Account created on 3 January 2012, about 13 years ago

Recent comments

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Hi @goodboy. The Short description on the cards pulls from the Summary field on your project page. If the Summary field is empty, the first 200 characters of the Description field are displayed. followed by ellipses.

That's why Autoban displays a short description of "🇺🇦 This module is maintained by Ukrainian developers. Please consider supporting Ukraine in a fight for their freedom and safety of Europe. Advanced ban is a replacement to Drupal core Ban module…"

Enter text in the Summary field (off of the Description field - note it may be hidden) and you should be all set.
Note - The short description should answer this question (in a non-technical way): "What does this module do?" or "Why would I install this?"
The short description can be be up to 200 characters. Do not start the description with "The xx module ..." as the module name will display above the short desciption.

You should also check the categories assigned. We recommend one category, however you can have up to three if you feel your module should fall under additional categories, For guidance on category selection, please read Category Descriptions .

A reference that will be helpful Module Maintainers: How to update projects to be compatible with Project Browser

🇺🇸United States leslieg

My thoughts on this - from a site builder perspective only:
- Agree that the filter criteria should all have the grey background so folks understand that all the filters work together. Shortening the Search text box and combining the text "Search" with the text box on one line and placing that line within the grey area would make things more compact.
- There are several places where there is a large vertical gap that could be reduced, both within the grey filter area and in the results area (above the number of results)
- A lot of work went into placement and functionality of the other filters (categories, security coverage, ...) so I would not move or change them
- the # of results and List/Grid buttons should remain in the results area, not in the grey filter area.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

This documentation should help: Module Maintainers: How to update projects to be compatible with Project Browser

Check the requirements and ensure the logo.png is on your default branch. It is not displaying on the project page to the left of the project name. (could be the Cache issue mentioned above) Also, please remove the logo from the first image on your project page as that is no longer the recommendation.


Note - also check the Short Description and Category requirements to help make your module easier to find and understand in the Project Browser.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Marking this issue as fixed. Current categories on the Project page are "Content editing experience and Security". The recommendation was only "Security". Maintainers know the module best and can select the categories they feel are most appropriate.

Note - the older updates on this issue occured before the Categories options were updated.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

A couple of minor changes should be made for compatability with Project Browser:

1. Update the logo to be 512x512 and try to reduce the file size to something closer to 10k. It is currently 38k

" Create a logo that is 512x512 square dimension in PNG format without animations. Suggested file size should be 10k or less"

2. Remove the logo as the first image on the project page (see attached antibot_projectpage.png)

"If you previously added a logo as the first image on the project page, please remove it. Project Browser will no longer be using the first image as the logo."

3. Make sure you added logo.png on your project's default branch

See the full requirements for Project Browser compatability here -

🇺🇸United States leslieg

The text "If you cannot use Composer, you may download the module manually through your browser." has been removed from the View Commands popup.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Agree with you James. Would be great if this could be completed this week.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Moving to RTBC based on latest comment

🇺🇸United States leslieg

@svendecabooter It's fine to update the suggested short description as long as you followed the convention of 200 characters or less and non-technical. Also that you didn't use the project name in this summary - for example - we don't recommend "The External Authentication module ..."

For the categories we did not recommend those two additional categories, however if you feel they should be used for your module then it's fine to leave them.

This can be marked as RTBC if it adheres to those recommendations. Thanks for checking.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

The logo meets the requirements of 512x512, file size is close to 10k and the logo is correctly named logo.png. The file is in the root folder of the repository. (note - this need to be in the default branch). Also the existing logo needs to be removed as the first image on the d.o project. Please check that @zaporylie

🇺🇸United States leslieg

@carsoncho. The new categories for projects(modules) on D.O with their descriptions, can be found at

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Thanks for the update. We did an automated mapping of categories and were just letting maintainers know which new category was selected in case they felt their module belonged in another category. This issue can be marked as fixed,

🇺🇸United States leslieg

This years trainers were Rod Martin (rodmartin), Mike Anello (ultimike), April Sides (weekbeforenext) and Jennifer Smith (not on

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Hi @camhoward. Thanks for the inquiry. The Project Browser team did not introduce the dump truck. That was part of the existing logo for Backup_migrate. We resized the logo, etc to make it comptable with Project Browser. The logo we provided is a suggestion, your team is welcome to change the logo to better reflect the module if you wish. The requirements for the logo can be found at Let us know if you have any questions.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Moving back to "Needs work" for the changes to the "staging" language that @hrisfromredfin added to the MR.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

After manaull testimg I can confirm that the wrench icon appear on the correct place on the card when the Project is maintained and does not display when the project is unsupported.

Needs a code review

🇺🇸United States leslieg

hi @ty. Thanks for your thoughtful questions and apologies for delay in responding.

This issue was created when there were 55 categories that could be added to a module on the project page. After listening to community concerns and evaluating the best way forwrd to endure that categories would be a beneficial filter for Project Browser's target audience (sitebuilders and those new to Drupal), the decision was made to take a step back and take a good look at the categories that existed, the number of categories that could be selected, etc. We spent quite a bit of time working with the Drupal community on this and made the decision to reduce the number of categories from 55 down to 19 and to limit the number of categories that could be selected for a mudule to three.

We understood that this was a major change. Before we reopened all the category issues for rework, we worked with the Drupal Association the implementation of a migration plan to map and automatically update the existing categories. 🌱 Migrating "Categories" on Project pages Fixed

We also creating a document outlining the suggested use of the various categories. A document with category descriptions was created and added to the Maintainers page on .

The "Security" category was defined as: Help protect the website from attackers or bad actors, by identifying, preventing, or mitigating security vulnerabilities.

All modules previously using the Spam category were migrated to the new Security category.

As the module maintainer you can select two additional categories if you feel that Honeypot falls under categories in addition to Security. Please review the definitions while making your decisions.

Please reach out if you have additional questions or concerns.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

While we were doing discovery. this was added as a sort due to people asking - how do I find modules that were added recently so I can decide if there is something newer than what I am currently using. Not sure how many foks would actualy use it. Maybe we start with "sort by relevance" only and then re-address this option if folks start asking for it. Interested in @chrisfromredfin thoughts

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Thanks @chrisfromredfin. That's an interesting question. I'll bring this up for discussion at next Tuesday's Sitebuilder Subcommittee meeting.

My personal opinion is to use creation date of the project on Since the default filters are "Covered by Security Policy" and "Maintained", then the list of newest projects should eliminate projects that aren't ready for prime time yet. (Advanced filters would still allow this option if someone wanted to see all new projects.)

I think using "last_updated" as the sort would always promote the largest modules as they are constantly updating their codebases. Maybe that isn't true all the time, however I don't think it's what people have asked for when using this sort.

Will update here after we meet on Tuesday.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Additional comments from today's Project Browser slack meeting:

rkoller: ah no then it is like in claro i was refering to. just styled slightly different.
the claro one is just easier to recognize in black

rkoller: in comparison gin has a black box for the bul operations. that has a clear color contrast against the white background while gins light blue makes it disappear against the white background has a color contrast of 1.1:1 in gin compared to 15.5:1 in claro.
but the pattern is identical just different styling.
in gin it just breaks with SC1.4.11 that way. but that is the point utilizing already existing ui patterns. and that bulk operations bar went through a lot of discussions

see attached file - claro_bulkoperationsbar.jpg

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Adding comment from @chrisfromredfin in slack:

"Yeah I am preferring it as a banner all the way across the bottom, the way gin does bulk operations"

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Adding comment from @rkoller from Sitebuilder Subcommittee call on 10/15:

"ui wise i would orient to the ui pattern used on admin/content for bulk operations. at the moment the add and install button for project browser is just a free hovering button at the button at the bottom of the page."

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Adding comment from @lostcarpark from Sitebuilder Subcommittee call on 10/15:

"Another approach might be to have a sidebar with the install queue always visible in the sidebar. When there's nothing queued, it could contain a message like "Items queued for install will be shown here. Use 'Add' and 'Remove' buttons to select modules to install, and press 'Install' when ready."

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Wouldn't using the term "install" also make it clearer? "Add to install queue" or "Remove from install queue" .

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Added a few additional updates to the requirements

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Explaining that the number of available categories has been reduced from 55 down to 19

🇺🇸United States leslieg

I was a speaker on the "Project Browser: making Starshot's in-browser feature composition a reality" session on Tuesday at 17:30

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Assigned credit and marked as fixed.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Moving back to RTBC as the issue identified was not for the logo file, but for the svg file which can be larger.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Assigned credit and marked as fixed.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

As part of the Project Browser Initiative, the community had recommended "Developer tools" as the sole category to select on your project page for Categories. It is just a suggestion, you can use whatever categories you feel best fir your module. We prefer one, but up to 3 can be selected if you feel the module equally fits into multiple categories. The updated categories with definitions can be found at

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Assigned credit and marked as fixed.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Currently set to SEO and Auti=omation. While people could generally look for cool things under admministration tools, we decided to leave what the maintainer has.

Assigned credit and marked as fixed.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Using "Enter Module name here" is technical and not something that our target audience would necessarily understand.

After discussing with Chris, I suggest keeping it simple and using a few examples as the placeholder.. (e.g. image gallery, spam protection) to give users an idea of how it can be used.

Also suggest that we change the label from "Search for modules" to just "Search " as it can now search for recipes and eventually themes, etc.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Monitored Drupal Recipes Initiative Update in Auditorium

🇺🇸United States leslieg

I was part of the setup crew on Monday 2-6

🇺🇸United States leslieg

I attended the orientation

🇺🇸United States leslieg

updated issue summary with proposal, assigned credit and marked as fixed.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Assigned credit and marked as fixed.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Assigned credit and marked as fixed.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Assigned credit and marked as fixed.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Assigned credit and marked as fixed.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Assigned credit and marked as fixed.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Assigned credit and marked as fixed.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Assigned credit and marked as fixed.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Assigned credit and marked as fixed.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Assigned credit and marked as fixed.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Assigned credit and marked as fixed.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Assigned credit and marked as fixed.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Assigned credit and marked as fixed.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Assigned credit and marked as fixed.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Assigned credit and marked as fixed.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

@lostcarpark. The file size is 32k. Any chance you can get that closer to 10k?

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Assigned credit and marked as fixed.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Assigned credit and marked as fixed. Note - module already had a logo

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Assigned credit and marked as fixed.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Assigned credit and marked as fixed.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

This ticket was created but never finished. Members of the community have created an alternate logo for you to consider.
See attached logo.png.

I updated the issue summary with the instructions for adding a logo compatible with Project Browser. These instruction should be followed regardless of which logo you choose to use.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Assigned credit and marked as fixed.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Assigned credit and marked as fixed.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Assigned credit and marked as fixed.

🇺🇸United States leslieg

Assigned credit and marked as fixed.

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