Account created on 5 February 2008, over 16 years ago
  • Senior Software Engineer at Acquia 

Merge Requests

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🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

Merged. Thanks, @Orkut Murat Yılmaz. 🙂

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

TravisCarden made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

TravisCarden changed the visibility of the branch 3448894-make-showhide-branch to active.

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

TravisCarden changed the visibility of the branch 3448894-make-showhide-branch to hidden.

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

TravisCarden changed the visibility of the branch 3447842-do-not-remove-html-attributes to active.

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

TravisCarden changed the visibility of the branch 3447842-do-not-remove-html-attributes to hidden.

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

Actually, I think it just conflicts with 📌 Deprecate Drupal\locale\Locale and its one method Fixed . I'll rebase it onto the commit right before that, but someone will need to advise on the new direction. I.e., does the new scope becoming reconciling it with the afore-mentioned #3422915? Or is this no longer a novice issue--or even obsolete?

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

Nice! Thanks for the quick turnaround. 🙂

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

TravisCarden changed the visibility of the branch 3445824-php-warning-in to active.

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

TravisCarden changed the visibility of the branch 3445824-php-warning-in to hidden.

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

Merged with a couple of little style tweaks for consistency. Thanks, @Rajeshreeputra!

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

TravisCarden made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

TravisCarden made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

@xjm: Evaluate dev dependencies · Issue #78 · php-tuf/composer-stager has been updated with issues for each dev dependencies, including justifications for each. I've knocked off a half dozen I felt OK about eliminating without debate.

And I have created Create a governance policy · Issue #300 · php-tuf/composer-stager

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

Fix broken link to

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

Obviously, this stalled forever ago. I've committed what was done at that time--with a minimum of link verification. If anyone wants to go further, they can open a new issue. Thanks!

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

Nice! Rerolled and committed. Thanks, everybody!

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

Well, whatever the test failures were (a million years ago), they weren't caused by this issue. I tested the fix manually, and it looks good. Committed. Thanks, everybody!

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

Oh, I see, @tobiasb. This is what you were talking about in 📌 PHP 8.2 Dynamic property creation - Deprecation issue Fixed . Yeah, that was silly. :p Committed. Thank you!

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

That should do it. Let me know if you still have any issues. With that, it's probably about time for a new release. I'll look through the issue queue and try to make one soon.

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

It looks like this is actually a CSS issue with a simple fix. I'll knock it out real quick.

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

Ooh, I just realized that I could use this as a mentoring exercise for someone who's never created an issue or an MR for Drupal core. I was never here... 😉

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

Fixed a link pointing to a non-existent anchor.

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

Nice! Those commits knocked off 15 dependencies. 👍 Updating the issue summary accordingly.

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

Also, the input format here doesn't support the <details> tag? 😒

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

^Here's an MR to get the ball rolling.

I also realized that an upstream change was required in Composer Stager, which has been made and committed in Merge HostInterface into EnvironmentInterface and move it into the API layer by TravisCarden · Pull Request #261 · php-tuf/composer-stager. It will be available in the next release (beta).

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

Sorry, @tedbow, I didn't see your comment about the case of the "OUT"/"ERR" strings... I see what happened there. It had to do with a refactoring of Composer Stager's interface with Symfony Process. It exposes a weakness that I have a solution to, to make such regressions harder to commit: enums. I'll share the result when it's ready for you.

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

Ha. I filed this almost 9 months ago; I don't remember details. I would just recommend doing a quick audit. I found the below with a quick grep, and I see a grammar error right away in the second message: "but not appear to have run recently".

$ ag -Q '>t(' */Validat*/*

94:        $this->messenger()->addError($this->t('Your site has not recently run an update readiness check. <a href=":url">Rerun readiness checks now.</a>', [
101:        $message = $this->t('Unattended updates are configured to run via the console, but not appear to have run recently.');
175:      $this->t('<a href=":url">See status report for more details.</a>', [

86:        'title' => $this->t('Update readiness checks'),
90:        'value' => $this->t('Unattended updates are configured to run via the console, but do not appear to have run recently.'),
98:        'title' => $this->t('Update readiness checks'),
102:        'value' => $this->t('Your site is ready for automatic updates.'),
155:      'title' => $this->t('Update readiness checks'),
189:      return $this->t(

37:      $this->t('Your site does not pass some readiness checks for automatic updates. Depending on the nature of the failures, it might affect the eligibility for automatic updates.') :
38:      $this->t('Your site does not pass some readiness checks for automatic updates. It cannot be automatically updated until further action is performed.');

52:        $this->t('This site has the Automated Cron module installed. To use unattended automatic updates, please configure cron manually on your hosting environment. The Automatic Updates module will not do anything if it is triggered by Automated Cron. See the <a href=":url">Automated Cron documentation</a> for information.', [

100:        $this->t('Cron has not run recently. For more information, see the online handbook entry for <a href=":cron-handbook">configuring cron jobs</a> to run at least every @frequency hours.', [

85:      $message = $this->t('Your site appears to be running on the built-in PHP web server on port @port. Drupal cannot be automatically updated with this configuration unless the site can also be reached on an alternate port.', [
94:        $message = $this->t('@message See <a href=":url">the Automatic Updates help page</a> for more information on how to resolve this.', [

30:      $event->addError([$this->t("Unattended updates are not allowed while Xdebug is enabled. You cannot receive updates, including security updates, until it is disabled.")]);

58:      $event->addError([$this->t('No updates detected in the staging area.')]);
70:              $this->t(
83:            $this->t(

48:      $invalid_extensions = array_map($this->t(...), $invalid_extensions);
49:      $event->addError($invalid_extensions, $this->t('The update cannot proceed because database updates have been detected in the following extensions.'));

57:      'drupal-module' => $this->t('module'),
58:      'drupal-custom-module' => $this->t('custom module'),
59:      'drupal-theme' => $this->t('theme'),
60:      'drupal-custom-theme' => $this->t('custom theme'),
74:        $new_packages_messages[] = $this->t(
94:        $removed_packages_messages[] = $this->t(
116:        $version_change_messages[] = $this->t(

39:        $this->t('Drupal cannot be automatically updated during cron to the recommended version, @target_version, because it is not a stable version.', [

38:        $this->t('Update version @target_version is lower than @installed_version, downgrading is not supported.', [

41:        $this->t('Drupal cannot be automatically updated from @installed_version to @target_version because automatic updates from one major version to another are not supported.', [

37:        $this->t('Drupal cannot be automatically updated from the installed version, @installed_version, because automatic updates from a dev version to any other version are not supported.', [

185:        $summary = $this->t('Updating from Drupal @installed_version to @target_version is not allowed.', [
191:        $summary = $this->t('Updating from Drupal @installed_version is not allowed.', [

74:          $this->t('Drupal cannot be automatically updated from @installed_version to @target_version because automatic updates from one minor version to another are not supported.', [
85:        $this->t('Cannot update Drupal core to @target_version because it is not in the list of installable releases.', [

37:        $this->t('Drupal cannot be automatically updated during cron from @installed_version to @target_version because @target_version is not a security release.', [

38:        $this->t('Drupal cannot be automatically updated during cron from its current version, @installed_version, because it is not a stable version.', [

40:        $this->t('Drupal cannot be automatically updated from @installed_version to @target_version because automatic updates from one minor version to another are not supported during cron.', [

89:      $this->t('The currently installed version of Drupal core, @installed_version, is not in a supported minor version. Your site will not be automatically updated during cron until it is updated to a supported minor version.', [
100:      $messages[] = $this->t('Use the <a href=":url">update form</a> to update to a supported version.', [
105:      $messages[] = $this->t('See the <a href=":url">available updates page</a> for available updates.', [
🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

Thank you, @tobiasb. Would you please create a new issue for that? ...and include a little more detail? :)

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

Issue queue maintenance: this one has passed the one decade threshold without activity, which is my official cutoff. 😉 Closing.

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

I've gone ahead and released seo_checklist 7.x-4.2 --as a goodwill gesture. :) The branch remains unsupported, and no more changes will be accepted.

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

Thanks for the contribution! But I don't think this adds any information that's not on the configuration screen already. I'm going to decline this one.

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

Great; merged. Thanks, everybody! I'll try to get a release out today.

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

TravisCarden made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

Thanks, everybody! I'll see if I can make a stable release today.

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

TravisCarden made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

Thanks for the feedback, @lobodacyril! Are you sure that behavior is coming from here? It looks like the setting for trailing commas in JSON is this:

    <option name="KEEP_TRAILING_COMMA" value="true" />

But that's absent from the JSON settings in the current Drupal.xml:

  <codeStyleSettings language="JSON">
    <option name="WRAP_LONG_LINES" value="true" />
      <option name="CONTINUATION_INDENT_SIZE" value="2" />
      <option name="TAB_SIZE" value="2" />

I'll bet it's from your local preferences. You can see you those by exporting your active configuration and comparing them.

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

The current PR seems to be working for people, so I'm going to go ahead and merge it in lieu of further feedback. Obviously, we can follow-up issues as needed. Thanks, all. 🙂️

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

Affirming what @phenaproxima said: the --ansi and --no-ansi options control whether the command output uses ANSI escape codes or not. Such codes are only for visual effects like colors in the terminal where they have special meaning and get parsed out. In any other context they'll be taken raw, making output effectively useless in scripts. If you're seeing apparent nonsense like \e[0;37m in your command output, that's what it is. You definitely don't want to use the --ansi option if you're parsing command output. And while --no-ansi should be the default behavior, it wouldn't hurt to always use it.

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

Update: there's ongoing requirements-and-design discussion on Add support for string translation for names, descriptions, and messages. The scope has increased somewhat as a result, and there's still quite a bit of work left. But it's still moving along at a good pace without any surprises.

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

Update from my end: I'm continuing to work on the Composer Stager v2.0.0 milestone, most notably Add support for string translation for names, descriptions, and messages. Things are moving along nicely, but there's a non-trivial amount of work left.

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

There you go, @vuil.

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

Thanks, @Adil_Siddiqui! Turns out this was already solved in #3310067: Use \Drush\Commands\DrushCommands::logger() in ChecklistapiCommands . But you did the work, and I gave you commit credit. 🙂️

What we need is to release the fix, so I've created v2.1.2 and renamed this issue accordingly. If you update, the issue should go away for you.

Thanks, everyone!

🇺🇸United States TravisCarden

I'll try to post some updates here as I make progress toward a stable v2.0.0 release of Composer Stager. I knocked two issues off the milestone checklist today. Of the two remaining, one should be pretty simple. Eliminating the dependency on Symfony Filesystem could potentially take some doing (but I can't say until I get started). I do plan to add an issue to the milestone for some refactoring that I want to do while I can still make BC-breaking changes. I don't want that opportunity to get away, but I'm trying not to go crazy.

Production build 0.69.0 2024