Account created on 25 October 2018, over 6 years ago

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I think this is a very serious issue. Especially if you are using modules like Fivestar or Rate where there may be a lot of forms on pages like Taxonomy pages where many nodes are shown with rating widgets.

This happened to me on Drupal 10.2.3 website and it makes the website search and rating system not usable for most users.

I think I figured it out. I checked the HTML and it has something to do with caching and same ID of multiple forms on the same page. I checked and the IDs were:

For search form: #edit-submit--6
For the Fivestar form where the error was shown: #edit-submit--6

I think this has been already discussed here: 🐛 Cached forms can have duplicate HTML IDs, which disrupts accessible form labels Needs work

But I think it is a very critical issue.


Anybody found a solution for this? I am facing the exact same issue on pages where five star is present. But I have seen this sometimes in some admin pages too.

Also when I clear cache, it starts working on pages with Fivestar and then after a few tries, it starts giving the same error again.

I have checked the link you mentioned:

But there is nothing there and it is not even clear where you are trying to show the image, which you uploaded, and where you uploaded it?


Okay I am facing the same issue for the latest Entity Print version and for the latest dev version too on Drupal 10.1.8.

More like described in #9. The message comes and goes when Page Manager UI is installed and uninstalled respectively.

Couldn't establish a link between PM UI and this module though.

Same here. No matter what I do it does not update from 2.33 to 2.36. Drupal GUI and composer both do not work. Also I checked the commerce info file and it has the correct version 2.36 there. But Drupal still shows 2.36 version.

After applying the Patch from #2, this error is gone, but a new error appeared for D9.5.10 with latest dev version of Alinks:

TypeError: Drupal\alinks\AlinkPostRenderer::__construct(): Argument #1 ($entity_type_manager) must be of type Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface, Drupal\Core\Render\Markup given, called in /modules/alinks/src/AlinkPostRenderer.php on line 289 in Drupal\alinks\AlinkPostRenderer->__construct() (line 79 of /modules/alinks/src/AlinkPostRenderer.php)

Any ideas?

I confirm that the patch in #6 fixed this issue for me.

  1. I cannot reproduce the overlay issue. Not sure which overlay it is though, because I cannot see it while clicking on the "Load Previous" link.
  2. After applying this patch, the messages list started getting refreshed properly. If an AJAX refresh interval is set, it loads new messages after that interval, otherwise it loads instantly after form submission.
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