Views incorrect display with filters, table and full pager

Created on 2 August 2024, 5 months ago

Changes from 3365367 in views.css for .view-content breaks views with filters, table and full pager, example on the screehshot
To reproduce create view with few pages, full pager(not reproducing with mini) and filter

🐛 Bug report



10.3 ✹

Olivero  →

Last updated 3 days ago

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  • views

    Involves, uses, or integrates with views. In Drupal 8 core, use the “VDC” tag instead.

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  • Issue created by @SergeyShadrin
  • 🇮🇳India ahsannazir

    Not able to reproduce the issue at my end. Can you please add the detailed steps to reproduce the issue.

  • Status changed to Postponed: needs info 5 months ago
  • 🇩🇪Germany aschiwi

    The same problem brings me here.
    To reproduce:

    - Standard Drupal 10 installation with Olivero as default theme
    - Create three nodes of type Basic page
    - Create a view of content (Basic page), it could be Page or Block (have not tried others)
    - Set the pager to full pager and show two items
    - It doesn't matter if it's a table or content output
    - Look at the view output in Olivero with full pager and then with mini

    I have attached screenshots:
    - Output with mini pager
    - Output with full pager
    - My simple view configuration to reproduce

  • Status changed to Active 4 months ago
  • 🇩🇪Germany aschiwi

    Setting status to Active and removing the issue tag because I think it can be reproduced with my info.

  • Pipeline finished with Success
    4 months ago
    Total: 491s
  • Status changed to Needs review 4 months ago
  • 🇮🇳India ahsannazir

    Removed the display:grid styles from .view, .view-content.

  • Hi,
    I've reviewed the MR !9173 on Drupal 10.3.

    Testing Steps:

    1. Create a view of content, it could be Page or Block
    2. Set the pager to full pager and show two items
    3. Look at the view output in Olivero with full pager and then with mini

    Test Results

    Content are looking properly displaying inline in the mini pager and Full pager settings.

  • Status changed to Needs work 4 months ago
  • 🇺🇞United States smustgrave

    Issue summary is incomplete. Should follow standard template

  • Status changed to Needs review 4 months ago
  • 🇮🇳India dishakatariya

    Hi, I have verified this issue in the D11.x-dev version with latest MR applied cleanly and working as expected.

    Testing Steps:
    1. Standard Drupal 11.x-dev vesrion installation with Olivero as default theme
    2. Create three or more nodes of type Basic page
    3. Create a view of content (Basic page), it could be Page or Block (have not tried others)
    4. Set the pager to full pager and show two items
    5. It doesn't matter if it's a table or content output
    6. Look at the view output in Olivero with full pager and then with mini

    Testing Results:
    Content are looking properly displaying inline in the Full pager settings with the two paged items.

    Attaching the screenshots.

  • 🇩🇪Germany marc.bau

    You patch helped a bit, but I see more issues - if full pager is shown. With mini pager the issues are not shown.

    - Create a view with a header (not required, but makes it more worse)
    - You need to have a view with exposed search field (required)
    - Output a table with one or more columns
    - and a full pager (required) - the pager must be shown - otherwise you do not see the broken page.

  • Status changed to Needs work 4 months ago
  • 🇺🇞United States smustgrave

    Per #14

  • 🇮🇳India ahsannazir

    @marc.bau I have followed the steps mentioned in #14 but was not able to reproduce it.
    Could you please add a screen capture to see what exactly looks broken

  • 🇩🇪Germany marc.bau
    1. Install 10.3.2 with Umami Profile
    2. Switch theme to oliviero
    3. Create test view as page with pager at path "/test-1"
    4. Edit content type to be EXPOSED
    5. Add header with "Global: Text area (Global: Text area)" with random text
    6. Open "/test-1"

  • 🇺🇞United States krisahil

    Attaching static patch from the state of the MR today (at commit 3fe50913). (I prefer a static patch because, if you link directly to the patch endpoint on Gitlab (e.g.,, you might get newer commits that you don't want).

  • 🇮🇳India nikhil_110

    I am confused about whom to provide the steps to, as the steps have already been provided, and now that I have added the STR tag according to point #17 🐛 Views incorrect display with filters, table and full pager Active , the process of conversion is confusing because the two Drupal profiles involved are different, and I am unsure how to proceed with the conversion due to these differences, so I would appreciate it if you could provide the correct details and further clarification on how to handle this situation appropriately.

Production build 0.71.5 2024