is worth taking into account with as we decide on the best solution.

Also, can someone update the steps to reproduce? I'm still unclear on what specific scenario causes this problem, since some are reporting that it is not happening with Paragraphs.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Hi alejico,

Thank you for filing this issue. The current counting of blank spaces and line breaks as how the module is intended to work, so I'm updating this to be a feature request.

If we were to implement this, do you envision this being a universal setting at a new Configuration page for MaxLength? That's what I'm envisioning as it would be confusing to an editor for the character limit functionality to behave differently between forms on the same site.

Also, it seems that if we do this that there be one setting for counting line breaks and another for spaces. I can see an editor wanting to count space, but not line breaks, for example.

Also, to be transparent, I'm not convinced this feature is in line with our values of:

  • helpful for authors
  • intuitive for site builders
  • sustainable for site owners
  • extendable for developers

So we might not approve this feature request. We'll keep the discussion open for now though, to learn more from yourself and other community members on the value of this feature.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

I've also tested out this module and cannot find any added functionality after enabling it. I created a View and looked throughout its options and there was nothing related to menus provided.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Hi all,

I found this discussion helpful. I believe we have answers to the initial question this issue asks,

What else then the contribution credit types named on the service page do influence the marketplace ranking?

I've done the following to try and resolve this issue:

  1. Updated the issue category to Support request and component to Documentation since this is seeking an answer to a question, not a request to enhance the functionality of
  2. Drafted an answer below in this comment and in the issue description so that people who visit this issue can easily read the answer.
  3. Updated the Contribution Credit Weight and Impact on Ranking documentation page with a link to the source code of the algorithm.


The Contribution Credit Weight and Impact on Ranking documentation page lists out all of the forms of contribution that influence the marketplace ranking.

You can always view the code itself that calculates the marketplace ranking by viewing the function drush_drupalorg_org_credit() in the drupalorg > drupalorg > file.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Add a link to the code itself that calculates the contribution credits.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Re-opening this to see if I can reproduce the issue and to review the proposed fix.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

I see the Drupal 7 Soft Landing Initiative is looking for more co-maintainers. I would love to help with this effort. 💙

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Hi anoyonmus,

I followed your steps to reproduce and did not encounter this error. Please add more details on how to recreate this.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Can you include steps for how to recreate this issue? I haven't encountered this problem before. Also, I am getting spam vibes from this post. Your account was created right around the same time you created this issue and your only activity are two issues in this project, the other being a similarly sparse bug report and immediate fix.

I hope I'm wrong and if so I apologize for the false assumption. To avoid being misinterpreted as spam, please follow the issue template when creating issues and fill out the prompts as thoroughly as you can. Thanks. :)

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Hi Diwakar,

This is a great start towards the first step of formatting the text. We should create an actual help page that differs from the file. For example, we don't need info about installing the module on the help page, since a user only sees this page after they've installed and enabled the module.

I think though we can keep these improvements you've made to the file.

Next steps are to create a standalone help page and draft text geared towards sitebuilders explaining how to configure the module.

If you want to take a pass at that, feel free to! Otherwise I'll try and work on this in the next week or two.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

I like that aspiration! I've added it as a goal.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Good news! This issue has been fixed from the merge request for 🐛 Entire comments form can be hidden by Comment Notify's JavaScript Fixed . Marking this fixed.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Finished adding info to the table.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Updated info into a table.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Add Admin Content Notification module to the list.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

This is now complete.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Escalating this to Major since it "Interfere with normal site visitors' use of the site." See

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Thanks all for the work on this. Assigning to gnuget to review the code.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Thanks all for working on this fix. I'm updating this to a Bug report and assigning it to gnuget for a code review.

🇺🇸United States cedewey Denver, CO

Escalating this to a major issue, since it "Interfere with normal site visitors' use of the site." See

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