Account created on 12 September 2013, almost 11 years ago
  • Senior software engineer at Vardot 

Merge Requests


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🇯🇴Jordan Ahmad Abbad Jordan

@davidarbour I'm facing the same issue with the Ultimenu module also.
did you find any solutions for it?

🇯🇴Jordan Ahmad Abbad Jordan

Patch #49 worked for me
Drupal 10.2.1

🇯🇴Jordan Ahmad Abbad Jordan

I'm confirming the issue, and it's maybe be better to make it a CKEditor plugin

🇯🇴Jordan Ahmad Abbad Jordan

The hook_form_field_storage_config_edit_form_alter() is deprecated and should be replaced by hook_form_field_config_edit_form_alter().

🇯🇴Jordan Ahmad Abbad Jordan

Thank you @weseze
I'm using Boostrap tabs
I'm trying to implement it using JS but I'm getting this error
drimage.js?s3p93u:145 Uncaught TypeError: context.querySelectorAll is not a function
any advice?

🇯🇴Jordan Ahmad Abbad Jordan

Any update on this issue?
We are using inline entity form for a lot of blocks and we should fix this issue ASAP

🇯🇴Jordan Ahmad Abbad Jordan

Thank you, Rajab
I moved it to the custom theme and made it use {% include 'varbase_components:table' %} not {{ table }} it's working but the table items are not shown, there's something weird here.

🇯🇴Jordan Ahmad Abbad Jordan

I confirmed the issue
The main issue is the inline-entity-form module is using its own template "inline-entity-form-entity-table.html.twig" for the table and it's not working with the table component and we override it using table.html.twig template.

🇯🇴Jordan Ahmad Abbad Jordan

After further testing and applying the patch to projects
I faced the following warnings

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in Drupal\bootstrap_styles\Plugin\BootstrapStyles\Style\BackgroundColor->buildStyleFormElements() (line 62
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in Drupal\bootstrap_styles\Plugin\BootstrapStyles\Style\BackgroundColor->buildStyleFormElements() (line 61
Warning: Undefined array key "background" in Drupal\bootstrap_styles\Plugin\BootstrapStyles\Style\BackgroundColor->buildStyleFormElements() (line 62
Warning: Undefined array key "background" in Drupal\bootstrap_styles\Plugin\BootstrapStyles\Style\BackgroundColor->buildStyleFormElements() (line 62

🇯🇴Jordan Ahmad Abbad Jordan

I'm facing the same problem where if I add the image first and then the background color, the background image disappears.

🇯🇴Jordan Ahmad Abbad Jordan

@Ashutosh Ahirwal The block is not functioning correctly after applying the patch.

🇯🇴Jordan Ahmad Abbad Jordan

Since Varbase is using the lb_ux module
I added a patch to work with a core Add visibility control conditions to blocks within Layout Builder Needs work patch (10.0X).

before applying this patch you should use the mentioned patch

🇯🇴Jordan Ahmad Abbad Jordan

Ahmad Abbad made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇯🇴Jordan Ahmad Abbad Jordan

I'm using a layout builder with inline blocks and seeing the same error
after applying patch #105 all inline blocks content disappear
I don't know if I miss something

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