- 🇮🇪Ireland frankdesign
Is there any update on this? Or are there any other options to allow automatic removal of Sticky on a specific date?
- 🇬🇧United Kingdom jonathan1055
Hi frankdesign,
This has not been built directly into Scheduler, but could be achieved using the Scheduler hooks scheduler/-/blob/8.x-1.x/scheduler.api.php and the Scheduler event subscribers scheduler/-/blob/8.x-1.x/src/SchedulerEvents.php - see the Scheduler test modules for examples of these in action.You would need a custom module to implement the hooks and/or events. This would also need to alter the edit form to add a checkbox or something to allow the user to indicate "instead of unpublishing make this unsticky". If you are up to doing some coding on a custom module I can help and advise, but at the moment I don't have the time to write it myself. But it could become a sub-module of Scheduler, so may well be worth investing some time on it later.
For reference, #1092934-17: Scheduled promotion / demotion from Front page → comment #17 and #18 discussed a generic forward approach using actions plugins. This would be a long-term goal.