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  • 🇩🇪Germany rkoller Nürnberg, Germany

    well i think i know what we've both missed. i suppose you are testing with either firefox, chrome, edge or something alike, aren't you? ;) the videos i've done in #20 📌 Improve keyboard navigation for categories dropdown Active were created in safari (which is the default browser i use on macos). i've created a comparison video (comparison.mp4) with safari 18.1 on the left, firefox 132.0.2 in the middle and edge 130.0.2849.80 on the right on macos 14.7.1

    so based on the points in #20 📌 Improve keyboard navigation for categories dropdown Active i went through everything again,and tagged the given points either "working" (either fixed or a none issue) or NW (needs work).

    voiceover switched off
    1. safari: working firefox: working edge: working
    2. safari: working firefox: working edge: working
    3. safari: NW firefox: NW edge: NW

    voiceover switched on
    1&2. safari: working firefox: working edge: working
    3. safari: working firefox: working edge: working
    4. safari: NW firefox: working edge: working
    5. safari: NW firefox: NW edge: NW

  • I have attached a video of how VO works on my system.Following are the things that work fine for me (I am not sure if i am missing some settings or there is a version conflict):-

    1) If i press VO space then the first checkbox is not getting selected automatically.
    2) Entire list of categories is not getting announced.
    3) As we navigate through the list of options it correctly announces the state of the checkbox along with the label.

    @rkoller please suggest if there is something that i am missing.

  • 🇩🇪Germany rkoller Nürnberg, Germany

    I've went through the points you've listed and tested with the latest state of MR566.

    VoiceOver switched off:

    1. ✅ i can confirm, i am unable to expand the multi select dialog by pressing the return key, only by space. works as expected now, excellent!
    2. ✅ i can confirm, tried to hit tab while the multi select dialog was expanded and the dialog remained expanded and wasnt collapsed anymore. fab!
    3. i just kept the arrow down key or arrow up key pressed, that way you saw several focus outlines at once while scrolling (arrow_down.mp4)

    VoiceOver turned on:

    1. & 2 when the multiselect was in focus i pressed VO-space to expand the multi select dialog. that way you see the first option got auto selected and the entire list of categories announced. i then noticed something else. i pressed esc to close the dialog. when i pressed VO-space again the previously ticked checkbox got unticked and all categories announced. again esc and again VO-space the first option got reticked. (see On_Off-Wall-Of-Text.mp4). the dialog should be expanded but the state of the first checkbox not changed.
    3. ✅ i am unable to reproduce. I "guess" that was due to an accidental misconfiguration of voiceover that i just figured out a few days ago
    4. if you move up and down the multi select list you notice the checkbox label is not announced as well as the current checkbox state same as if you change the checkbox state the new state is also not announced (checkboxes.mp4)
    5. and one additional detail i got reminded to. if you expand the select list field you get the announcement of a summary which does not happen/exist for the multiselect fields (summary.mp4). in the example you see and hear that select list fields are labeled as pop up buttons while the multi select is just a button. and when expanded the select list field announces that it is a menu with 2 items for the multi select that does not exist in the aural interface.

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