We solved this problem by setting cahe from "tag" to "none" in a view which has no relation to the views where the problem occured. We have no idea why this solved the problem, but at least it's working now.
Hi, i tested it on this link:
https://rpgforum.cz/ and it behaves like our website. I searched for "call of" and i get the cz language message
Objevila se neodstranitelná chyba. Nahrávaný soubor pravděpodobně překročil maximální velikost souboru (256 MB) podporovanou ze strany serveru.
in german (on our side) its:
Ein nicht behebbarer Fehler ist aufgetreten. Die Datei hat wahrscheinlich die maximale Dateigröße (50 MB) überschritten, die dieser Server unterstützt.
In english this is:
An unrecoverable error occurred. The uploaded file likely exceeded the maximum file size (@size) that this server supports.
It seems that some ajax request is broken, this is how far we get yesterday by analysing this problem, but we still have no solution yet.
Hi, we are encountering the same problem.
Is there any hint how to solve this problem?