I'm a long time user of this module in Drupal 8, but I'm having issues with Drupal 9.
I can install it no problem via Composer, but tokens are not replaced and I am not getting any errors in the log. I thought it may be a conflict issue, so I've just installed a fresh copy of Drupal 9, Token Embed Views 8.x-1.0, Token 8.x-1.9, Token Filter 8.x-1.2. I installed Drupal with the Standard profile and enabled the those modules. I added some content and I've created a view called 'test' (list of content titles) and didn't add any displays, so the only display is 'Master'. Then I have tried to embed that view using all the following tokens.
I also tried creating a block display and tried the following tokens.
In any case, nothing is displayed. The token is empty. I also tried testing some other standard tokens, for example [current-page:title] and that works fine. Token and Token Filter are both working correctly.
Not all content is available!
It's likely this issue predates Contrib.social: some issue and comment data are missing.