Account created on 14 September 2007, over 17 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

tobiasb changed the visibility of the branch 10.2.x to hidden.

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

tobiasb changed the visibility of the branch cherry-pick-bf09691e to hidden.

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

tobiasb made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

Extra click for more secondary actions is for a drop-button the expected behavior, because this is a drop-button form-element.

When configured only 1 time-slot then Clear is the primary action.

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

tobiasb made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

tobiasb made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

tobiasb made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

I added 2.4.x as dev-release and also change the target branch for the MR, therefore it needs a reroll/rebase.

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

Commited to 2.4.x and 2.3.x.

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

You need to install address module v1 (Which does not support Drupal core 11). I added a link.

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

No, this does not work, because I do not use v2 of address module, therefore there no "addressLine3".

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

With this changes you get a warning, when you do not use v2 of address module.

Warning: Undefined array key "addressLine3" in Drupal\address_display\Plugin\Field\FieldFormatter\AddressDisplayFormatter->getLabels() (line 115 of modules/contrib/address_display/src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/AddressDisplayFormatter.php).

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

anonymous (0) has is also valid owner. When you open Node 8 you should see owner.

❯ ddev drush php
Psy Shell v0.12.4 (PHP 8.1.30 — cli) by Justin Hileman
OpenCulturas (Drupal 10.3.6)
> \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::load(100)->getOwnerId();
= "0"
🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

Something other must be broken.

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

Thx. Commited to 2.3.x and cherry-picked to 2.2.x. As a reminder there is also a block "Bookmark flag icon".

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

Technically it is still not possible, to set a own active_domain. But I can not remember why it was needed.

    $url = Url::fromUserInput("/admin", ["active_domain" => Domain::load("my_domain_2")]);
    $form['link'] = [
      '#type' => 'link',
      '#url' => $url,
      '#title' => $url->toString()
🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

fyi: Simple config does not support the concept of dependencies.

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

Thx. Commited to 2.3.x and cherry-picked to 2.2.x.

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

MR updated + missing typehints.

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

tobiasb made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

I move the patch into a MR and fixes the rejected changes + typehints.

The post update uses now core/modules/views/src/ViewsConfigUpdater.php and moves the test into \Drupal\Tests\views\Functional\Plugin\FilterTest, because there are also other test for \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\filter\FilterPluginBase.

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

tobiasb made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

tobiasb made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

The composer.json is broken.

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

tobiasb made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

@johnv It is better to write your questions in the MR.

* IIFEs does not have a function name. example:

* The check for slot is gone

* I reuse the pattern data-drupal-selector again

Drupal core does not support native buttons via form api, therefore we hardcode the buttons. But I added a todo with a link to 📌 Use form element type instead of Needs work .

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

Lets use the officially tag.

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

I do not like the way. I mean you can just add cast by yourself. there is no win/improvement without do the cast by default.

$id = (int) $entity->getRevisionId(); // NULL -> 0
if ($id) {
  // Do something.

Cast by default:

$id = $entity->getRevisionId(); // NULL || >= 1
if ($id) {
  // Do something.

I would just do the cast by default in 12.x.

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

@amer cloudy

You need to keep the headline and custom text below the headline.

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin


The caller are spambots. Spambots does not do what we want. ;-)

I mean do we have issue like:

Why does this not work?

$config = \Drupal::configFactory()->getEditable('Über.settings');


drush cget 'Über.settings'

The patch does what would happen, when you only use ASCII or postgres (?). Page 404, so I am happy. :D

The exception DatabaseExceptionWrapper in the new test are not thrown or should not. So try/catch can be removed.

I would replace it with just a request to /node/add/Über which should return a 404.
With postgres this should already throw a not found exception.

And because we do not use native typehints to force config name is string. the $value should not be null in mb_check_encoding (deprecated).

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

Such request are done by spambots, which triggers a false-positive in your app-monitoring software. So I am happy, with a notfound exception, but not with any other which triggers a false-positive problem.

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

For the record:

* size comes core datetime element, should only be added, when type is text
* same for placeholder
* funny, but clever data-help comes from core just for IE11
(Todo find/create core issue)

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

Scope is claro. But claro does not remove the styling. ;-)

🇩🇪Germany tobiasb Berlin

tobiasb made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

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