๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland @frankdesign

Account created on 25 March 2011, almost 14 years ago

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๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

Also, just to note, if a Radio button is selected by Default on page load, then the calculation does not occur (even with the MR above applied). The calculation only occurs when the radio button is changed.

FYI - Number fields that have a Default value on page load do calculate using that Default value.



๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

Thanks for the MR for Radio field, which works perfectly in Webform. But it still doesn't work with Radios Other in Webform. Is it possible to work with that too?


๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

Just want to confirm, patch at #37 works perfectly with Drupal 10.3.10 and Focal Point 2.1.2. Would love to see this added to the module - it's essential.

Also, to follow up from @druplr #39, the option to Don't upscale and don't crop does work for me - as in if the original image is smaller than the Focal Point Crop and Scale size, then the image is left in its original pixel size/ratio. Not sure who might need this, but there might be a use case for it.

๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

This is still happening in Drupal 10.3.10 and Metatag 2.1.0.

I have created a View of all the images that appear in a node, an unformatted list separated by a comma, and used token_embed_views to place a token of that View in the OpenGraph Image field and the Twitter Cards Image URL in Metatag. The View result just has the images - no wrapper divs, extra spaces, returns or any other html. I've tried a View of tags and a View of image URLs.

For the tag, for both the tags View and the image URLs View, it creates a separate tag per image rather than one tag with a comma separated list of images.

For the , for the View of tags, only the first image in the list is used to create a single tag. But for the View of image URLs, it creates a single tag with all the images in a comma separate list, but only the first image has the site domain included. For subsequent images, after each comma, it starts with "/sites/default/files/...". "https://www.my-domain.com" is not included.

Is there a specific format the View result needs to be in for this to work correctly? Or any other suggestions?


๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

OK, did some testing as per your instructions.

  • BigPipe installed issue is there. Big pipe not installed - works perfectly.
  • Checked page source (with JS Aggregation off) and neither bio.ajax nor bio.ajax.min.js are there (with either BigPipe installed or not)
  • Added a Views block which has Use Ajax enabled to the product page and the images work perfectly (with either BigPipe installed or not)
  • Just to note, even with the Views block with Ajax on the product page and the images are working, neither bio.ajax nor bio.ajax.min.js exist I the page source.

Hope that helps

๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

Brilliant - thanks. Worked perfectly.

๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

1. It's D10.3.6 and Commerce 8.x-2.40. I haven't tested on D11 with Commerce 3.
2. I'll come back to you on BigPipe but I had tried clearing both Drupal Caches and Browser caches and it made no difference
3. Slick Library v1.8.0 (and not the half baked v1.8.1)
4. Not using accessible Slick - just original version

1. Plain Slick
2. Use Theme Blazy is not an option on Blazy 3. However, it is enabled on the version that works (Blazy 2 with Slick 2)
3. I have the options set-up in Slick and the Display Settings for the image in the Product Variations as per the attached images. I haven't used the Responsive options in Slick but I am using Responsive Image Styles.

If I use the Vanilla option in the Manage Display options of the Product Variations image, then the image does work correctly when you change variations but I obviously don't get the option of displaying thumbnails/navigation.

๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

Did you figure this out? I'm looking for this functionality as well.


๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

We use the Paragraphs โ†’ module to create page content on our clients' websites. We then create a View of type Content that shows only the text from all the Paragraphs on a page using a Contextual Filter using Content ID. We then remove all tags from this text which merges all the text into one block of text. I then trim that text into 155 characters.

Then using Token Embed Views โ†’ , we place that View into the Metatag Description field as the default value for each node (using the Metatag โ†’ module). So when a content creator creates a new node, if they don't manually enter a Metatag Description, at least there is a default value which is the first 155 characters from the page.

We've been using this set-up on various versions of Drupal since D8. Currently the sites using this set up are now all on D10.3.6.

Without the patch at #2, we were intermittently getting the error above the odd time on nodes and nearly always on non node pages (like Commerce Products pages or Views pages).

Thanks for the heads up on the deprecated code. The deprecated code is still working on 10.3.6. However, I've just tested and the replacement code and that also fixes the error on 10.3.6.

๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

Yes I have installed the module and sorry meant to say 'Product Variation', not 'Product Variation Type'.

I can set a min order qty of 5 for Hoodie Type A Size Small, and/or a min order qty of 5 for Hoodie Type A Size Medium, and/or a min order qty of 5 for Hoodie Type A Size Large, etc.... but I don't see a way to set a min order qty of 5 for Hoodie Type A regardless of size chosen. So, for example, a user may want to buy 3 x Hoodie Type A Size Small, plus 1 x Hoodie Type A Size Medium, plus 1 x Hoodie Type A Size Large - which is a total of 5 Hoodies Type A (which meets our min order qty).

Hope that helps you understand what I am trying to achieve.


๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

Hi, tried patch at #31. Patch applied no problem but I still can't set a default layout paragraph. When I try to set one I get the error:

Warning: array_flip(): Can only flip string and integer values, entry skipped in Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityStorageBase->loadMultipleRevisions() (line 667 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/ContentEntityStorageBase.php).

Any ideas?

๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

Patch at #41 works perfectly for me with Linkit 6.1.4 and Drupal 10.3


๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign


I'm trying to install using composer create-project opigno/opigno-composer lms-folder and I am getting the same error. So looks like error still exists.

Using composer create-project opigno/opigno-composer lms-folder 3.1 gets around the issue for the moment.


๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

I'm seeing this issue as well. It only started with Drupal 10.2. Previous versions do not experience this error. It's happening on sites that were upgraded to Drupal 10.2 as well as new installs of Drupal 10.2.

I'm also experiencing the error if you reuse the list field on another entity type e.g. if you have the field on one paragraph type and then try to reuse the field on another paragraph type. It is worth noting that the field is added to the second paragraph type even though the error is displayed. But you cannot add additional values to the list.

Note: I have seen this error for both List (text) fields with the machine name of the text string '0' as well as List (integer) fields with the machine name of the number 0.

๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

In case someone arrives on this issue page and they are using Grouped Filters, the "Reduce duplicates" options is not available in the UI on Grouped Filters. So as a workaround, you need to revert to a Single Filter, put a tick in "Reduce duplicates" and then recreate the Grouped Filter.

๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign


I have a number of blocks on a website that are click button links for membership renewal. The links are to an external third party website, who are handling the actual renewals and payments etc... As a result, I don't have access to publishing/unpublishing those pages/products.

The membership renewal window is only open for a few months each year. So I need to be able to allow content editors to show/hide the blocks with the button links. I don't want the same content editors to have access to the Block Layout page as there are loads of other blocks that I don't want them interfering with. So the only solution that I can see is to be able to publish/unpublish the block as the window open/closes.

At the moment, as site admin, I am managing the visibility of the blocks for them, not ideal but it works. I'd rather that they manage it themselves.


๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

Thanks for fixing this for D11. Is there any chance that the patch will be updated for D10.2 (the patch at #25 fails to apply)

๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

Thanks for the patch. Problem for me though is that I am using a sub-theme of Claro, so my class names with your patch are "claro-sub-details" rather than "claro-details" etc... Is there any way to use the Claro theme name as per classes on all other ?


๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

My bad. I discovered that there was a SwiftMailer template file in the theme which was causing a conflict Commerce emails being sent with Symfony Mailer. Once I removed the twig file, Commerce emails are being sent as expected (and without overriding the Commerce emails at /admin/config/system/mailer/override).

Thanks @bohart for confirming that it was working for you.

And thanks @AdamPS for all the great work you've put into this module - much appreciated.


๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

My bad. I found a change (as part of upgrading to D10) in the theme template files for Media that prevented Background Images Formatter from working. Once I fixed that, both background image and responsive background image formatters are working perfectly after applying the patch.

Thanks @Pol and @joelseguin for confirming it was working for you.


๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

Iโ€™m not seeing this issue on D9.5, only D10. And at that, the only sites Iโ€™ve upgraded to 10 are all running 10.1, so not sure if it affects 10.0.

Also, all sites are on the same server set-up. The only difference between the D9.5 sites and the D10.1 sites is the PHP version. My D9.5 sites are on PHP 8.0 and the D10 sites are on PHP 8.1.

Not sure what anyone elseโ€™s setup is like.

Also, just to note, the Stack Exchange article referenced above mentions an out of date jQuery file causing the issues in that users theme. My themes donโ€™t use any jQuery.

๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

@vlad.dancer - thanks and yes I had done that. Test email was working already at /admin/config/system/mailer/test so I knew the system was working. It was only Commerce emails that were not being sent.

Thanks @betarobot - I hadn't tried that as it says 'Warning: Experimental, may change' beside the Enable & Import button. Have imported now and emails are being sent. Do you know what aspect of this needs to be monitored in terms of the experimental bit and the element that may change part. I haven't changed any of the imported settings, I left them at the settings that were imported.

Now that I have Enabled & Imported the Commerce Order settings, there is a load of extra information being sent in the emails, which wasn't there previously and is unnecessary. There is a section with the date, time, message and username of each stage of the order process i.e. Product added to the cart, Order assigned to user x, payment transaction and customer completed checkout. I don't know why this information is now there. It's not mentioned in either of the policies listed at /admin/config/system/mailer. Nor is it included in the Manage Display at /admin/commerce/config/order-types/default/edit/display/email. Any idea how I can remove it?


๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

This isn't only occurring with Views (which I am experiencing BTW with Views with both large and small numbers of rows).

In my case, the more critical issue that I am experiencing is with Commerce blocks. On product pages, sometimes the Variations/Add to Cart form does not appear - even for anonymous users (I am using Layout Builder to add the Variations block to the right column of a 2 column layout). To me, this definitely makes this issue critical and it renders Commerce useless if users can't add a product to their cart. It also sometimes prevents the Cart block (link with number of items in your cart) from rendering. So even if a user does manage to add a product to a cart, they can't click on the Cart block to view its content and/or Checkout!

Like other users above, when the block fails to load, I can see

๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

Patch is not working for me I'm afraid. I applied it today to 8.x-1.16 on Drupal 10.1.4 and PHP 8.1.24

Before the patch, I was getting the same error as above.

After the patch (which applies no problem), there is no error but no background image appears. There is no error in the logs either.

Am I missing something? Is there a setting I need to change somewhere?

P.S. I have Responsive Background Images working fine on all my other sites which are still D9.5

๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

Patch at #64 fixes for me with 10.1.2. I also have View Unpublished installed.

๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

I am seeing the same issue. No flashing - the view simply doesn't load. Seems to be an issue with BigPipe as when the view doesn't load, there is an empty span in it's place with a class with a long name that includes bigpipe. It's also intermittent, which is a pain to try and find the source of the issue.

Downgrading to beta4 resolves the issue.

๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

Thanks @jurgenhaas for the quick response. I tried that but it didn't work.

However, I have since tried adding an additional step 'Entity Save' after the 'Make selected content not sticky' step and it's working now.

Thanks for all your help


๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

@alex.verhoeven - you almost have it. All you need to do is add an open and close parentheses after id. So you code should be

{% set bgimage_classes = ["bg-container-" ~ item.entity.id()] %}

๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

Is there any update on this? Or are there any other options to allow automatic removal of Sticky on a specific date?



๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

Might be worth noting, at the moment it is not possible to create a View of blocks and filter it by 'Enabled'. E.g. if a have a number of Custom Blocks which I have added to my Block Layout and some of them are Enabled and some are Disabled. If I create a View of Custom Blocks and filter them by Published, all the blocks appear in the list as all are considered Published by Views. There is no filter option to filter by Enabled.

Even if I remove a Custom Block from the Block Layout - it will still appear in my Views list.

If this issue is fixed, will it solve this problem too? Or is that a separate problem that I need to create a new issue?

๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

I mean the text that is displayed in the layout paragraphs field when creating new content. For the most part, Add Section is perfectly fine, but there are some occasions where I would like to change the text, e.g. where each layout paragraph section is a slide in a carousel, then I would like to change the text to Add Slide. See attached pic to see the text that I would like to be able to change.

๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

I am seeing this issue too. This is a new build site I am working on. It appears to be an issue with Claro. This issues does not happen when using Seven as the admin theme. To reproduce the issue:

Create a 'Layout Paragraph'
Create a number of Paragraphs - e.g. a 'Text Paragraph' with a text field and an 'Image Paragraph' with an image field.
Create another Paragraph which we'll call 'Nested Paragraph'. Add a Paragraph Reference Field that allows unlimited number of values. Allow the 'Text Paragraph' and 'Image Paragraph' to be referenced.
In a Content Type, add a Paragraph field (which we'll call 'Content') and allow the 'Nested Paragraph' to be referenced. In the Form Display, choose Layout Paragraphs.

Now add a new content, click on 'Add Section' in the 'Content' field, add which ever column option you want and click save. Now click on the plus icon to add a paragraph and choose 'Nested Paragraph'. In the ui-dialog that is displayed, there are no paragraph types listed in the dropdown form action, and instead, the 'Add Text Paragraph' and 'Add Image Paragraph' are listed as small buttons in the footer of the ui-dialog beside the Save and Cancel button.

And if you have nested paragraphs with nested paragraphs inside that, each time you click on Add Nested Paragraph inside a nested paragraph, the Add Paragraph Buttons are duplicated in the ui-dialog footer.

The above was created with Drupal 9.5.7, Layout Paragraphs 2.0.2 and Paragraphs 8.x-1.15.

If you need more info, please let me know


๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ชIreland frankdesign

Anyone figured this one out? There's nothing in the console.

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