🇺🇸United States @benjifisher

Boston area
Account created on 30 December 2009, about 15 years ago

Merge Requests


Recent comments

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

We continued the discussion at 📌 Drupal Usability Meeting 2025-02-14 Active : @benjifisher, @rkoller, @simohell, and @worldlinemine.

It turns out that Selection List is more complicated that I anticipated.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

I think we should also re-implement the d8_config source plugin (see Comment #12 here). I added the child issue 📌 Move the d8_config source plugin to the migrate module Active .

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

More on the same point: the constructor for DrupalSqlBase sets the $entityTypeManager property, which is not used in the Config class.

The getSystemData() and variableGet() methods will not work with a D8+ source because they need the system and variable database tables. Most of the other methods in the class depend on getSystemData().

Also, DrupalSqlBase extends SqlBase in the migrate module. The base class defines getDatabase(), which is the basis for connecting to a secondary database. So the new class can extend SqlBase directly and still generate config items from the current database or another one.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

There are some differences between this issue and 📌 Move content_entity source plugin to migrate module Active .

The plugin ID d8_config is outdated. As part of this issue, do we want the new plugin ID to be config or drupal_config? If so, do we still want to remove the plugin annotation (or attribute after 📌 Convert MigrateSource plugin discovery to attributes Active ) from the existing class?

This class extends DrupalSqlBase, and we probably do not want to keep that class. Should we migrate some parts of that class (properties, methods) into the new plugin class? Should we create traits?

My initial thought is that we want to leave as much as possible behind. That means that the new plugin is more of a re-implementation than a straight move, which also argues in favor of choosing a new plugin ID. For example, DrupalSqlBase implements Drupal\Component\Plugin\DependentPluginInterface and uses Drupal\Core\Entity\DependencyTrait:

  public function calculateDependencies() {
    // Generic handling for Drupal source plugin constants.
    if (isset($this->configuration['constants']['entity_type'])) {
      $this->addDependency('module', $this->entityTypeManager->getDefinition($this->configuration['constants']['entity_type'])->getProvider());
    if (isset($this->configuration['constants']['module'])) {
      $this->addDependency('module', $this->configuration['constants']['module']);
    return $this->dependencies;

I think the new plugin does not need that.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

The patch from #35 does not apply to the 6.0.x branch.

  1. My version of git did not like the DOS-style line endings.
  2. My version of git did not like that there were some empty lines.
  3. There is a conflict from 🐛 Fix failing tests on HEAD Fixed .

I fixed (1) and (2) by editing the patch file. (I added a single space to the empty lines.)

I fixed (3) by checking out the commit before that issue, applying the patch, committing, and then rebasing on the 6.0.x branch.

It looks as though I did some of the early work on this issue, but I have not looked at the code changes in years. I am setting the status back to NR. Someone who has worked with this issue more recently should review and re-test after my rebase.

I created a MR for this issue, and I am attaching a patch for convenience.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

Since we are not adding tests to the 10.3.x branch, the current MR does not have any of my code. So I think I am eligible to review this issue: RTBC.

@smustgrave: As you pointed out in Comment #4, the same change, applied to the 11.x branch, causes a test failure. Looking at that failing test, I think the route subscriber is auto-wired (and so it is considered a bug to add the tag the old way).

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

I just noticed this issue, and I had a look at the commit:

--- a/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Cache/CacheTagsChecksumTrait.php
+++ b/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Cache/CacheTagsChecksumTrait.php
@@ -160,6 +176,13 @@ public function reset() {
+  /**
+   * Implements \Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheTagsChecksumPreloadInterface::registerCacheTagsForPreload()
+   */
+  public function registerCacheTagsForPreload(array $cache_tags): void {
+    $this->preloadTags = array_merge($this->preloadTags, $cache_tags);
+  }

Should we add array_unique() to that?

Second point:

--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Cache/EventSubscriber/CacheTagPreloadSubscriber.php
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ * Preloads frequently used cache tags.
+ */
+class CacheTagPreloadSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface {
+  public function __construct(protected CacheTagsChecksumInterface $cacheTagsChecksum) {
+  }
+  /**
+   * Preloads frequently used cache tags.
+   *
+   * @param \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Event\RequestEvent $event
+   *   The request event.
+   */
+  public function onRequest(RequestEvent $event): void {
+    if ($event->isMainRequest() && $this->cacheTagsChecksum instanceof CacheTagsChecksumPreloadInterface) {
+      $default_preload_cache_tags = array_merge([
+        'route_match',
+        'access_policies',
+        'routes',
+        'router',
+        'entity_types',
+        'entity_field_info',
+        'entity_bundles',
+        'local_task',
+        'library_info',
+        'user_values',
+      ], Settings::get('cache_preload_tags', []));
+      $this->cacheTagsChecksum->registerCacheTagsForPreload($default_preload_cache_tags);
+    }
+  }

I think we should add something to core/assets/scaffold/files/default.settings.php describing the new setting.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

In addition to the comment changes I requested yesterday, I think the new test needs a little change. Back to NW for that, but I think those are all easy changes to make.

I did some manual testing:

  1. Switch to 11.x or the feature branch.
  2. Install the standard profile.
  3. Enable the migrate module.
  4. Use drush php to exercise the plugin manager.
  5. Enable the migrate_drupal module.
  6. Repeat Step 4.

In Steps 4 and 6, I used the following commands. I am adding linebreaks here for readability, but I used one line to reduce the output.

$source_plugins = Drupal::service('plugin.manager.migrate.source')->getDefinitions();
foreach ($source_plugins as $key => $plugin) {
  $source_plugins[$key] = $plugin;

I am attaching the results as two text files (one for 11.x, one for the feature branch).

I see the following differences:

  1. In 11.x, the value of the 'provider' key is an array. In the feature branch, that array is assigned to 'providers', and the value of the 'provider' key is the first element of that array.
  2. In the feature branch, every plugin definition includes "minimum_version" => null,.
  3. In 11.x, every plugin derived from content_entity includes "deriver" => "\Drupal\migrate\Plugin\migrate\source\ContentEntityDeriver",. In the feature branch, the leading '\' is missing.
  4. In 11.x, every plugin derived from content_entity includes "source_module" => "migrate",. In the feature branch, it is "source_module" => "migrate_drupal",.

Of these, (1) is intentional. (2) may not be important, but perhaps it is worth being consistent. Probably it is worth changing (3). And (4) is a problem: 📌 Move content_entity source plugin to migrate module Active moved the content_entity source plugin to the migrate module and updated the source_module annotation, but the current MR missed that. This issue definitely NW for that.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

I have reviewed most of the changes in the MR. So far, I think all my suggestions are related to comments (including doc blocks).

There are about 115 files where the only changes are replacing annotations with attributes. Even if I ignore all the source plugins, that leaves 18 files, +468/-54 lines, which is more than enough for one MR. So I am convinced that dealing with source_module in a separate issue is the right decision.

I want to spend some more time reviewing the new automated tests, and I want to do some manual testing. Other than that, and the comment changes I suggested on the MR, I think this issue is ready to go. It is a good sign that the existing tests needed only minor updates.

Given the complexity of this MR and that it is close to ready, I think we should finish this issue instead of waiting on other issues that might make it simpler. We still have a nearly three months before 11.2.0-alpha1 is released. That should give us time to work on some of those issues after this one is fixed.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

When you tag an issue for usability review, please make it easy for the usability team to review the issue. Update the issue summary:

  • The "Proposed resolution" section should describe all the changes made in the issue.
  • The "User interface changes" should show the existing UI and the proposed UI.
  • The "Remaining tasks" should include one explaining the usability issue(s).

Most of the time, I prefer to have plain text in the "Proposed resolution" section and screenshots in the "User interface changes" section.

You can also attend the weekly usability meeting to present an issue.

I am adding the tag for an issue summary update and setting the status to NW.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

@rkoller, @worldlinemine, and I continued the word-smithing at 📌 Drupal Usability Meeting 2025-02-07 Active .

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area


Maybe we can make query() protected as part of 📌 Improve separation of concerns in SqlBase Active .

The tests still pass.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

One option, but not a very practical one, is to save SVG files as private files, not public. Then (somehow) Drupal could sanitize them on output.

I think a better option is to provide a file validator using a suitable PHP library. Then site owners and contrib module maintainers would have the option of adding SVG validation to any field that allows uploading SVG files. We could recommend using it and add it to the Standard and/or Umami profiles. But site owners would have the freedom to use it or not.

This option requires finding a suitable library that implements something like isSvgSafe(), returning bool. I have not researched such libraries.

One concern I have heard is that new vulnerabilities might be discovered in SVG files. The library we use might be updated, preventing new uploads of malicious files, but that would not help if such files have already been uploaded. I think a good way to deal with that would be to provide a field formatter that returns a boolean (Safe or Unsafe). We could add that formatter to /admin/content/files. After updates to the SVG library, site owners could filter on that value to search for existing, unsafe SVG files.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

The meeting just finished, and I am adding issue credit for the attendees.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

benjifisher created an issue.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area


From Comment #11:

This issue only affects the 10.3.x branch.

So we may decide not to fix this issue, but moving it back to the 11.x branch does not make sense.

Something went wrong with the link in your comment, but the list at https://www.drupal.org/about/core/policies/core-change-policies/allowed-... does not mention security fixes, which seems odd to me. The security team decided that this issue can be fixed in public, as a "security improvement" or "security hardening". I think that should make this issue eligible.

If new tests are not allowed, then that makes it easier. I removed the test and updated the MR.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

I rebased and resolved the merge conflict.

The only conflict was that this issue added a missing @return comment, and a different (more generic) one was added in 📌 Fix Drupal.Commenting.FunctionComment.MissingReturnComment in non-tests Needs review . I kept the comment added in this issue.

Back to RTBC.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

Are there any nodes in Umami that customize their layout? I think not:

MariaDB [db]> SELECT * FROM node__layout_builder__layout;
Empty set (0.001 sec)

I think that means that, in its current state, Umami does not need #3160146 in order to have its content saved in the default_content format used by recipes.

I was hoping that Umami would configure its display modes to "Use Layout Builder" but not "Allow each content item to have its layout customized." Unfortunately, the Full Content display mode of each content type has both options selected.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

I am adding the STR from Comment #3 to the issue summary. I have noticed the same thing.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

I tried adding \Drupal::service('router.route_provider')->reset(); to the test, but that did not help.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

Now that 🐛 Move content_translation I18nQueryTrait to migrate module Active is Fixed, we can un-postpone this one. The MR needs to be updated (simplified) after the work in that issue.

This issue still needs an issue summary update, now that we have agreed on the approach. (Again, that means simplifying.) This issue already has the tag for that.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

I published the change record, and I am about to un-postpone 📌 Convert MigrateSource plugin discovery to attributes Active .

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

The tests all pass now that the original commit is made on the 10.3.x branch.

I tried adding a test, but it is not working. :-( At least, it fails when I run it locally. I added the test to the MR anyway: maybe someone else can see what is wrong.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

I am adding 📌 Conditionally disable access to update manager routes Fixed as a related issue, since that is the issue that introduced the bug.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

This issue only affects the 10.3.x branch. I am updating this issue and changing the target of the MR. Let's see if that resolves the failing test.

This bug report needs tests. I am adding the tag for that and leaving the issue at NW, even if the tests pass.

I am adding issue credit for those who commented on the private issue.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

Somehow I missed that 🐛 Update manager routes are not disabled anymore when allow_authorize_operations is FALSE Active was created a few days ago. I am closing this issue as a duplicate.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

I implemented the proposed resolution, and I started working on a test. My test does not work, and I am not sure why. I committed it to the feature branch anyway. Maybe someone else will have a chance to look at it.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

We now have a version that addresses the request in #55 and also replaces the Functional test with a Kernel test. Back to RTBC.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area


Good find! Yes, a kernel test is much better.

On the principle that no good deed goes unpunished, I made several suggestions for changes on the MR.

We do not need both MRs. Either cherry-pick the last two commits from MR 10246 to MR 11081 or else cherry-pick the last commit in the other direction. (Or make one commit on MR 10246, incorporating my feedback.)

Maybe use a data provider so that the test-only job fails on all 5 source plugins instead of getting a fatal error on just the first one.

Finally, I think we may want to reuse the first part of the test (the part that breaks discovery for uninstalled modules). Eventually, we should move it to a trait, but I think it is premature to do that now, so let's start by making it a separate method in the test class. It should have at least one argument: a list (array) of module names to update.

I am not sure: for this test, is it better to break class discovery for all uninstalled modules or just for content_moderation? I am leaning toward the second option. That would also save a few lines of code.

If you prefer the first option, then the new method should default to acting on all uninstalled modules. And it should have a required first argument of module that can be asserted to be on the list: something like disablePsr4(array $expected, ?array $disabled = NULL): void. Maybe use longer, more descriptive, parameter names.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

The last few commits address the suggestion in Comment #55. Back to RTBC.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

I reviewed the changes. There is just one problem: we should add parameter type declarations as well as a return-type declaration. Back to NW for that.

On the plus side, I see that the earlier version of the MR only did part of the recommended deprecation. (It added @trigger_error() below the namespace line, but it did not add @deprecated and @see link-to-cr to the doc block). The current version fixes that: thanks.

Reference: https://www.drupal.org/about/core/policies/core-change-policies/how-to-d...

I also updated the change record (CR). It still targeted 10.3.x, and I updated that to 11.2.x. It said that several classes that use the trait were also being moved to migrate_drupal, which was the plan before Comment #31. I removed that section of the CR.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

There were merge conflicts in the PHPStan baseline file.

I rebased on the 11.x branch, skipping the commits that affected the baseline file. I also used the opportunity to simplify the git history. Then I manually removed the lines from the baseline for the removed test class and added an ignored error for the new version of that file with

phpstan analyze -c core/phpstan.neon.dist -b core/.phpstan-baseline.php

Back to NR to make sure I did not mess it up with my rebase. It looks as though PHPStan has already approved of the changes.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

Yes, the issue should go back to NR. I will review it soon, unless someone else does it first.

I think we made the same decision on 📌 Move content_entity source plugin to migrate module Active : keep the existing class intact and add type declarations to the new one. That issue seems to have merge conflicts, and I think I have time to handle that now.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

@joachim, @dcam:

Good news! We plan to keep the content_entity source plugin. In fact, 📌 Move content_entity source plugin to migrate module Active is currently RTBC.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

It looks as though I created the issue fork, but forgot to create the MR, when I made Comment #5. I just did that, and rebased the feature branch on the latest 2.0.x.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area


CR added and feedback on MR addressed.

Thanks for that. I made a few edits to the change record, and I reviewed the changes. LGTM

Then I remembered the T in RTBC.

I decided that I should do something close to a real-world test. I installed Drupal 7 and created 50 nodes with the devel_generate module. I checked the D7 database: there are 27 Article nodes, 9 of which have nid less than 17.

I set up a D11 site to connect to the D7 site: in settings.php,

$settings['migrate_node_migrate_type_classic'] = FALSE;
$databases['migrate']['default'] = [
  'database' => 'db',
  'username' => 'db',
  'password' => 'db',
  'host' => 'ddev-drupal7-db',
  'driver' => 'mysql',

I enabled the migrate_drupal and mymigration modules, including this implementation of hook_query_TAG_alter():

function mymigration_query_migrate_alter(AlterableInterface $query) {
  if ($query->hasTag('migrate_d7_node:article')) {
    $query->condition('n.nid', 17, '<');

With 11.x, I see all 27 Article nodes:

benji@drupal-web:/var/www/html$ drush cr && drush ms d7_node:article
 [success] Cache rebuild complete.
 ----------------- -------- ------- ---------- ------------- --------------- 
  Migration ID      Status   Total   Imported   Unprocessed   Last Imported  
 ----------------- -------- ------- ---------- ------------- --------------- 
  d7_node:article   Idle     27      0          27                           
 ----------------- -------- ------- ---------- ------------- ---------------

With the feature branch, I see just 9:

benji@drupal-web:/var/www/html$ drush cr && drush ms d7_node:article
 [warning] include_once(/var/www/html/core/modules/datetime/datetime.module): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory Extension.php:160
 [warning] include_once(): Failed opening '/var/www/html/core/modules/datetime/datetime.module' for inclusion (include_path='/var/www/html/vendor/pear/archive_tar:/var/www/html/vendor/pear/console_getopt:/var/www/html/vendor/pear/pear-core-minimal/src:/var/www/html/vendor/pear/pear_exception:.:/usr/share/php') Extension.php:160
 [success] Cache rebuild complete.
 ----------------- -------- ------- ---------- ------------- --------------- 
  Migration ID      Status   Total   Imported   Unprocessed   Last Imported  
 ----------------- -------- ------- ---------- ------------- --------------- 
  d7_node:article   Idle     9       0          9                            
 ----------------- -------- ------- ---------- ------------- --------------- 

The warning goes away if I clear caches a second time. It is probably because the feature branch does not have the commit for 📌 Deprecate views_field_default_views_data Active .

I can now honestly say this issue is RTBC.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

Remove duplication: "merge request or merge request". Perhaps it originally read "merge request or patch" and someone did an automated search-and-replace, changing "patch" to "merge request".

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

If I understand correctly, with-chrome means to use the service (Docker container) $_CONFIG_DOCKERHUB_ROOT/chromedriver:production, and with-selenium-chrome: means to use the service selenium/standalone-chrome:127.0. (Presumably the version will be updated as needed.)

After the change in MR 11021, the only tests in pipeline.yml using with-chrome will be 🖱️️️ PHPUnit Functional Javascript (non W3C legacy) and 🚲 Performance tests.

I notice there is also a 🩹 Test-only changes job defined in pipeline-test-only.yml. That job already has the service selenium/standalone-chrome:latest.

I am not at all sure how all this fits together, but

  1. The change in MR 11021 (switching to selenium-standalone-chrome looks like it will make the two jobs more consistent.
  2. I am surprised that there are two jobs with so much in common and yet not identical.
🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

Fix broken links in the list of former members.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

Add former members who were missing from the list. We compared users on s.d.o with the "former team members" role to the list here. The one account we skipped is "Issue administrator".

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

Add accents to chx's name. This is the version chx provided in a Slack thread.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

There have been 4 team leads to date, not 3. mlhess is the current one. According to https://www.drupal.org/about/core/policies/roles-and-responsibilities/pa... , the first three were chx, heine, and greggles.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

Add chx as a former member. In fact, chx is a former team lead according to https://www.drupal.org/about/core/policies/roles-and-responsibilities/pa... .

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

We continued the word-smithing at 📌 Drupal Usability Meeting 2025-01-24 Active : @benjifisher, @rkoller, @simohell, and @worldlinemine.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

benjifisher created an issue.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

I feel the same way. Thanks for all your contributions!

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area


Thanks for making the changes I suggested!

I see that you have several contribution credits already, but none yet for Drupal core. Maybe this will be your first. Good luck, and I hope you keep contributing!

I reviewed the changes in the MR, and they do what I requested in the issue summary. These changes are all on comment lines (the class doc block) so there is no need for testing.

Once these changes are merged into the 11.x branch, we should see them in the API docs: https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/core%21modules%21migrate%21src%21Plugi....

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

I added 📌 Improve separation of concerns in SqlBase Active , so I am removing the tag for a followup issue.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

The MR looks good to me. The test coverage is great, but I have a few suggestions to polish it a little.

I ran the test locally (with my suggested changes) and it passed. When I reverted the changes to SqlBase, the test failed as expected.

@heddn, I think this issue is close enough to RTBC that you can go ahead and draft the change record.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

We discussed this issue at 📌 [meeting] Migrate Meeting 2025-01-30 2100Z Active . We agreed that the changes suggested in Comment #46 should be done in a separate issue, so I am adding the issue tag for that and I am starting to review the MR here.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

We (@benjifisher, @godotislate, @mikelutz, and @quietone, with some input from @larowlan) discussed this issue on Slack (https://drupal.slack.com/archives/C226VLXBP/p1736647603190789).

Despite Comment #60, we agreed to convert annotations to attributes first, and then to deal with source_module, so I am postponing this issue on 📌 Convert MigrateSource plugin discovery to attributes Active . Once that issue is done, we will have to completely rewrite the MR here, but I think that will not be hard. We have already done the work of deciding what has to be done, and all we will have to do is re-implement it.

When I am feeling really optimistic, I think that if we can get both issues done before 11.2.0 is released, then we can skip the deprecation step. If source_module never exists as an attribute in a release of Drupal core, do we have to deprecate it?

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

Oops: I meant to update 📌 [meeting] Migrate Meeting 2025-01-30 2100Z Active , not this issue.

I think I will swap the titles.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

I reviewed the latest changes, and I think all the requested changes have been made.

Really minor point (not enough to hold up this issue, in my opinion): I would have changed (shortened) the namespace of the test instead of moving it (and creating two nested directories with no other contents).

I do not care much either way, but perhaps we should leave the trait in the content_translation module intact (but still deprecate it) instead of making it a wrapper for the new version of the trait. The only reason for doing that is so that we can add type declarations to the new code. This is the current approach in [$#3498915].

There is one remaining question, from @quietone:

Can the error be generated without using the Migrate UI?

It was hard to get a suitable test for this issue: I am still not sure why my STR do not generate an error in a test. @quietone created the first version of the current test, as a Functional test using migrate_drupal_ui. (See Comments #36, #38.)

Ideally, we should be able to write the test without using migrate_drupal_ui, but it does not look easy. There is a lot of logic in CredentialForm::validateForm() and in other methods in that form class, such as setupMigrations().

The test shows us that the man code is not well structured, but fixing that is out of scope for this issue and probably not worth the effort since migrate_drupal is going away "soon". This issue is holding up 📌 Convert MigrateSource plugin discovery to attributes Active and related issues, so I vote for leaving the test as is.

I re-reviewed the changes in the MR: back to RTBC.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

In #3498915-14: Move content_entity source plugin to migrate module , I noted several failing tests:

  1. Drupal\Tests\jsonapi\Functional\JsonApiFunctionalTest
  2. Drupal\Tests\file\Functional\DownloadTest
  3. Drupal\Tests\package_manager\Build\PackageInstallTest
  4. Drupal\Tests\package_manager\Build\PackageInstallSubmoduleTest
  5. Drupal\Tests\package_manager\Build\PackageUpdateTest
  6. tabbingManagerTest.js (I think: certainly one of the Nightwatch tests)

I see there is already a child issue 🐛 [random test failure] EditorSecurityTest::testEditorXssFilterOverride Active , but I do not see the others mentioned here. All these tests passed when I re-ran them.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

Failing tests:

  1. Drupal\Tests\jsonapi\Functional\JsonApiFunctionalTest
  2. Drupal\Tests\file\Functional\DownloadTest
  3. Drupal\Tests\package_manager\Build\PackageInstallTest
  4. Drupal\Tests\package_manager\Build\PackageInstallSubmoduleTest
  5. Drupal\Tests\package_manager\Build\PackageUpdateTest
  6. tabbingManagerTest.js (I think: certainly one of the Nightwatch tests)

I am re-running the tests, and I will add a comment to 🌱 [meta] Known intermittent, random, and environment-specific test failures Active .

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area

I resolved the new "unused parameter" error after discussing on Slack with @nicxvan and @mstrlan.

@mondrake, thanks for the comments on the MR. I replied to all three, even though I only made the changes suggested in one of them. I am adding credit to you for the review.

I updated the Proposed resolution in the issue summary: we decided not to make the old classes wrappers for the new ones (because we are adding type declarations that could break BC).

I still wonder whether I should remove core/modules/migrate_drupal/tests/src/Kernel/Plugin/migrate/source/ContentEntityConstructorTest.php, which tests the now-deprecated class. The MR copies that test class to core/modules/migrate/tests/src/Kernel/Plugin/source/ContentEntityConstructorTest.php.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area


Thanks for the link to the user-test script.

Making a prototype will be easy. Coming up with good interface text is hard, and that is what the usability team has been working on. Organizing user tests is also hard, and it will be great if you can manage that step.

🇺🇸United States benjifisher Boston area


Can you give a link to the script used for user testing and the results? If one of the tasks was to attach a media reference field to a content type, then it is not surprising that putting the option at the top level tested well. It is like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Did the test also ask users to attach a non-reusable image field?

The key difference between Image media and Image (file) fields is that media are reusable, and image fields are not. There are use cases for both. If someone chooses Media, reads the rather long description, and decides that they actually want an image field, then they have to back up, figure out that "File upload" is the right group, and choose that. It would be much easier if, at the time they read about the distinction, the other option were right there.

The usability team has spent a lot of effort on #3346539 recently. Any input there is very welcome. We added this issue because the suggestion came up while we were working on that issue, and we wanted to keep the discussion focused on the descriptions.

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