Weekly A11y Tools meeting notes - 12/02/25

Created on 13 February 2025, 23 days ago

Meeting notes


  • AI tools and alt text
  • Drupal CMS A11y audit
  • Forced Colour mode
  • A11y tests in core update
  • Accessibility tracker tool

Details and links

Discussed AI tools and alt text

Referenced an upcoming a11ytalks session by Mike G
Also mentioned was the use of AI to populate the alt text by Dries

Discussed "alt text" quality versus its existence. AI seems to be fixing its existence, but the quality of the alt text also needs to be considered.
Ref: https://equalentry.com/alt-text-accessibility-ai


Drupal CMS A11y audit

Gin issues are being created.
🌱 [Meta] Improve the accessibility of the Gin theme Active

The audit progress is now being tracked in a spreadsheet which is easier to keep up to date than the Meta ticket
#3475279: [Meta] Audit each module to be included into Drupal CMS for accessibility issues β†’ :
Modules progress: google spreadsheet module tab.
Core issues: google spreadsheet Core tab.
Theme issues:

google spreadsheet Olivero tab.
google spreadsheet Claro tab.
google spreadsheet Gin tab.

To view the current tickets tagged as issues for Drupal CMS please see:
The Drupal.org issue queue for the tag Drupal CMS a11y β†’ .


Forced Colour mode

A demo of some issues dicovered when using "Forced Colour" mode.

A discussion was had regarding being able to test using a windows machine
Remote desktop to a AWS instance was offered as a potential solution


A11y tests in core update

A spreadsheet was created to track the work.
This tracks the current Nightwatch tests and what issues are skipped per page.


Accessibility tracker tool

Accessibility Tool was mentioned and recommended that it needs to work similar to Accessibility insights.
Three level of checks:
Automated checks
Automated checks with human validation
human only checks.

🌱 Plan



Track: Accessibility Tools

Created by

πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§United Kingdom the_g_bomb

Live updates comments and jobs are added and updated live.
  • Accessibility

    It affects the ability of people with disabilities or special needs (such as blindness or color-blindness) to use Drupal.

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