🇨🇾Cyprus @EliasPapa

Account created on 30 April 2018, over 6 years ago

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🇨🇾Cyprus EliasPapa

All of my exposed filters seem to stop working when I add an autocomplete exposed filter.
The autocomplete filter never finds any results, it only seems to load for a few miliseconds and then stops.
My other filters do not work and they also do not retain their value when I press the apply button.
This seems to happen either when AJAX is enabled or disabled.
Everything works fine when I switch the autocomplete to a dropdown.

🇨🇾Cyprus EliasPapa

After carefully investigating the changes made to the file with the updates it would seem that the patch has been added into it so there is seemingly no need for it anymore.

🇨🇾Cyprus EliasPapa

Is there any chance this issue gets traction again?
Trying to filter by moderation state using JSON:API and I would highly appreciate the proposal from #11.

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