Account created on 13 July 2016, almost 8 years ago
  • Fullstack Drupal developer at Accelys 

Merge Requests


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Thank you for your reply.

I still see 41440 pages in the JSON feed, which rounds up to 2,072,000 user accounts.

Is this accurate? 🤔

There is a new `calendar_timestamp` filter available (on 2.1.x dev branch for now).

You could add this filter to the view - without necessarily exposing it - and it should keep track of the URL query parameter.

You should stay on the same "page".

Hope it fix the situation.

Could you please review and let me know? Thanks!

Marking as fixed. Closing the issue.

Feel free to reopen if needed.

Just tried the patch but unfortunately I haven't found the way to select the view display I want by default.

🤷Is this just for a media library in CKEditor?

I wanted to have the Table display by default - instead of Grid - when users open the media library from an entity_reference field (see attached capture).

Yes of course. Thank you for your help.

Let me know when/how I can help to take this plugin further.

Thank you for your reply @mparker17

I agree it would be better to have this plugin in Domain Menus. I originally proposed this plugin there indeed (see referenced issue) but it was "rejected".

I could publish a new module specifically for this sitemap plugin but if you offer, i am happy to maintain the plugin here.

Let me know what you prefer.

Test failing because of an unrelated issue I think (e.g. SitemapBookTest).

Unassigning this issue from me.

Ready for review.

Understandable 🫡 I've opened this issue on the sitemap module Compatibility with Domain Menus Active to support compatibility with Domain Menus

Thank you for your reply.

A new filter is available on dev branch 2.1.x: the "Jump to" filter.

You can see it in action on this page: (see attached screenshot too).

Please review and let me know.

This is a surprise but okay.

🤷 This issue existed before the other. Why did we need to create a new one @SKAUGHT ?

Anyway, I will try to catch up on the changes on the other issue #3443556.

Thank you for linking the two.

I suggest to implement a new filter: Jump to where users will be able to type any given valid date - as per the PHP Datetime formats - which will be used for the calendar_timestamp= query string parameter's value.

Working on this issue.

Thank you for reporting this.

If we could set the pager buttons to take CSS it would make life simpler.

Could you please elaborate on your request?

Please give examples of what you are trying to achieve.

There should not be any restrictions induced by Calendar View when it comes to styling pagers. The Views templates work as usual so you can safely theme things with CSS / classes as you like.

Marking as fixed.

Please comment and/or reopen as appropriate.

Several information I m not sure I understand here, sorry.

@ryanknighton can you try with a different view style, such as Table or Unformatted list please ?

If the problem occurs with a totally different view style - not a Calendar View display - therefore it is not related to this module. It will be related to your theme or something on your frontend - plus you said everything work in preview on the back. I am quite sure your Ajax issue is not related to Calendar. Looking forward to hearing from you.

@micnap I think this is a totally different issue. Do you mind opening a bug report? Please give details about your version of the Calendar View module and your view configuration - I do not reproduce the issue on the dev branch thus I guess you might be using an old release. Thanks.

Does this happen with the same view but a different format - such as Table or Unformatted list?

Marking PR as Draft because of error in JS with once usage.

Working on fixes.

Updating my attribution too.

Thank you for your reviews. I've updated the tests/assertions. Hoping it is acceptable now.

Marking this issue as NR.

It was possible to acheive everything with a preprocess function but it is a nice addition to the module codebase anyway.

So it is fixed on the dev branch 2.1.x.

Could you please try and confirm that you can now hide empty cells with CSS as you wanted to?

Marking as fixed because of #3420502.

Title attributes are now handle with a custom settings and should be 100% translatable.

Thank you very much for your contrib!

Marking as fixed - merged on dev branch 2.1.x.

The Calendar view title and rows' title attribute are now handled by a custom settings which allows tokens and takes the current view rendering language value as langcode for token replacements.

In other words, Calendar View can now be configured like in the attached screenshot.

It is confusing I agree.

I still think it is better to have "Settings" and "Blocks" grouped together to prevent the kind of "duplicated labels" under User Interface.

I suggest we place just one item under Admin > Config > UI > Navigation (see attached screenshot).

Note: I have updated the route and template links from `/navigation-block/...` to `/navigation/block/...` to keep consistency.

Removing "Need tests" tag as relevant test was added to ManageDisplayTest.php.

Pending code review, issue summary update and usability review

Floating UI - the newer version of popperjs - is apparently being introduced back into core thanks to the new Navigation module (still experimental).

🙌 Congratulations, what an acheivement! 🙌

Based on uses in real scenarios

Could we have more details about this?
I am very curious about realword Drupal project using workspaces.

To keep consistency between all Field UI tabs, I suggest we add the Machine name column to Manage form and Manage display tables.

I have not found any existing tests related to table headers or table rows' columns thus I have not added new tests. I guess it is not even necessary to check if this column exists 🤷. If so, please feel free to remove the "Need tests" tag from this issue. If not and we want tests, please help find where I should add such a test.

See attached MR !7612

Thank you for reporting this issue.

Could you please test the attached MR !33 and let me know.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

I understand now, thank you for the explanations.

I think I have it sorted in the attached merge request !32.

Could you please try and let me know if it answer your need?

With this patch applied, you should be able to place the start field in your View and then select it as the date field in the calendar settings. Then your events will be displayed on their "start" date only.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


I love the idea of incentivizing work with staked credits 👍

It will be an improvement of our current credit system which can definitely help to move some issues forward. Bigger credit stakes will motivate Drupalists to participate in order to win a piece of the cake - we all know about how some already "game the system" to win reputation.

However I think it is restricted only to a (small ?) part of our community.

Who will have interest in earning credits? And what for?

As the credit system is now - and even with bigger stakes to win - I think only maintainers and organizations who can reuse this currency to promote their own issues/projects will participate in the game. We should try to empower everyone in the community - and why not even outsiders 🤷?

So my question is:

what can I do with my credits?

I suggest we implement a Drupal currency for Governance at a bigger scale: to vote for strategic initiatives, to vote for things to work/remove from core, fund the contrib modules I think are most interesting, to ask for places where to held the next DrupalCon...etc - kind of similar to how Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) work.

I would love to have a voice and to make choice about the future of Drupal. No matter who I am, I will do my best to contribute to Drupal if I know it gives me more power hover the future of the project.

No matter the outcome of this topic, thank you so much for filling this issue @mandclu.


Some links I think are worth considering for a new kind of governance in our community based on contribution currency:

Sorry for the inconvenience @nigelwhite... but I'm not sure to fully understand what you are trying to acheive.

By design an event will be displayed every day it occurs. I think I am missing something, i'm sorry.

What would you like the calendar to display?

New settings available for the title attribute:

  • calendar_title
  • calendar_row_title

Tokens available - such as:

  • calendar_title: [date:custom:F]
  • calendar_row_title: [date:custom:\W\e\e\k W - F Y]

The calendar timestamp is passed to the token service for date replacements.

User can also use field tokens such as {{ nid }}, {{ dates }}... which are fields you usually added to the View Fields section but Excluded from display.

For date range formatting, there are several popular modules which provide custom formatters. I've tried a few and I suggest the following:

  1. Date Group
  2. Smart Date
  3. Datetime extras

Please test the attached MR and let me know.

Working on this issue.

Adding a new settings to the calendar display for rows title attribute - with tokens allowed.

Work in progress.

Pending :

  • Document how to use field tokens
  • Document solution to format date range items when using field tokens to create title attributes such as: From start date to end date (e.g. Date Range formatter module)
  • Add test

matthieuscarset changed the visibility of the branch 3420502-settings-for-hover to active.

matthieuscarset changed the visibility of the branch 3420502-settings-for-hover to hidden.

Thank you for reporting this issue.

@lucas.vidaguren Could you please test if the situation is fixed by the changes I've added in this MR ?

Looking forward to hearing from you

You're a maintainer! Thank you very much for your help @smustgrave.

+1k to have enhancers for entity_reference AND entity_revision_reference fields (👀paragraphs...).

This module is D11 ready now on 3.0.x.

I'll make a release as soon as possible when core is released.

Merci Mr. Robot !

I tried to make things simpler in this commit. Please try the `3.0.x` branch. I hope this solution fixed all situations reported.

Thank you for reporting this issue.

I manage to reproduce it and I have another exception if my Drupal site does not have the menu_link_content entity at all.

There was some logic missing in code but it is now solved by this commit.

Thank you for reporting the issue.

I do not manage to reproduce it though.

Even with an external link, menu items are filtered out of a menu if it has a language specified.

I think your situation is that your link has no language specified (e.g. `- not specified -` or `- not applicable -`). In this case the link is displayed in all languages.

MR ready for review.

Leaving this issue as NW because all the Tests still need to be fixed to run and pass.

Reopening because this small change is actually very helpful👌

I decorate TaxonomyColor to alter $elements under Taxonomy Colors options.

I need to get the list of $terms again, so I need to have getTermId() method public to be able to call it.

Closing this issue as this change is not really necessary.

It is easier to simply override the colorInputBoxs() method to implement custom logic.

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