I cannot see how this defect may have been solved by itself. Maybe you are not reviewing the issue properly ans missed that automatic image resizing simply does not work. Try a largee image e.g. 1400 px width
Every module should support migrations and must at least not break a migration process. Breaking the migration process makes it impossible to migrate a website. This is not acceptable.
It is important that the node edit form looks like the theme and not like admin theme. This is a setting that is commonly used and does not mean the Oliviero need to be an admin theme… its is all about node edit form only and this need to work well.
To many patches required. This is too complicated to fullfill all dependencies.
Thanks for the link… i like modules with 100k installs more than jist 10k…
I use this one https://www.drupal.org/project/bootstrap →
Nope - I'm developing the new D10 site with Views Bootstrap 5.5.x. I compare D7 against D10. I need to migrate the site from D7 to D10 and upgrade bootstrap from 3.x to 5.x and I find issues... this is one I found. The image in in the carousel is simply not resized.
No. Honestly i do not know for sure, but I suspect the old handler has worked in a past core release. I do not know until what version exactly.
From my understanding this is just core menu api. Add the menu items and routes and we are done… not that complicated.
You fixed the broken handler here… this requires min 10.3 if I‘m not wrong.
And the current published release is broken on 10.3 and obly works with 10.2 and older…
Example slider indicator in D7 on mobile phone (below images)
The images are not resized to fit to screen, they are cut off and you do not see the full image anymore.
I do not know how it is named, the „slider indicator“ is not moved below the image. Past D7 versions have done so.
Aside - how are you plaing to solve the problem that 8.x-1x is not compatible with 10.3, but older versions? Are you creating a new branch to support both and make clear the next version is compatible with 10.3+ only? I have seen other projects have set the min compatibility to 10.3 if this happens…
Sure. That is what I have done and found the module is not compatible with current core releases like with 10.3.
I need a stable version for a project I‘m migrating from D7. Until today the defect here was the most breaking issue I found during tests and another you committed.
Navigation bar is a Core Module and is default in v11 as I know. It is experimental in 10.3, but honestly it works sooo great - there is no need wait and not using it. This is a massive usability step forward - i install it on every site. No issues yet except Workbench.
What about 10.3.x?
Are you able to create a new release soon, please?
Great. That looks visually much better than my quick fix.
Comment looks also correct per screenshots.
Admin theme or not, node edit form need to look correct.
Defect is in core\modules\file\src\Plugin\Field\FieldFormatter\TableFormatter.php that is using '#theme' => 'file_link'. The file-link.html.twig template adds the file size. In guess this requires a file_link theme suggestion without file size as the file_link template can be used in other situations where this file size makes sense.
marc.bau → created an issue.
We discuss this now long enough. What has been coded is wrong, settings need to be used. This is not a design thing.
Submaintainer have been asked, no feedback within a resonable time (4 years). The chance to comment has given, we now fix the defect and commit the bugfix.
Sound really complicated to repro. Would be helpful if there is a step by step instruction that is less complicated. Also strange that it dies not happen all times.
As I cannot repro with current info - Itherefore cannot rtbc an updated patch.
Have not seen this issue… how can this reproduced?
I added it to my style.css that is the last file in my cloned oliviero theme… the original theme has so many bugs - I really need to fix many issues the fast track and cannot wait for core developers to commit in 5 years first.
marc.bau → created an issue.
Hab mal die hidden spans geprüft und zwei Fehler gefunden:
Patch does not work properly. I still see /../
in paths.
<link rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="/web/core/../themes/contrib/bootstrap/components/menu_columns/menu_columns.css?skxqv7" />
<link rel="stylesheet" media="all" href="/web/core/../themes/contrib/bootstrap/components/menu_main/menu_main.css?skxqv7" />
I see you added ['tel:+1 (555) 666-7777']
what is nice as I'm wondering if spaces and brackets should be url encoded in TelephoneLinkFormatter.
RFC https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3966#section-5.1 shows an example where <a href="tel:+1-201-555-0111">(201) 555-0111</a>
spaces are removed and brakets become hyphens. This seems not addressed here. But maybe this is a follow up issue for TelephoneLinkFormatter?
Der dritte Bug ist "ansicht übersetzen"
Works like a charm.
How about creating a final 5.5 release?
Übrigens denke ich, dass solche Übersetzungs-Fehler noch öfter vorhanden sind:
<span class="visually-hidden">@type</span> hinzufügen
Hinzufügen <span class="visually-hidden">von @type</span>
Vieleicht sollte man mal nach <span class="visually-hidden">
am Anfang von Strings suchen. Ganz so einfach kann man sich das dann mit der Übersetzung wohl nicht machen.
Magst Du die Übersetzungen in #2 freischalten? :-)
Dann sind zumindest die ersten Zwei schon mal gefixt... der Dritte geht nur mit Debugging.
Die Links sind oben...
Ich finde nur den Letzten nicht... bin jetzt bis hier gekommen... finde aber nicht warum das Wort "ansicht" klein ist.
$type_name = mb_strtolower($this->mapperManager()->createInstance($this->pluginDefinition['config_translation_plugin_id'])->getTypeLabel());
return $this->t('Translate @type_name', ['@type_name' => $type_name]);
marc.bau → created an issue.
marc.bau → created an issue.
We could also fix D11...
No idea why, but "Draggable Views Data" was not set to the "order" view. I hope that was the root cause.
marc.bau → created an issue.
Made some QA testing and found issues.
- If you set "Use card groups" HTML is changed and works perfectly like the original example, but if you re-open the views UI settings page the checkbox setting is lost.
- Setting "Custom col wrapper class" gets lost, too
- There is an unneeded empty row, see
Dupe of core bug
@vensires: thanks for sharing. Exactly my environment.
This affects a site for sure. The css of the component is NOT loaded. It gives a 404 error ans so on.
Thank you very much!
marc.bau → created an issue.
I think I found now the bootstrap example that is used in the module... that brings us to the next issue. How I can enter row classes in the view? I can set card classes and group classes only.
But I need to add row-cols-1 row-cols-md-4 g-4
to the row.
marc.bau → created an issue.
marc.bau → created an issue.
I think I had this issue when I tried to added a css class via a preprocess function to something. The bad - I deleted the code and cannot remember it exactly.
huh... I played with it and found some problems.
1. Make the browser window as narrow as possible and the field overflows
2. Reload the narrow windows and the field gets resized to the available view port and does not overflow
3. Make the window wider... and now the title and form and descripton become all inline (huh?)
I have no idea how this works, but i tend to say there are breakpoint issues or a javascript event is not firing that resizes the form field.
Some screenshots:
The default link design is fine to me personally and looks simply like every other link in Olivero theme. So already designed by the theme. But well if you like to design them differently… hopefully it does not take longer than a week. Waiting for this stuff - years is not acceptable.
If you like not showing the links them, set this up in display mode. I feel really annoyed that the design advocates never comment on the display mode setting and only try to tell us the mockup does not contain the links… a weak argument.
You only talked about your designer hat, but you have not commented on - what stops you from changing the display settings to remove the link on your own, but allow others to show it. You have therefore not provided any argument yet...
I'm sorry, but this is not correct.
In the bootstrap theme you need to replace /themes/contrib/bootstrap/images/icons/application-pdf.png
with ../../images/icons/application-pdf.png
(relative to the CSS files that references the images) and it works all times with both css aggregation and without.
Well, all I have tested was decreasing my screen size by downsize my browser window. The site is currently only on my computer what makes real mobile tests a bit difficult. :-)
Yep, that is the reason.
You are excluding users from discussion if using slack.
In the other case is a note - mobile work in 4.x?
I try to create the repro plan soon with screenshots. But I cannot test on D11 as there is no xampp with PHP 8.3 available.
Still broken
Simply configure the display setting! Do not hardcode stuff, please!
There is no need to hardcode a link removal. Your decission - remove the links in settings and your designer head is happy.
Others have the flexibility to use a setting to show the links.
So both heads have a non-hardcoded and flexible solution. Drupals backend provides the full flexibility for both. Hardcoding is a serious feature regression and we may need to discuss why Drupal has flexible „display“ settings. I guess nobody may argue to remove the display settings…?
I think there is a serious misunderstanding on your side. The mockup has something missing. This is not a design question. If you do not like to see the links in article-content types you can disable the read more links in field settings. Please do not name this design.
Also do not forget about language flags/links and/or statistics counters obly a logged in users can see. So you can have an view counter in logged in state and nothing on public view.
Again, this is nothing about design - it is all about configuration. If you like to hide the read more - disable it in field setzings, but allow others to show it if they have a different opinion.
The fields I tested with allow multiple file and image entries. They are just empty as not ipload has been done yet. However I think it should look the same all times if we think about the outer border.
We do this for all content types and not only for articles.
It was the date_range module that was not enabled.
marc.bau → created an issue.
Tested it, but I cannot see the border?
details.css seems not added to page.
That works. Thanks.
Can confirm ist works.
But why have you removed field-prefix/suffix? It may be a helpful class to address the span if someone may needs to customize it.
I agree there is always room to improvements, but the current look and featl very basic and makes most people just uninstalling it. :-) I do not like the word "base theme" in this context.
I think it can still look very modern and nice out of the box like Claro. This safes a lot of effort as developer do not need to design everything on thier own for no need. I think that was mainly the reason why I personally never switched to Bario theme.
Please try to make the theme look great out of the box like core themes.
Not sure why it is still not using the full width as the CKEditor really needs a lot of space.
With the update the tabledrag cross (first column) is not shown in node edit form.
There is a typo in the .info file... two "cc"
After updating to latest DEV i get this in D10.3.3:
Drupal\Core\Extension\InfoParserException: The 'core_version_requirement' key must be present in themes/contrib/bootstrap/subthemes/bootstrap_subtheme/bootstrap_subtheme.info.yml in Drupal\Core\Extension\InfoParserDynamic->parse() (line 67 of core\lib\Drupal\Core\Extension\InfoParserDynamic.php).
Thanks for working on it. I think you added a new issue. This path fails for sure on my development machine. url(/themes/contrib/bootstrap/images/help.png);
. Make it relative and it should work. Same issue like the mime type image paths.
What about the bootstrap.min.css? Should this have a different weight?
marc.bau → created an issue.