Account created on 10 July 2023, about 1 year ago

Merge Requests

Recent comments

Created the Merge request !9462 for the Zebra
counting of nodes.

As per mentioned in the comment #3 πŸ’¬ Zebra counting of nodes not available Active ticket is in support request. We can use this merge request for adding the Zebra variable for the node page.

Updated the code changes for the _auth check for the current page route exist with the basic_auth or not.

but testcase failing in the basicauthtest. Attaching the screenshot of the unit testcase fails.

Trying to add the condition whether the current request is coming with the options _auth and value should basic_auth. But getting the test failure after implementing the changes.

By default Drupal will check the all the route values. Since we checking credentials from the request header all the URL's should be verified.

mstrelan, Let me know Incase of missing any functionality check for this implementation.

I am not able reproduce the issue in the Drupal 10.x and also 11.x.

Steps Followed:

  1. Install Drupal with the different language English-british or other language in the installation.
  2. Uninstall the language module
  3. Tried to update the any user
  4. Able to save the user information in the edit page.

kindly let me know incase if i missing any steps for the reproduce.

Issue able to reproduce in the Drupal10.3.x.
MR !8585 has been fixing the issue for Drupal 10.3.x.

Issue not able to reproduce in the Drupal 11.x. Please find the evidence from the Drupal11.x.

Steps to Reproduce the issue:

  1. Install Drupal 10.3.x
  2. Enable the Settings Tray and Layout builder module
  3. Enable the layout builder for any content type
  4. Add the two different inline blocks in the layout settings
  5. Check in the console and observe the issue.

Since this issue is already reviewed we can move to the RTBC.

I've reviewed the MR !9183 on Drupal 11.x.

Layout Discard changes opened in the dialog box.

I've reviewed the MR !9233 on Drupal 11.x.

Changes Looks good to me. [view:title] token values are render properly.

I've reviewed the MR !5328 on Drupal 11.x.

Test Results:
Non link text is appearing without any link styles in the content.

I am not able to reproduce the issue in the Drupal 11.x-dev version.

Steps Followed as per the commands #7. Both safari and Firefox browser are Fullscreen working properly for the oembed videos.

I've reviewed the MR !9172 on Drupal

Testing Steps

  1. Enabled Interface Translation module
  2. Went to admin/config/regional/translate
  3. Verify the note is updated.

Testing Results
Translation page help note is updated based on the comment #66.

I've reviewed the MR !9173 on Drupal 10.3.

Testing Steps:

  1. Create a view of content, it could be Page or Block
  2. Set the pager to full pager and show two items
  3. Look at the view output in Olivero with full pager and then with mini

Test Results

Content are looking properly displaying inline in the mini pager and Full pager settings.

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