Okay I am facing the same issue for the latest Entity Print version and for the latest dev version too on Drupal 10.1.8.
More like described in #9. The message comes and goes when Page Manager UI is installed and uninstalled respectively.
Couldn't establish a link between PM UI and this module though.
- 🇦🇷Argentina andreadruiz Buenos Aires
I also saw this issue using Drupal 10.0.9 and using the 8.2.x branch of this module.
Adding a patch with the requirement on the composer.json file. - 🇬🇧United Kingdom matt b
Same issue here. I've installed mikehaertl/phpwkhtmltopdf as directed and the message won't go away. I've also installed tecnickcom/tcpdf and the TCPDF message did go away and the engine is available for use. But I still have the issue with wkhtmltopdf which is the one I wanted to try.
- 🇬🇧United Kingdom matt b
Ok, looks like it's something to do with my local environment. I use pantheon + lando. As soon as a pushed from my lando run local env to pantheon dev, the messages are resolved on dev.