🇮🇳India @ahsannazir

Account created on 19 April 2016, almost 9 years ago
  • Frontend Engineer at QED42 

Recent comments

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

The class is getting added as per #24 But the session storage still sets activeTabId to toolbar-item-shorcuts

    "orientation": "horizontal",
    "hasActiveTab": true,
    "activeTabId": "toolbar-item-shortcuts",
    "activeTray": "toolbar-item-shortcuts-tray",
    "isOriented": true,
    "isFixed": true,
    "userButtonMinWidth": 0
🇮🇳India ahsannazir

ahsannazir made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

ahsannazir made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

ahsannazir made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

@christosgeorgiadis I have made some changes to the css, can you please check it again

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

Please make style changes to the scss files only and use build command to generate corresponding css. The build is failing due to the recent commits

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

Removing justify-content: center fixes the alignment of Status items.

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

ahsannazir changed the visibility of the branch 3471459-prefixsuffix-not-inline to active.

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

ahsannazir changed the visibility of the branch 3471459-prefixsuffix-not-inline to hidden.

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

The pipeline is failing due to PHP Unit Functional tests are failing

Fail      Other      phpunit-38.xml       0 Drupal\Tests\block_content\Function
    PHPUnit Test failed to complete; Error: PHPUnit 10.5.38 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
    Runtime:       PHP 8.3.14
    Configuration: /builds/issue/drupal-3250234/core/phpunit.xml.dist
---- Drupal\Tests\system\Functional\System\ThemeTest ----
Status    Group      Filename          Line Function                            
Fail      Other      phpunit-17.xml       0 Drupal\Tests\system\Functional\Syst
    PHPUnit Test failed to complete; Error: PHPUnit 10.5.38 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
    Runtime:       PHP 8.3.14
    Configuration: /builds/issue/drupal-3250234/core/phpunit.xml.dist
---- Drupal\Tests\olivero\Functional\NodeTitleTest ----
Status    Group      Filename          Line Function                            
Fail      Other      phpunit-67.xml       0 Drupal\Tests\olivero\Functional\Nod
    PHPUnit Test failed to complete; Error: PHPUnit 10.5.38 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
    Runtime:       PHP 8.3.14
    Configuration: /builds/issue/drupal-3250234/core/phpunit.xml.dist
🇮🇳India ahsannazir

ahsannazir changed the visibility of the branch 3490443-action-btn-margin to active.

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

The MR #10438 seems similar to existing MR #10432. I have updated MR#10432 with latest changes from 11.x.
It is advised to not create duplicate MRs

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

The issue you're describing is a common usability problem in UI design. This is due to the Sticky action button location. The sticky action button is positioned in the upper-right corner of the interface. The user menu s positioned near to the sticky action button. So users often move their mouse quickly to the corner to click the button. As the result, If the cursor overshoots the sticky action button, it triggers the user menu dropdown, which then obstructs the button.

The possible solutions or suggestions i can think of is " Increase the Distance Between the Sticky Button and User Menu".

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

i am not able to reproduce the issue.
Can you please update this issue with more detailed steps to reproduce and screenshots.

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

i have the verified the MR changes and are working fine as expected. Attaching screen capture for reference.

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

ahsannazir made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

I have overriden the is-active styles.



🇮🇳India ahsannazir

The changes in MR #127 are applied successfully.
Now, the slogan is visible in all the cases:

Show slogan only

Show slogan and name

Show slogan and logo

Show slogan with name and logo

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

@marc.bau I have followed the steps mentioned in #14 but was not able to reproduce it.
Could you please add a screen capture to see what exactly looks broken

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

@gauravvvv Can you please add/update the issue summary with proposed solution

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

Issue 1: Not reproducible on Drupal 11.x.
Issue 2: There is margin-top: 0.9375rem on .js .field--widget-paragraphs .draggable .tabledrag-handle::after coming from paragraphs.widget.css
Issue 3: /admin/config/development/features shows The requested page could not be found.. Need more details

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

Removed the display:grid styles from .view, .view-content.

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

The tranisition is working as expected but in chrome i had turn settings on at:


🇮🇳India ahsannazir

This issue no longer exists as we don't see any radio buttons now when we insert a image in the body of the content block.

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

Not able to reproduce the issue at my end. Can you please add the detailed steps to reproduce the issue.

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

There is max-width set for page-wrapper. We might need to align it to center after the max-width exceeds.

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

I believe 9px was used because same value has been used on

dropbutton a

. I checked the multiple breakpoints and i see that padding is same across all breakpoints similar to the

dropbutton a
🇮🇳India ahsannazir

I have tested the issue, the errors in the console are fixed. Attaching Before and After



🇮🇳India ahsannazir

ahsannazir changed the visibility of the branch 3250234-add-the-functionality to hidden.

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

@mherchel . I will move my branch to hidden. I'll review the MR and see what can i do to move it furhter. Thanks!

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

I am not able to reproduce the issue. Attaching screenshots for reference

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

@finnsky, This makes sense and the above/inline field display is working as expected.



🇮🇳India ahsannazir

The styles are looking as expected. Only thing i can figure out is the flex direction is column now. Attaching screenshot below

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

@sanket.tale The double status messages get printed on the page when you have try to add/remove blocks

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

The SVG code has been removed from twig file and SVG has been moved to images/src folder.

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

The close btn is keyboard accessible now and also verified pressing the Esc key closes the menu.

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

@riddhi.addweb Can you please follow the Steps to reproduce once again. i am able to see slogan . attaching screenshot

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

@finnsky Does #13 mean that when "show content preview" is unchecked we have to expand the toolbar even it is already in collapsed state?

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

Created MR from patch given in #6

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

ahsannazir made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

@SystemLord Can you please add Screenshot or screen recording to help identify the issue

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

The labels are getting fixed in https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3446433 🐛 Navigation: Theme aside layout builder section on navigation block page Needs work . Lets wait for it to be fixed first.
Attaching screenshot what it should like after above issue gets fixed

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

The layout builder section seems fixed in collapsed state by reducing the font-size and paddings. Attaching screenshot|

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

i could think of reducing the font-size to 1rem but still it the labels are not fully visible due to very less space available.
Attaching screenshot how it looks with font-size of 1rem.

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

ahsannazir made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

The hover styles on submenu child items are not as per the design shared above. Attaching sccreencapture

🇮🇳India ahsannazir

The font size is smaller now. Attaching screenshot for ref

Production build 0.71.5 2024