🇮🇳India @ehsann_95

Account created on 19 April 2016, about 8 years ago
  • Frontend Engineer at QED42 

Recent comments

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

The SDC component for meta is working as expected. Attaching screenshot for reference.

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

Resetting/overriding the width works because the width set in layout.css for body.is-fixed .container is incorrect for this case.

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

Changing vertical-align to top also changes alignment for small section fields. Check screenshot below

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

ahsannazir made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

It seems reseting width fixes the issue. Attaching screenshot for reference.

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

ahsannazir made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

The shadow is shown both on Desktop & Mobile when data-detected-y-overflow="true"

The 2nd point mentioned in #32 about flickering needs to be investigated more and fixed accordingly.

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

Yes now i can see the tooltip. It also happens when you enable "Display title " checkbox for the existing blocks in navigation toolbar

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

ahsannazir changed the visibility of the branch 3438878-regression-the-drawer to hidden.

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

Not able to reproduce the issue . Attaching screen capture for reference.

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

The pipeline is still failing for the MR. Not sure why it is failing.

    Correctly denied access to a file when file_test sets the header to -1.
    Failed asserting that 200 is identical to 403.
🇮🇳India ehsann_95

The code changes seems fine and the spinner is rendering below gear icon. Attaching screen capture for reference.

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

The issue was happening due to transform property in the svg itself. Fixed the SVG and moved style to stylesheet

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

I restested to see the issue mentioned in #18 but was not able to reproduce the same. Attaching screen capture for reference

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

The changes look fine and are working as expected on safari as well.

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

Made changes to the MR. Attached screen capture for ref.

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

Thanks @bnjmnm for the suggestions. I have added the the no-script css and attached screen capture for reference

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

The changes are working fine. Attaching screen capture

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

Not able to reproduce the issue. I have added screenshots for reference.
Can you please add more details

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

ahsannazir made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

Moving this to NR to confirm if it is working as expected

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

The MR in #29 looks good. All tablinks are bottom aligned now. Attaching screenshots for ref.

I also see the border-bottom of focus outline is not visible. Do we need to keep it as it is or it also needs a fix?

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

The issue is not reproducible at my end. I see the css already present to handle this scenario.

.site-branding--bg-gray .site-branding__text,
.site-branding--bg-white .site-branding__text {
  color: var(--color--primary-50);

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

ahsannazir made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

@finnsky Thanks for MR feedback. I have used width instead of max-width with the intention to make it look similar to the default logo dimensions. If using max-width, the small image logos will be little left aligned so thought of giving the width of 40px(same as default logo).

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

ahsannazir made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

ahsannazir made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

The issue is related to Olivero theme only. Maybe you can create a seperate issue for claro @YevKo

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

The image style is getting applied after following the Help topic. The Help topic is to the point.

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

Yes @atowl both works. I'd prefer the original way like it was before. Replacing the values on the class itself

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

Yes there are also other places where styles are getting overriden by umami. I agree with #2 and #3, we need to increase the specificity for selectors.
e.g: .toolbar-menu__link:hover to a.toolbar-menu__link:hover

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

@atowl Can't we replace the padding value on the same class instead of shifting the padding values to the span?

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

Reproduced the issue with the given steps and was able to see the issue. The issue seems fixed after applying the MR. Moving to RTBC



🇮🇳India ehsann_95

The Keyboard navigation is working as expected. Attaching the screen capture for the reference

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

Thanks @bronzehedwick. I think now the toolbar popover is behaving as it should and the provided solution looks good to me.

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

IMO it should toggle either on hover or on click. If the popover is opened on hover then why we need click to toggle show/hide the same popover. Can someone look into this and confirm that the current behavior implemented is what we want

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

I can't reproduce it either. Its working as expected. Can we close this issue?

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

The keyboard navigation is now working fine. I just fixed some linting prettier errors. Attaching screen recording for reference

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

Removed the vertical padding as suggested because there is already ample spacing coming from grid-gap.

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

ahsannazir made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

The cs spell is failing due to cross.svg saying Forbidden word (grey)

🇮🇳India ehsann_95

ahsannazir made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

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