Fivestar conflicts with Search?

Created on 18 November 2021, over 3 years ago
Updated 2 September 2024, 6 months ago

I have a bizzare issue that I can't seem to fix. I'd be helpful for any tips or pointers that would help me troubleshoot this.

In short: Whenever I try to use the Search field on any page containing a Fivestar field, the Search fails and displays this error above the Fivestar field:

An unrecoverable error occurred. The uploaded file likely exceeded the maximum file size (256MB) supported by the sever.

You can test this live on my website. It's in Czech so you probably won't understand but just try using the Search field on the top right (not the autocomplete, just default search - ie. type something and press Enter). Notice what it does (nothing) and where it displays the error - right above a Fivestar field.

In contrary, if you go to any page without a Fivestar field (like this one), Search works normally.

Any ideas what could cause this? I've tried hunting this down to no avail, and searching the Internet doesn't seem to find anyone having the same issue. Why would a Search or a Fivestar field talk about files uploading?

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🇨🇿Czech Republic markus_cz

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  • 🇩🇪Germany Philthy

    Hi, we are encountering the same problem.
    Is there any hint how to solve this problem?

  • 🇺🇸United States wxman

    I just gave your site a try and didn't see any error. However it also didn't go anywhere when I hit Enter. If I use a word that I see on your site, it does show up in the results list under the search box. I tried it using several browsers and got the same results. Could it be related to your theme?

  • 🇩🇪Germany Philthy

    Hi, i tested it on this link: and it behaves like our website. I searched for "call of" and i get the cz language message

    Objevila se neodstranitelná chyba. Nahrávaný soubor pravděpodobně překročil maximální velikost souboru (256 MB) podporovanou ze strany serveru.

    in german (on our side) its:
    Ein nicht behebbarer Fehler ist aufgetreten. Die Datei hat wahrscheinlich die maximale Dateigröße (50 MB) überschritten, die dieser Server unterstützt.

    In english this is:
    An unrecoverable error occurred. The uploaded file likely exceeded the maximum file size (@size) that this server supports.

    It seems that some ajax request is broken, this is how far we get yesterday by analysing this problem, but we still have no solution yet.

  • 🇩🇪Germany Philthy

    We solved this problem by setting cahe from "tag" to "none" in a view which has no relation to the views where the problem occured. We have no idea why this solved the problem, but at least it's working now.

  • 🇨🇿Czech Republic markus_cz

    Hi Philthy!

    thanks for your messages! Unfortunately, I can't write a single line of code, and I'm cobbling the site together without having and proper knowledge of coding so I haven't managed to find anything – I hoped the issue would simply go away after an update. It hasn't yet. :) You certainly got further than I.

    Did you manage to find out which Form ID was missing and how to fix it?

  • Hi,

    Anybody found a solution for this? I am facing the exact same issue on pages where five star is present. But I have seen this sometimes in some admin pages too.

    Also when I clear cache, it starts working on pages with Fivestar and then after a few tries, it starts giving the same error again.

  • I think I figured it out. I checked the HTML and it has something to do with caching and same ID of multiple forms on the same page. I checked and the IDs were:

    For search form: #edit-submit--6
    For the Fivestar form where the error was shown: #edit-submit--6

    I think this has been already discussed here: 🐛 Cached forms can have duplicate HTML IDs, which disrupts accessible form labels Needs work

    But I think it is a very critical issue.

  • 🇺🇸United States tr Cascadia
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