🇮🇩 GMT+7
Account created on 29 February 2008, over 16 years ago

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🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

In the case of module handler, even if without changes from 📌 Allow needs_destruction services to run on page cache hits Needs review , decorators that don't implement DestructableInterface will also fail in 10.2 if we apply 📌 Replace RequestCloseSubscriber with needs_destruction tag on ModuleHandler Fixed .

this just because the call changed from writeCache which declared in ModuleHandlerInterface to destruct which is new implementation.

As for 📌 Allow needs_destruction services to run on page cache hits Needs review , I don't think we can access decorated/original service from DrupalKernel, so even if we register the original service in kernel.destructable_services (eg hux.module_handler.inner) we won't be able to get it from the Kernel with $this->container->get('hux.module_handler.inner').

Perhaps, instead of a parameter we can create a service that can receive the original service as the argument, but that will initialize the instance and defeat the purpose of $this->container->initialized($id).

I can't see any other solution than:

  • Implement DestructableInterface from the service's interface, not implementation, this will enforce decorators to implement that also.
  • Let it be the decorator's responsibility to implement DestructableInterface, but the container will crash if it is not.
🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

el7cosmos made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

I created an MR to decorate the event dispatcher service instead, but this only works in 10.3.

If we want this on 10.2 also, we can create a compiler pass similar to https://git.drupalcode.org/project/drupal/-/commit/6e733866fe414d0521be3... that only works for <10.3 (eg using deprecation helper)

🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

el7cosmos made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

el7cosmos created an issue.

🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

@j-barnes the MR only affects when importing configuration during site installation, this won't handle running the config import after the site is installed

🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

el7cosmos made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

el7cosmos created an issue.

🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

el7cosmos created an issue.

🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

el7cosmos made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7
🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

el7cosmos created an issue.

🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

This is still missing "Add More" button.

Also, not a duplicate of related issue.

🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

el7cosmos created an issue.

🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

el7cosmos created an issue.

🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

el7cosmos created an issue.

🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

el7cosmos created an issue.

🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

el7cosmos created an issue.

🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

el7cosmos created an issue.

🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

el7cosmos created an issue.

🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

el7cosmos created an issue.

🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

Create an MR to disable the module handler decorator during site installation. Really appreciate it if anyone is able to review and test it.

🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

This is because Drupal rebuilds the container each time a module is installed. Since this module doesn't provide events during site installation I think it makes sense to disable the module handler decoration.

🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

el7cosmos made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

Left a comment in the MR

🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

Can you provide a step to reproduce? I can't reproduce this on a clean install

🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

sorry, wrong issue, this was meant for https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3421010 📌 Convert ViewsArgumentValidator plugin discovery to attributes Active

🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

el7cosmos made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇩Indonesia el7cosmos 🇮🇩 GMT+7

Thanks, @gaurav_manerkar, this looks very good, just one minor I left on the MR

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