Add the ability to abort adding a component

Created on 31 October 2024, 4 months ago


If you start to place a component on the canvas and change your mind, there's no apparent way to abort or cancel, depending on minor circumstances. If you haven't hovered over a slot yet, you can effectively abort by dropping it on the primary menu on the left--though it won't give any indication that's what's going to happen. If you've already hovered over a slot, activating the blue placement indicator, that doesn't work.

Proposed resolution

Allowing the user to cancel adding a component after starting to place it.

User interface changes

Perhaps adding something akin to a drop zone. Or maybe just if you drop something on the empty canvas. A clear signifier on the cursor would be good, too. macOS Finder has a good example UI for cancelling removing favorite from the sidebar:

✨ Feature request





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🇺🇸United States traviscarden

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