Account created on 5 November 2014, over 9 years ago

Merge Requests


Recent comments

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!


what's in the #8 patch?
does the issue require re-testing?
please set status of the issue to "needs review" and add some description to what's in the patch.

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

updated custom JS event to return data:

$('html').on('addToCartLink.updated', (event, data) => {
  // Cart has been updated, following data is available:
  // data.cart_total_count
  // data.product_title
  // data.quantity_added

By default commerce_cart template will be updated:

<span class="cart-block--summary__count">{{ count_text }}</span>

If template has been overwritten and classes don't exit - it will not cause an error.

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

@agoradesign yeah, need to think about it
I used default Commerce template's classes.

I'll try to see if I can pass all parameters (name of product, total count, etc) to the custom event - so all alterations can be done in own JS to keep config super slim.

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

patch #13 doesn't apply to D10

the feature makes sense in specific cases:
I've got a generic view with a contextual filter (but it's not a part of user exposed filters) - reset will help users to get back to generic view

is there a module for it?

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

patch applied, but required * is not visible on tabs (see screenshot):

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

patch for issue #2969051 works

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

#124 applied and fixes the issue!
Merci @MacSim !

any other testers?

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

Check out MR!4
- just add 'use-ajax' class to the link and 'Add to cart' becomes AJAX link (see in MR)

add an event handler in your JS:

$('html').on('addToCartLink.updated', (event) => {
// process updated cart event, eg show a message "Item has been added to your cart!"
🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

tested, ready for release

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

tested, ready for release

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

fixed with 4.0.2

resolved by: 📌 Remove jquery dependency Fixed

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

patch applies, but doesn't work on D10

field_group_inline_entity_form_entity_form_alter() is not even being hit

testing inline form rendered by commerce

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

this issue affects some themes, eg Claro or Olivero

MR!55 fixes the issue - tested on D 10.2.7 on Claro and Olivero.



Why do tests fail?

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

ready for release
CI issues to be fixed separately

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

ready for release

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

yeah! no more jquery!
thanks for the fix and additional testing!
release please!

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

tests pass
CI pass
good job!

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

well spotted
thanks for the fix

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

#296693: Restrict access to empty top level administration pages - doesn't solve workflow menu issue

When I click on Workflow - I get access denied (on Drupal 10.2.6):

Patch #14 works and should be included in D10+

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

patch in #7 works,
please release new version

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

@deepak5423 thanks for your contribution!

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

Drupal css lint makes no sense, but ok.

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

hurray for CI

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

tests are failing, possibly because of renamed functions:
Line 44: auto_entitylabel_form_auto_entitylabel_settings_form_alter
Line 60: auto_entitylabel_auto_entitylabel_label_alter

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

+1 to make this page a view

it's quite hard to filter/sort orders because it's not a view

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

please provide screenshots of the issue if issue still persist without jquery UI library/module

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

outstanding failed CI items are created as separate tasks

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

new issues are created to fix CI errors

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

great to have CI!

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

while you're fixing text - can you please update description (see gitlab MR comments):

`This module allows users with appropriate permissions to add and configure "Scroll up" button. Button allows users to scroll up to the top of the page.`

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

ready for release!

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

this MR is good to go.

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

- set default value for scroll_title in case it's empty
- title should not be hardcoded: `title="scroll_title"`
- you can use Template literals, `title=${scroll_title}`
- use semantic HTML, eg ... (not


🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

ready for release

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

Reviewed and updated summary and introduction

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

That's great!
Ready for release!

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

Look good, thanks for the patch

here's screenshot after patch:

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

then why not create new issue for the code that you've just discarded?

all this looks just silly game for some gold stars. good luck.

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

I might be a bit confused, but I though the point of git/MR workflow is to review code and comment on other contributors' commits and collaborate, rather than creating new branches/MRs and taking all credit.
But I guess it's not a Drupal way to collaborate.

Re: MR4 updates to text/descriptions were valid, the title of the issue could've been updated to indicate the change since it improvement in the textual descriptions, rather than creating bunch of other tasks to update each line of text line/description of code.

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

@apaderno - please do not add unrelated to issue fixes into the branch - it makes it really hard to review as it's out of scope of the issue.

@vladimirAus thanks for fixing the repo

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

this issue might be related to how Commerce builds forms by using inline forms:
- see code in Drupal\commerce_order\Plugin\Commerce\InlineForm CustomerProfile.php "public function buildInlineForm(array $inline_form, FormStateInterface $form_state) ..."
- possibly related issue:

I can't make field_group, conditional_fields and field_states_ui work with Commerce's inline forms either - it's just how inline form renders forms.

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

I think I can reproduce this behaviour:
- enable drupal/field_group module
- add field group elements (html element, details, etc)

- these elements are not being rendered in the checkout flow (see screenshot)

- these elements are being rendered within order edit for in Commerce (/admin/commerce/orders/1420638/edit) see screenshot

this issue might be related to how Commerce builds forms by using inline forms:
- see code in Drupal\commerce_order\Plugin\Commerce\InlineForm CustomerProfile.php "public function buildInlineForm(array $inline_form, FormStateInterface $form_state) ..."
- possibly related issue:

I also tried to install "Conditional fields" module and show/hide some fields on checkout based on user input (some sort of survey) - but because the form is rendered as inline form - conditional fields are not working (they do work on normal edit form page).

@anybody: any thoughts on how to resolve it?

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

Merge conflict is because of issue #3445605

MR!1 is ready to merge after #3445605 is resolved

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

patch applies, tested: works as expected.
thanks for your contribution!

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

this patch is invalid and cannot be applied:
patch contains:

--- a/session_limit/config/install/session_limit.settings.yml
+++ b/session_limit/config/install/session_limit.settings.yml

it should be:

--- a/config/install/session_limit.settings.yml
+++ b/config/install/session_limit.settings.yml
🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

Firstly, if you're still creating patches - please follow patch naming convention:
it helps to identify which patch belongs to which issue, and the if it's a latest patch on the issue

Secondly, use git workflow. There's an issue with default branch but it's easily resolved on your issue branch.

Thirdly, patch doesn't apply.

Moving to Needs work.

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

thanks for the update.
tested and it works.

please release a new version!

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

jannakha changed the visibility of the branch 3445501-script-insert-d10 to hidden.

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

jannakha changed the visibility of the branch 3445501-location-of-js to hidden.

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

implement hook_page_attachments_alter()

$attachments['#attached']['html_head'][] = [
    '#tag' => 'script',
    '#attributes' => [
      'src' => '',
      'type' => 'text/javascript',
🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

since #3445222 - good to merge

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

@ravi kant thanks for the patch - to speed up review:
since you've already created a patch and setup the environment - can you please provide screenshots of before/after patch application from the browsers: safari/firefox/chrome/edge

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

some string values are not translated strings?

$value = '<div class ="messages messages--error">Avoid numbers only.</div>';

why not use merge requests? it's easier to review and comment per line

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

D7 version is no longer under active development
D10+ version has this feature

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

D7 version is no longer updated
D10+ version has this feature

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

+1 for #5 comment!
thanks for the tip!

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

according to comment #20 - needs work

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

what's your configuration of CKEditor or which version of CKEditor 5 you have installed? :
- how is "Press Option 0" help text added? is that a special config? or special module?

the reason I'm asking is that I didn't have that text in my default installation/configuration of CKEditor 5 on Drupal 10 (as you can see in the issue description screenshot - the voiceover text doesn't include keyboard shortcut text).

Maybe temporary solution can be just replacing "Editor editing area: main" with the field label? Looks like "Editor editing area: main" is a constant for simple editor.

*temporary until is resolved (if you can +1 this issue maybe CKSource will fix it sooner?)

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

MR !7170

how to test:
on standard installation:
- create new content -> add new article
- CKEditor 5 field should have a "Body ..." text in aria-label and

🇦🇺Australia jannakha Brisbane!

jannakha changed the visibility of the branch 3426798-ckeditor5-text-area to hidden.

Production build 0.69.0 2024