Slider arroes direction looks good now.
Hence moving it to RTBC
Hi, I have verified this issue and it looks good to me.
Height of the copyright section got reduced and position looks fine to me.
Attaching screenshots for reference.
Hi, I have verified this issue, and it looks fine to me.
Testing Steps
1. Go to your Drupal site.
2. Go to any page with an off canvas dialog with a submit button. ( For example in the module Layout Builder.)
3. Observe the size of the button
Testing Results
Patch applied cleanly and Olivero: submit button isn't looking wide in the off canvas dialog box
Attaching before and after screenshot.
Hence it can be move to RTBC
Hi, I have verified this issue in our D11 version with the latest MR- 3469116-11.x-new-user-logout and it applies cleanly. This isssue is resolved now.
Testing steps:
As a logged in user, directly visit user/logout on a site (to trigger the CSRF protection and use the confirm form). The misleading text will be visible above the confirm/cancel buttons.
Test Results:
Logout confirmation form shows the appropriate confirmation description now.
Adding before and after screenshots.
Still putting this issue in needs review for the further code reviews.
Hi, I have verified this issue, on the D11 version. This is working fine for me.
Testing steps:
1. Edit Article content type
2. Navigate to manage form display
3. Add nested field groups, move one mandatory field within the nested group
4. Add/Edit the article content
5. Mandatory Asterisk will be missing for Nested field groups
Testing Results:
Applied the patch successfully and aesterisk sign also working fine set as required fields.
Attaching screeenshots.
Hi i have verified this issue, however on the 767px resolution menu turns in to the hamburger menu but the menu isn't getting expanded.
Attaching the recording.
Moving it to the needs work.
Please provide the detail steps to check this issue
Hi, I have also checked this issue, but it already looks good to me even without applying the patch.
Attaching the screenshots for reference.
Hi, I have also checked this issue, but it already looks good to me even without applying the patch.
Attaching the screenshots for reference.
Hi, I have verified this issue in the D11.x-dev version with latest MR applied cleanly and working as expected.
Testing Steps:
1. Standard Drupal 11.x-dev vesrion installation with Olivero as default theme
2. Create three or more nodes of type Basic page
3. Create a view of content (Basic page), it could be Page or Block (have not tried others)
4. Set the pager to full pager and show two items
5. It doesn't matter if it's a table or content output
6. Look at the view output in Olivero with full pager and then with mini
Testing Results:
Content are looking properly displaying inline in the Full pager settings with the two paged items.
Attaching the screenshots.
Hi, I have verified this isssue for the login page responsive design breaking with multiple scenarios. Now its fixed.
Testing Steps:
Step 1 : Install Market Wave theme.
Step 2 : Go to appearance and set as a default theme.
Step 3 : Click on login button from header and Check Login, Create new account and Forgot your password Pages in mobile devices.
Testing Results:
Login, Create new account, Forgot your password pages are responsive and are in full width in mobile devices.
Attaching screenshots for the reference.
Hence moving it to the RTBC.
Hi I have verified this issue with the D11 version and theme set as default and admin Bulma CSS, Version: 3.0.x-dev.
The mini page is looking absolutely fine and working as expected.
Testing steps:
1. Install the theme
2. Add 10-20 articles and check for the pagination.
3. Go to the page view setting and change the pager to mini.
Testing Results:
The mini pager styled in the same style as the full pager.
Attaching the Before and After Screenshots for references.
Hence it can be move to RTBC.
Hi, I have also checked this issues in our D11 version but now no more radio buttons appears.
Hence we can close this issue.
Hi, I have reviewed the logo issue with D11 version and project browser module installed. It looks fine to me.
Review steps
1. Review any logos on this ticket.
2. Provide design feedback if applicable.
3. If multiple logos are provided, choose your preferred one.
4. Ensure logo meet the requirements:
5. 512px by 512px square
6. PNG format
7. no animations
8. 10k file size or less
9. reasonable image quality
10. visually represents the project
Reviewed Results:
Both the drop icons looks fine to me and referring to the projects webform views integration and size is 10k and less.
Added Screenshot for reference:
Keping in the need review for more reviews.
Hi, I have Veririfed this issue in the D10.x version and in mobile devices with the Decorx theme. Patch applied successfully and working as expected.
Test Result:
Search button in the mobile view is appearing fine now, the styling looks fine to me.
Attaching the before and after screenshot.
Hence movine it to RTBC.
Hi, I have verified this issue with the #6 patch applied successfully on D11 version.
Testing Steps:
1. Goto your local D11 version.
2. Install the module.
3. Go to the admoin/content
4. Add content and check Preview only works when editing content, not creating.
Test Results:
Now the preview works during creating the node as well.
Attached the Before and After Screenshots as well.
Hence moving to RTBC
Hi, I have verified this issue with the D10.x version, with the Decorx theme set as default.
I can see the Submenu parent color same as before like other menu.(not coming in black color).
Adding the Screenshot.
Hi I have verified this issue in our D11 version with Gin theme set as default and as administration theme.
Testing Steps:
1. Go to /admin/appearance/settings and set administration theme to Gin
2. Go to /admin/appearance/settings/gin and enable sticky action buttons .
3. Go to a view (ie, /admin/structure/views/view/content) and select Header or another field.
4. A dialog box opens and try to apply changes
Testing Results:
Buttons appearing and working properly in Views
Attaching the Before and After recordings for the same.
Hence it can be move to RTBC.
Hi, I have verified this Configure missing issue with #3461445 MR applied cleanly in the D10 version.
Testing Steps:
1. Install the D10 version
2. Go to the extend tab and search for the entity tracer module.
3. Check the Configure is missing
Testing Results
Now the Configure is appearing and working as expected.
Attaching the Before and After screenshots.
Hence it can be move to the RTBC.
Please note: Keeping it in Needs Revie for the code review.
Hi, I have verified this issue with the marvelous them.
Testing steps:
1. Install theme.
2. Set as default theme from appearance.
3. Check subscribe newsletters section in footer
Testing Results:
The Icon is appearing from e-mail field in from Footer subscribe newsletters section.
Attaching before and after screenshot for the reference.
Hence Can be move to RTBC.
Hi, I have verified this issue on D11 version as per #8 comment. The spacing and alignment looks fine now.
Testing steps:
Step1 : Install Drupal
Step2 : Enable layout builder module
Step3 : Use Layout Builder from Administration > Structure > Content types > Article > Manage display > default > layout options
Step4 : Create Article from Content > Add content > Article and Save
Step5 : Click on Layout tab
Attached the Before and After Screenshot
Hence can be move to RTBC
Hi, I have verified this issue on the D11 version. THis is working fine as expected.
Testing steps:
Install a Drupal site
Enable multiple modules that provide a field type
Try to create a field type for a given content type, like
Confirm that it is not easy to find the field type to create.
Test Results:
Appearing the ability to filter by field type when creating a new field
Please refer the uploaded testing attachments.
Hence it can be move to RTBC
Hi, I have verified the color scheme and styling of the mini and full pager with Dark theme and D10 version.
Now, it looks fine to me.
Attached the Before and After screenshots.
Can be move to RTBC.
I have tried to reproduce this issue but still i am getting the same results.
Attaching recordings.
Test Results are:
Click on the pagination displayed at the bottom of the page
It will show the results and take you to the top of the page
Hi, I have verified this issue with on Drupal 10 with Gin 8.x-3.x-dev theme version (PHP V - 8.2.18). This is fixed now and working as expected.
Attaching the before and After recordings.
Can be move to RTBC.
Hi, I have verified and tested the drupal logo issue in our 11.x dev branch. It is working fine now.
Testing steps:
- Using Drupal 11 dev line, install standard profile.
- enable Navigation module.
- goto 'Navigation settings' config page (admin/config/user-interface/navigation/settings)
- select 'custom logo'
- attach image to 'choose custom logo'
-save config
- notice: Navigation Logo is Still the 'default drupal logo'
Testing Results:
Drupal logo should be changing now when custom logo is uploaded.
Attached Before and After Screenshots as well.
Hence moving this issue to RTBC.
Hi, Can someone please add the propr screenshots of this issue? so that i can be able to reproduce it properly.
Followed the given steps but changes are already looking fine to me as expected.
Hi, I have verified and tested MR !1, with the Pets CLinic theme. The twitter logo has been updated adn working properly.
Adding the before and after screenshots below.
Can be move to RTBC
Hi, I ahve verified and tested MR !17 with the Firma theme. The twitter logo is updated and looking fine to me.
Working as expected as well.
Attaching the before and after screenshots.
This can be move to RTBC.
Hi, I've tried to reproduce the issue by following the aforementioned steps on a fresh Drupal 10.0dev installation with Claro,Gin,Seven,Olivero, etc. set as default theme, but the twitter icon seems to be fine and properly updated to 'X'.
Attaching the screenshots below.
can be move to RTBC
Hi, Verified an tested MR 22, patch applied cleanly with the Festeva Live theme and the logo of the twitter in the bottom is changed.
Attaching the screenshot for reference.
Can be move to RTBC
Hi, I have verified and tested this issue in the Drupal 10.xdev version and Gin theme version 8.x-3.0-rc9. But unable to reproduce it.
Can i get the brief steps for this issue?
The steps i have followed are:
1. Install the Drupal 10.xdev version
2. Install Gin theme and set it as by default.
3. Add some content
4. Go to Content page and scroll until the sticky header appears.
The results are:
The header is already sticky even before applying the patch.
Attaching the screenshot:
Hi, I have tested this issue. and its showing the same results.Followed the same steps as given above
Steps to reproduce
Take the date picker from the example "Style guide"
In a browser on a windows device
1. Click on the date field... the date picker pops up.
2. Click on the right scrollbar of the window... the date picker disappears.
3. Click again in the date field... the date picker does not popup again.
You must first click on another field and then on the date field to popup the date picker again.
Attaching the recording below:
Hi @alok_singh, I have Verified and tested MR 13. It lloks good in mobile view but Ipad devices such Ipdad mini and Ipdad Air are having the issues. It seems address is breaking there. Also breaking in the is not aligned and on 360px view.
Adding the screenshots below.
Hence moving it to needs work again.
I've tested MR !17 on Drupal version 10
MR applied successfully...
Test Result:
The validation message is displayed on the Phone no. input field.
Added Before and After screenshot for references
Can be move to RTBC
Hi, I have verified and tested this issue. It looks good to me.
Testing Steps:
1. Install the Drupal 10.x version
2. Set Olivero theme as default
3. Install Media library modules.
4. Now, go to the structure > add content type- article and Manage fields - add field- Field type as Media
5. Then Go to Manage Form Display- admin/structure/types/manage/article/form-display
6. Click to the Settings icon on the created Media Field and enable the show edit button.
7. then, go to the content- add content > article > Add Media and check if the edit link is visible
Testing Results:
The Edit link is Visible on the Add Media with Olivero theme.
Adding the Screenshots below:
Hence, Can be move to RTBC.
Hi, @Neha-Verma I have tried to reproduce this issue but not able to do this. I can't see the edit link even after applying the patch the results were same. Can you please provide the detail steps to reproduce this issue.
The steps i have followed:
1. Install the Drupal 10.x version
2. Install Media library modules.
3. Now, go to the structure > add content type- article and add field.
4. then, go to the content > add content > article > Add Media and check if the edit link is visible
Hi, I am not able to reproducethis issue. I can see only one login form even without applying the patch.
I have checked on Drupal 10.1 and 10.2 versions.
Followed the below steps:
Install the Drupal version 10.1 and 10.2
Install the theme
Visited the login page > admin login > logout
I can see only one form there.
Please correct me if i am missing anything and provide the details testing steps.
Attached the screenshot below:
Hi @adarshv I have tried by verifying the merge request !11. But the below error i have received while applying the patch.
Error: Skipped patch 'drupal8_parallax_theme.theme'.
Hi Verified and tested the Merge request !177 on the Drupal 11.x for standard and Umami. This is working as expected now.
Attaching the recording below.
Keeping it in review as per above comment to review the code.
Hi, I have verified and tested #2 patch. But it is showing below error for me while applying the patch.
error: (Skipped patch 'moksu.theme'.)
HI Verified and tested as per #11 comment and Merge request !177. It looks fine to me now.
1st item label is coming properly now and fit to the screen.
attached the recording below.
Hence moving this to RTBC
Hi, Verified and tested Merge request !177 on the Drupal 11.x version. Patch applied successfully and working fine.
Testing steps:
1. Install the Drupal 11.x version
2. Install the navigation module
3. Reduce the browser height to a size where the Configuration menu is shown, and the People is hidden below the navigation footer.
4. Navigate to admin/content
5. Click on Configuration
6. The sub-menu children of Configuration will open below the footer, when it should actually scroll the show the sub-menu.
7. You can see the correct behavior by:
8. Navigate to /admin/structure/block
9. Resize the browser to a height that hides People
10. Click on Configuration: it will scroll to fit the sub-menu
Testing Results
When the parent menu is expanded, the navigation bar should be automatically scrolling to ensure visibility of the child menus.
Attaching the recording below.
Can be move to RTBC.
Hi, Verified and tested #3 patch file on the D10.x version. The patch was applied successfully and looks good.
Testing steps
1. Install the D10.x vesrion
2. Install the Freelancer Zymphonies theme
3. Apply the patch and check the Twitter logo should be updated.
Testing Results
Twitter logo changed to the X
Attaching the screenshot for reference:
Can be move to RTBC
Hi, Verified and tested the Merge request !6432 on 11.x-dev version. Its working as expected now.
Testing Steps:
1. Install the 11.x-dev version
2. Go to the Extend and enable the Languages module
3. Enable the translation module.
3. Now go to the /admin/config/regional/language/add and add any language.
3. then, Go to '/admin/config/system/site-information/translate' and try to set a longer slogan.
4. Now you will be able to see the error for the slogan added 255 characters long. and not able to add the translation.
5. Now, Apply the patch.
6. and Check if the maxlength is added and can be able to save translation slogan.
Testing Results-
Increased site slogan maxlength for the translations.
Attaching screenshots for the reference.
Can be move to RTBC.
Hi, Verified and tested latest MR !74 on the D10 version with Barrio Bootstrap 5 Theme.
Testing Steps-
Install Drupal vesion 10.
Install the Barrio Bootstrap 5 Theme- 5.5.x version.
Go to the Appearance and set it as Base theme and Sub- theme.
Now go to the settings of the subtheme- Components > Buttons > Default button type set as Primary and Save.
Now check to the input button search should het highlighted with color near search bar.
Attaching screenshot for reference.
Can be move to RTBC.
Hi,Verified and tested Issue with this Branch bootstrap_barrio-3384625 on the D10.X version with the Barrio Bootstrap 5 Theme
Version: 5.5.x-dev.
Testing steps-
1. Install the D10.x version
2. Install the theme 5.5.x version
3. Now Apply the patch and check for the hidden labels in the menu H2 tag has been removed by inspecting the element.
Testing Result
For the Hidden labels in menu an H2 tag is removed.
Attaching screenshot for reference.
Can be move to RTBC.
Verified and tested the MR6! Getting the below error:In CurlDownloader.php line 623:
The "" file could not be downloaded (HTTP/2 502 )
require [--dev] [--dry-run] [--prefer-source] [--prefer-dist] [--prefer-install PREFER-INSTALL] [--fixed] [--no-suggest] [--no-progress] [--no-update] [--no-install] [--no-audit] [--audit-format AUDIT-FORMAT] [--update-no-dev] [-w|--update-with-dependencies] [-W|--update-with-all-dependencies] [--with-dependencies] [--with-all-dependencies] [--ignore-platform-req IGNORE-PLATFORM-REQ] [--ignore-platform-reqs] [--prefer-stable] [--prefer-lowest] [--sort-packages] [-o|--optimize-autoloader] [-a|--classmap-authoritative] [--apcu-autoloader] [--apcu-autoloader-prefix APCU-AUTOLOADER-PREFIX] [--] [
composer [require drupal/travel_zymphonies_theme:^3.0] failed, composer command failed: exit status 255. stderr=
Hence not able to reviw this issue.
Adding some more screenshots for before patch of Safari browser for reference.This is fixed now.
I verified and tested the MR 6103 on the Drupal 11. x version.
Patch applied successfully
Followed the below Testing steps:
Install the Drupal version 11. x
- Go to Structure > Display Modes > View Modes
- Click Add View mode and the modal will open
- Under content click on Add view mode for Content
- Start typing the name for the view mode (small and long text)
- See how only the closing bracket is in the new row(not only the closing bracket appearing in the new row but the machine name also appearing in new row)
- If you continue with typing you will see how the actual machine name will go into the next row but the label Machine name: will stay up.
- Apply Patch, and check for the machine name
Test Result:
The machine name is displayed in suffixes and not broken into multiple lines
According to me this issue is no more exist. Verified this on the multiple resolutions (responsive)and browser(Chrome,firefox,safari) as well.
Attaching the screenshots for referrence below.
Can be move to RTBC
Hi, I have verified and tested MR- merge_requests/6306 file on the 11.x version with.It is working as expected now.
Testing steps-
Install the Drupal 11.x version
Now go to the /structure/taxonomy and click on list terms
Now click to Add term
Add themultiple terms, set as one parent term and in that drag the other as child terms
Now click to save
and then click to the Delete operation
and now see on the popup which displays the parent term name with the child name as well with the notification.
Testing Result:
Orphan taxonomy terms are deleted with the notification.
Attaching screenshot for reference.
Hi, have gone through issue mentioned and followed the below steps. I'm not able to reproduce the issue. So i didn't try with patch.
Steps i followed:
Install Drupal 9.5.10 and 10.x
Enabled the Drupal GIN theme 8.x-3.x.
Entity Browser instance with image selection.
Opened the entity browser and observed the image thumbnails. It's looks fine as expected.
Keeping it in needs review for more reviews.
Attaching screenshot for reference.
Hi, I have verified the Current changes (#8)3390914-grid-style-field-type Branch MR on 11.x version.This is working as expected.
Followed the below testing steps:
1.Install the Drupal version 11.x
2. Fetch the latest branch
3. Now Go to the /admin/structure
4. Select content types /admin/structure/types
5. Now select any Article or Basic Page
6. Go to the Manage Fields
7. Click on Create New field button and the Grid-style field types should appear.
8. Now check with clicking page up-down keys should work as up-down keyboard navigation for grid-style radio buttons field types.
Testing Results:
With the page up and down arrow keys the grid-style radios buttons are having proper keyboad navigation as up-down now.
Hence moving this issue to RTBC.
Hi, Verified and tested #5 patch file on 10.x version with project browser module. It is working as expected now.
Followed the below testing steps:
1. Install the Drupal 10.x version
2. Install the Project Browser module
3. Now go to the extend- admin/modules/browse
4. Observe the changes here
Attaching the screenshot for reference
Hence moving it to RTBC.
Hi, Verified and tested #20 by taking pull from the latest branch on 11.x version. The changes were made are looking fine to me.
Followed the below steps:
1. Log in and go to /admin/config/development/configuration/single/export
2. Under Configuration type select Block.
3. Open the Configuration name dropdown
4. See the order is based on label, not machine name.
Attaching screenshot for reference.
Hi, Verified and tested the current changes on Branch 11.x version.
Followed the below testing steps:
1. Install the Drupal version 11.x
2. Fetch current branch
3. Create content type as landing page
4. Create a new field
5. select any field
6. Observe the changes on next page
Taking reference from #26 comment,
Usability i have observed here:
1. In this form there is no option available to select/ click the field, user might get confuse here: admin/structure/types/manage/test_landing_page/fields/add-field
2. Its fine to make two step form because it look more specified but to select any field the radio button option should be there.
Attaching screenshot for reference:
keeping it to Needs review state.
Verified and tested after taking pull from this branch- 3198236-add-another-buttons. (#38) on the Drupal version 11.x. Its working as expected for the various themes.
Followed the below Testing Steps:
1. Install paragraph module
2. Create multiple paragraph types
3. Create a content type and add paragraph as reference field with 'Add mode' as buttons
4. Save the changes
5. Goto create content and check 'Add paragraphs' buttons have vertical margin
Attaching the screenshot for reference with various themes.
Hence moving it to RTBC
Hi, I have verified this latest MR with the Drupal 11.0-dev and the Claro - issue with icon sizes is fixed now.
Followed the below steps:
1. Install the Drupal version 11.x-dev
2. Go to Appearance and set the Claro theme as by default.
3. Applied the patch with changing the font size 24px or 34 px.
4. Observe that the icon size remain fix to the size.
Attaching screenshot for reference. Moving it to RTBC.
Hi, I have verified this issue on the Drupal 9.5.11 version and Stable contrib Theme set as by default. And the Tabledrag is not broken in layout builder sidebar.
Followed the below steps:
1. Install Drupal 9.5.x-dev
2. Install stable contrib theme
3. Enable Layout builder and Layout builder modules
4. Enable Layout builder on the article content type
5. Go to Manage display
6. Select a block and click 'Move'
7. See that the drag-and-drop icon is not visible and you are unable to move the items
Attaching the screenshots before and after patch.
Moving to RTBC,