🇮🇳India @divya.sejekan

Account created on 10 January 2019, about 6 years ago

Recent comments

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

@Tanushree Gupta - Getting error while applying the patch

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified the fix , the pointer cursor changes when hovered over the view command button

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Fix looks good.
Verified on drupal 11
Steps :
1. Navigate to /admin/reports/updates

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified on drupal 10.2

The fix does not seem to work. The components are breaking
Please verify moving to need review

Steps to reproduce
1) Install the theme.
2) Create a node and save it.
3) Check the node view page.

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified for Drupal - 10.2 . The slogan is visible now.
Verified with Drupal 11.x-dev .The Slogan is visible now
Verified with disabled logo . The slogan is visible

Steps to reproduce
1. Install Drupal.
2. Go to "Configuration"->Basic Site Setting-> Add Site Slogan->Save.
3. Go to Homepage and Click on the Site branding "Configure Block option and enable site slogan checkbox -> Save Block
4. Go to Homepage and observe the slogan not displayed in the site branding block.

But the patch has white space warning

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

I have reproduced the issue , but when i apply the patch , getting error

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Tested using MR 7817 : 3086780-improve-alignment
The issue is not resolved
Tested on D11
(Patch is not applicable for drupal 10.2)

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified using MR-7840! - 3272614-use-the-action
The changes are implemented in both D10.2 , D11

Steps :
1. Navigate to /admin/structure/views/view/content
2. Click on any field


Keeping for further reviews

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified using MR 6! - 3443737-hamburger-menu-spacing
The patch is applied and hamburger is now properly aligned in mobile view

Testing steps :
1. Add event theme
2. Enable the theme
3. Navigate to Homepage
4. Switch to mobile view


🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

The Patch gets successfull applied , the delete confirmation is added now.
Testing steps :
1. Add the paragraph and paragraph admin module\
2. Add a paragraph type
3. Add a paragraph
4. /admin/content/paragraphs
5. Delete the paragraph '

verified with MR - 8.x-1.x in D10.2


Keeping in review for further reviews

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified for both D10 and D11 . The fix looks fine.
Verified using MR - 3159892-filter-button-in

Testing steps :
1. Enable language module
2. Navigate to /admin/config/regional/translate
3. Check the filter button

Keeping in Review state for further review

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Able to reproduce the issue ... But the MR is not getting applied , its throwing error MR 5544!

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Issue is reproducible . But the MR has issue , so moving it to need work.

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Im not able to reproduce this issue . Attaching issue recording
Using Drupal 10.2.5 , Admin tool bar - 3.4.2

Testing steps :
1. Install drupal and admin tool bar module
2. Edit the editor for showing tools in 2 line
3. Create a content verify the ckeditor

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Tested in Drupal 10.2 . Still the ordering is not right. Attached the image
Order displayed is Article , basic a , b ...
Im bit confused here , Should this be alphabetically ordered?

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

This patch work for me #15 -> menu_link_destination-fatal_error_when-no_url-3251757-15.patch
But @alorenc
i can see some error in the site after applying patch

Keeping in in review for the error message

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Not able to apply the patch .. error in patch

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Tested using patch '3428801-configurable-slider-count.patch'
User is able to add slides , after incrementing the slider count we have to save then add the slide details .. its not dynamic
Keeping this in review

The MR is giving error

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

The colour looks fine and the email field is also aligned in centre
Moving to RTBC+

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Tried with both MR's , The changes are not reflected . Still the sort is not working

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Still the image looks blur. Moving it to need work

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

The icon X is updated . Since these are default icons and icons can be changed. Verified on Oliver and claro.
Keeping it in Review for further review

Testing Steps :
1. Install Drupal and Social Media share
2. Add the Social media share block in block layout

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified with the MR - 3419949-auto-complete-hover-changes
The issue is resolved in 10.1 x drupal . but i can see in 9.5x the option are not displaying right.

Testing steps :
1. Set Admiral theme as admin
2. Populate tags taxonomy
3. Go to article and add tags in tage field . Observe the dropdown

Keeping it in Need review for further review

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified using MR , The issue is resolved , now can see the description of the paragraph
Testing steps :
1. Add a paragraph with description field
2. Add a paragraph field to a CT
3. now add the paragraph , view the form

Setting it to need work since there is issue with MR

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

The issue looks fixed now. Add button remains same when selected any thing from dropdown.
Another issue that was observed due to previous MR is also resolved

Testing steps :
1. Open view setting , click on ADD+ and select from dropdown
2. Verify the ADD button after click

Can be moved to RTBC++

Keeping in Need review for further review

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Tried with using MR , doesnt look fixed . Twitter is not updated to X

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified with the latest MR . In FE view the issue looks fixed and also the links redirect to correct page. Keeping it in Review state for further reviews

Testing steps:
1. Add Link type to any CT
2. Set the link display as separate link and text in display setings
3. Create a node and verify in FE

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

None of the patch worked for me. If im not wrong the issue is regarding this modal pop ?

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified the updated twitter icon .. look fine
Moving to RTBC

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified using patch #5 . The issue is fixed and used is able to close the entity browser by esc key.

Testing steps :
- Enable media module
- Add a field of type media in article content type
- Install and enable entity browser module
- Add an entity browser by navigating to admin/config/content/entity_browser/add as image browser with all default settings
- Navigate to article >> form display and select entity browser as widget for the media field that you have created
- Now go to add article form and click a select entities or image a modal popup will open
- Now press escape key it won't close

Keeping the issue in Need review since the MR has some issues

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

@Nitin shrivastava I tested using both MR's , but i couldn't see any changes

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

@apaderno - oh yes you are right!
I re-verified issue and it looks fine

Moving issue to RTBC++

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

@malcomio Tested using MR 3.x and also 3420788-search-links-always . The issue is not fixed, still I can see the search links are opening in both the current and new tab

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified using MR. Now the Unpublished Node is highlighted in red. Issue fixed

Test steps :
1. Enable Gin theme
2. Create a node and keep it unpublished.
3. Check the view mode of the Node.

Keeping issue in Need review for further code review.

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Reviewed the patch #4 , Double Korea label is removed , But even one Korea label is not visible . Issue not resolved
Using drupal 9.5.12-dev , countries_field 2.0.0

Testing steps
1. Add Countries field module and add country field in CT
2. Try adding korea

Moving to need work

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

@mrshowerman . Added hide format info as you said . But i couldn't replicate the issue. There is spacing and looks fine

Testing steps followed :
1. Install Paragraph , hide format info
2. Add a paragraph in CT with limited to 1
3. For body field set the text format to 1 text format , and hide the about text format option in Manage form display settings.
4. Verify in CT node

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

I tried replicating but im stuck at 'Hide the help link About text formats' , Unable to find the hide option . Im using drupal 10.17x .

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified Issue with MR. The issue looks fixed Moving it to RTBC++

Testing steps :
1. Install theme, navigate to the user registration page
2. Switch to mobile resolution

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Can Someone add testing steps to the issue or a Issue screenshot

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

I verified this issue by applying patch #4. @akshaydalvi212 I think the fix is not right. In my opinion the hover colour must occupy the full length . I have attached a screenshot of the claro theme hover effect as a reference. @shweta__sharma can you confirm this? Keeping this in need review

Testing steps :
Install the theme add any select list and check the issue in the select list menu item

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

I verified for the use cases given above. The fix is working - Error message are displayed 'The email address EMAIL@TEST.COM is already taken.'

Testing Steps :
1. Creating user with Email@test.com
2. Verify when used different cases such as eMail@test.com , EMAIL@test.com - error message must be displayed
3. Verify when used same case Email@test.com with different usernames - - error message must be displayed

Can be moved to RTBC++

Keeping this in need review for further reviews.

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

I can see the issue with the apply button. I worked on drupal 9.5.9 , and i can see the issue

Steps followed :

1.Install the Thunder Admin Theme.
2.Set it as the admin theme.
3.Add media field in content type
4. Click on add media button
4.Check filters in modal

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified using MR!15 , the apply button is aligned correctly. Attaching screenshots for desktop and mobile views

Testing steps
Install the theme and set as an admin theme
Add the media field and go to upload a media
Go to the remote video tab
and see the add button

Moving to RTBC++

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

I can see the issue for AM.
Device details : 1440X900 , chrome

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified using MR! 3361383-spaceissue . The issue doesn't look fixed completely . Attached the screenshot for details

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Not able to replicate in 9.5 , 9.5.9 , 10 drupal versions

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified with the MR! 383 , The fix is visible , the extra spacing is removed now
Keeping it in Need review since there is issue with MR.

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Tested with the MR! 15 , The Default logo against the dark background is nearly invisible.
Moving it to Need review

Testing Steps :
1. Install Drupal and Social Media share
2. Add the Social media share block in block layout

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified with MR! 14 . The issue is fixed , now the Node is not getting published if the boolean field (which has Require on publish set ) is kept unchecked.

Testing Steps :
Add a boolean field on any content type.
Check "Require on Publish" checkbox and save.
Now add and publish the node without checking the boolean field.
Observe that the node is getting published without any validation errors.

Moving to RTBC++

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified using the MR!31 #4. The issue looks fixed
Testing Steps :
1. Install the theme
2. Add menu links in main navigation
3. Verify in mobile view

Moving to rtbc++

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Tested using MR!320 latest.
The Placeholder text now changed to 'Enter Module name here' and is visible in the search filed

Testing Steps
- go to /admin/modules/browse
- take a look at the search field placeholder text before you enter anything

Keeping this in review state for approval

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

The overlapping of the radio buttons is fixed verified in Drupalpod for Drupal 10 using MR!398. But in tablet the filters moves a bit when the accordion is expanded refer to the video attached.

Steps Followed:
1. Install drupal 10
2. Navigate to /admin/modules/browse , expand the filter option
3. Check in smaller resolutions.

For the issue in tablet and Error in MR keeping this in Need review state since the MR has some error

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

I tested again with the new MR!462 #12 in Drupal 10 . The Fix is visible and is work as expected.
Steps Followed :
1. Install Drupal 10
2. Navigate to /admin/modules/browse
3. Check for filter button

Moving to RTBC++

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Tested using - MR!6085
The issue is fixed.

Testing steps :
Steps to reproduce
Add timestamp field to some content type.
Set the granularity formatter setting to max allowed value which is 6.
Create a node and set the timestamp value to some date far in the past.
Notice that the rendered interval does not include seconds.

Can Be Moved to RTBC++

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

@sijumpk I tried With the MR !6287 - 11.x and also 3076346-views-blocks-that
The issue is not resolved.

Testing steps :
1. Add a block , and individual blocks
2. disabled individual block
3. This block still appears in block UI or layout builder.

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified using patch- 3209870-26.patch in #26
After and Before patch result are both same no difference.
The MR is giving error.

Testing steps :
1. Install Drupal, set the Claro theme
2. Open Block Layout
3. open place block

Moving to Need work

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified using MR!#2
@ressa - I have verified for Google Chrome and Firefox with Mac - using 'Control + Option + key' - The Search field is accessible via keyboard

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified the issue - with patch #5
Issue is resolved , & is displayed in URL instead of &amp%3B

Testing steps :
1. Testing steps :
1. Install the module - Social Media Links Block and Field
2. Add the block in block layout
3. Add link to youtube , using url with multiple query parameters
4. Save

Moving issue to RTBC++

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Tested with MR!33 #3- 3416654-add-whatsapp-channel - This Patch works and the watsapp channel is added to module

Testing steps :
1. Install the module - Social Media Links Block and Field
2. Add the block in block layout
3. Add link to Watsapp channel field
4. Save

Moving issue to RTBC++

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified the issue using Patch - footer_css_fiixed-3414717-2.patch

The menu looks better , but the titles are not aligned . Also the mobile view is not right

Moving it to Need review

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified in Drupal 11.x-dev using MR!6252 . The Forum link is added and is navigating to https://www.drupal.org/forum .

Testing steps :
1. Install drupal with Olivero theme
2. Check the welcome page

Moving to RTBC++

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Reviewed using MR! 366 #4 . The issue is resolved. Issues resolved for both Horizontal, Modern Toolbar or Sidebar, Vertical Toolbar (Default)

Testing Steps
Install the theme set as an administration theme.
Install the Workspaces module
Go to the /admin/appearance/settings/gin
Go to Navigation (Drupal Toolbar) choose Horizontal, Modern Toolbar or Sidebar, Vertical Toolbar (Default) and save.
Scroll top right-hand side and hover toolbar item which is left or right with the workspaces option
Now you are able to find this issue

Moving to RTBC++

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified and issue is fixed
Verified on drupal 9.5x with MR! 2 #3

But since twitter is changed to X , its icon also needs to change. So moving it to need Work

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified using MR! 7 in Drupal 9.5x , The input box padding is increased . @shweta__sharma But the top line of the search bar is disappearing in ipad air and pro. This issue is visible without the patch also. Since it is related to the search bar may be we can fix this in same issue.

Moving to need work

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified using MR!17 . Using Drupal version 9.5x . I can see the borders visible now but @alok the top select options like Login , create a new account and reset you password seems displaced

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified using MR!19 , The Text fields look aligned , but the Checkbox is not aligned with the fields

Steps to reproduce :
1. Install Interior design theme
2. Navigate to /contact/feedback page

Moving back to Needs Work

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified the MR!24 . The Issues is resolved , the text field does not overflow the screen in mobile and tablet view
URL tested : /user/password

Moving this to RTBC++

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Tested the Menu with MR!19 , The menu is not open by default for the tablet mode . After clicking the hamburger menu link the menu opens. For ipad , desktop view is enabled

Testing Steps :
1. Add the Harmony Haven theme
2. Add menu links in main navigation
3. verify the menu in ipad/tablet resolution

Moving to RTBC++

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Tested with the patch - 3379974-3.patch . The issue is resolved in desktop , But bit misaligned in mobile and tablet . Same as raised by @ShwetaSharma. So moving it to Need Work.

Testing steps :

  • Install gin theme
  • Install Admin tool bar module
  • Go to the theme settings and in Navigation (Drupal Toolbar) choose Legacy, Classic Drupal Toolbar
  • Go to admin/config/user-interface/admin-toolbar-search-settings
  • Activated Display the search input as a menu item.
  • Click on search bar
🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified issue with new changes. Working as expected after MR!4437 .
Attaching Screenshots of results

Testing steps :
1. Use Olivero theme
2. Create a new node with title as "0". Title is not displayed.

Moving to RTBC++

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified the issue and is fixed. Verified with MR!358 #21
Testing steps :
* Install the Workspaces module
* Create a second workspace at /admin/config/workflow/workspaces
* click on "Stage" the Workspace toolbar

Moving to RTBC++

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified the Fix with MR '3409305-add-spacing-between'
Additional Spacing of 6px is added between the top menus , and looks good

Testing steps :
1. Enable Gin theme
2. Navigate to setting and enable experimental new menu , Save
3. Verify the admin menu tool bar

Moving To RTBC++

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified the issue by applying ' 3406726-in-drupal-modal ' Issue is resolved

Testing steps :
1. Install the Gin theme and enable it.
2. Enable media and media library modules
3. Add media field to a CT and upload an image.
3. See remove icon colour.

Remove button verified both for Hover and default state . Moving issue to RTBC ++

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

All ToolBar Overlapping issues resolved. Verified for Full HTML Editor with open and closed dropdown state. Also verified for Basic HTML editor.

Moving Issue to RTBC ++

Testing Steps :
1. Go to any node to create/edit the page
2. Switch to Full HTML format in CKEditor
3. Click on any component i.e paragraph or styles, keep the dropdown open and scroll
4. Scroll down until the CKEditor toolbar reaches the top of the page.

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

Verified the Issue after the update in the MR . Issue is fixed

Testing Steps:
1. Enable the workspace module.
2. Switch the screen below 768px
3. Click on workspace on the right side.
4. See the modal content text, which gets cropped
5. Download the patch and Apply.
6. Reverify the modal content text for the screen below the 768px.

Testing Results:
The modal content text is not cropped and it's fully visible on or below 768px
screenshots added for reference

Moving to RTBC++

🇮🇳India divya.sejekan

The issue is still reproducible if the dropdown is kept open and scrolled.

The issue is resolved if the dropdown is closed and the toolbar is active

Steps to reproduce
1. Go to any node to create/edit the page
2. Switch to Full HTML format in CKEditor
3. Click on any component i.e paragraph or styles, keep the dropdown open and scroll
4. Scroll down until the CKEditor toolbar reaches the top of the page.

Production build 0.71.5 2024