Introduce component variants to SDC

Created on 29 September 2023, over 1 year ago


We are planning to rewrite UI Patterns upon SDC. To achieve this, we are proposing a few changes and additions:

Variants is a common feature in UI Components:

  • Bootstrap cards have vertical and horizontal variants
  • Material Design buttons have text, outilned, raised and unelevated variants
  • ...

Declaring variants as a prop is not enough for many reasons.

1. Using a string type with enum doesn't allow proper documentation (label, description):

  type: object
      type: string
        - primary
        - secondary
        - inverted

2. Using a anyOf with constant is verbose and complicated:

  type: object
        - { "const": "primary", "title": "Primary", "description": "..." }
        - { "const": "secondary", "title": "Secondary", "description": "..." }
        - { "const": "inverted", "title": "Inverted", "description": "..." }

3. The prop ID is free and it will not always be "variant", but sometimes "variants", "variations", "versions", "scheme"... SDC ecosystem may suffer of this lack of consistency. A module which want to leverage components variants will have no way of guessing which prop is a variant.

Proposed resolution

Add a new "variant" property at the root of component declaration with the same structure as the slot property :

name:  Card
    title: Primary
    description: ...
    title: Secondary
    description: ...
    title: Inverted
    description: ...
    title: Primary
    description: ...
props: {}
slots: {}

Proposal 1: declare as variant, use as prop

Once declared, the variant is loaded a prop and used as a prop:

  '#type' => 'component',
  '#component' => 'card',
  '#props' => [
    'variant' => 'primary',

This is what we plan to do in UI Patterns 2.x if it is not done at the SDC level, not because it is our preference, but because we don't want to "hack" SDC too deeply.

Proposal 1: declare as variant, use as variant

With the introduction of a new property in the render element:

  '#type' => 'component',
  '#component' => 'card',
  '#variant' => 'primary',
  '#props' => [ ]

We have a preference for this solution.

Remaining tasks

If there is a chance for this feature to be accepted, we can propose a merge request soon.

We have one month before the release of Drupal 10.2.0-alpha1.

API changes


Feature request




single-directory components 

Last updated 5 days ago

Created by

🇫🇷France pdureau Paris

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  • Issue created by @pdureau
  • e0ipso Can Picafort

    Thanks for this! I am not sure weather or not we have an issue for this already, but I think this is something we need.

    For me, the main reasons to add variants is what you mention:

    This can be useful when the markup is changing a lot from a variant to another, and help keeping each Twig template clean and simple.

    This was once in the SDC codebase, and we stripped it away in order to reduce the scope for core inclusion. Perhaps this issue can help move this faster: #3317120: Remove variant support .

  • 🇫🇷France pdureau Paris

    I have updated the issue summary to remove references to "distinct template by variant". We understand it can be a messy implementation for an uncommon use case, and we can get rid of this requirement.

  • e0ipso Can Picafort

    I am leaning towards proposal 2. This is how we have it on CL Components as well.

    I would also like to set expectations on the timeline for this. It think this needs to go in, after we move all the codebase into Drupal core itself.

  • 🇺🇸United States j. ayen green

    I like the idea of option 2. I'd like to add a use case here, as well. Having a component, such as an Event. There could be more than one display defined for the detail or teaser view, but both would be referring to the same component data so need a way to be supported by an appropriate variant.

  • e0ipso Can Picafort

    I believe BC will complicate things here, now that SDC is stable. But I am getting ahead of myself.

    I think we have to:

    Define how to call the variant from Twig

    This is the template ID. If we want to keep ourselves to native include / embed / extend we need to create a new naming convention. Potential ideas:

    include('<provider>:<component-name>#<variant>', ...)
    include('<provider>:<component-name>.<variant>', ...)
    include('<provider>:<component-name>--<variant>', ...)
    include('<provider>:<component-name>|<variant>', ...)

    Define the naming convention for the template file name

    Here we should probably mirror the decision above.


    Connect the template ID with the filename

    The ComponentLoader will receive a template ID, and will be in charge of finding the template file name, as defined above.

    For the render array way of embedding things, the ComponentElement will take a new optional #variant (as proposed in the IS), and will compose the necessary template ID. Everything else is the same as using Twig to embed the component.

    The component plugin Drupal\Core\Plugin\Component

    At this moment we access the template for the component via a public property $component->template. However now the template to be used for the component will depend on the variant. We need to introduce $component->getTemplate($variant) (which could throw a new MissingComponentVariantException). This is a problem for backwards compatibility.

    Proposals to tackle this issue should include a plan for backwards compatibility.

  • e0ipso Can Picafort

    This summary above is part of my conversations with @penyaskito on the topic. Please, consider granting credit to him.

  • 🇪🇸Spain penyaskito Seville 💃, Spain 🇪🇸, UTC+2 🇪🇺

    I was working on this preceding Mateu's comment and reached that blocker.
    If we use the same component id per variant in plugin manager, we reach a point where the variant name is lost.
    Also, the template public prop is a show stopper for BC.

    Had another chat with Mateu today.

    An alternative sub-optimal implementation would be:

    - Generate a different component id per variant on plugin manager (as if they were derivatives).
    - Have some kind of "base component id" that we could use when we want to list components so they aren't repeated (API addition, should be BC)
    - Have method on plugin manager for listing components (excluding variants), and a separate one for the loading (with variants, would be the existing one). This should be BC, but would allow Storybook and like to list them without "duplicates".

    I think that would be still doable, but far from ideal. Otherwise this might be a won't fix.

  • 🇪🇸Spain penyaskito Seville 💃, Spain 🇪🇸, UTC+2 🇪🇺

    I've pushed my WIP for availability, but that's the blocked road.

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  • e0ipso Can Picafort

    I want to hear @pdureau's take on this. Let's see if I can lure him in to add his thoughts before we decide on anything.

  • 🇫🇷France pdureau Paris

    Some thoughts

    Define how to call the variant from Twig

    Like attributes, variant is a "glorified" prop:

    • both of them have a predefined and fixed prop type (Attribute object for attributes, string enum for variant)
    • attributes can be omitted from component's props definitions (because automatically added in templates), variant can be defined outside props definitions (in, order to easily add metadata on each enum value, without the need of using a complicated combination of anyOf with constant)

    So, because it is "just" a prop, why not injecting the value as a prop instead of inventing a new notation (like we already do for attributes)?

    {{ include('vendor:example', {
        variant: "primary",
        attributes: create_attribute().setAttribute(foo, "bar"),
        label: "Lorem ipsum",
      }, with_context = false) }}

    Define the naming convention for the template file name

    So, we are introducing such a feature? Since last summer, UI Suite community is merging variants templates into components templates in order to be compatible with SDC. I believe many people will be happy if it is not necessary anymore.

    The 2 first proposals have my preference:

    <provider>/components/<component-name>/<component-name>--<variant>.twig because it looks like a template suggestion, so familiar.

    /components//..twig because:

    Current work

    If we use the same component id per variant in plugin manager, we reach a point where the variant name is lost.

    variant is a prop which is defined apart of other props because of the predefined type and the expected metadata. Why the component manager would have do complicated and/specific stuff about variants?

    In UI Patterns 2.x, we were hesitating between 2 solutions which look simpler:

    • duplicating the variants (defined apart from the other props in the YML) as a variant (string, enum) prop during the component definition loading in the component manager
    • or keeping them separated at the loading, and merging variant value into the props at rendering only

    Other feedbacks about variant definitions:

        "variantDefinition": {
          "type": "array",
          "patternProperties": {
            "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]$": {
              "type": "string"

    If variants are a simple list of variant ID, we are not bringing anything useful compared to simply using an enum prop.

    In an UI and design system point of view, variants have meaning. So, we need metadata to express and share this meaning:

        "variantsDefinition": {
          "type": "object",
          "patternProperties": {
            "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]$": {
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                "title": {
                  "type": "string",
                  "title": "Title"
                "description": {
                  "type": "string",
                  "title": "Description"
  • Merge request !8197WIP separate components for the variants. → (Closed) created by penyaskito
  • 🇪🇸Spain penyaskito Seville 💃, Spain 🇪🇸, UTC+2 🇪🇺

    > duplicating the variants (defined apart from the other props in the YML) as a variant (string, enum) prop during the component definition loading in the component manager

    A new approach for this at

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  • 🇪🇸Spain penyaskito Seville 💃, Spain 🇪🇸, UTC+2 🇪🇺

    Back to my original PR.

    Like attributes, variant is a "glorified" prop. [...] Why not injecting the value as a prop instead of inventing a new notation (like we already do for attributes)?

    The difference here is that attributes will be used on the template, while variant intends to modify the template being used.
    I gave another try at this, and unless we alter the twig EmbedNode object for ensuring it has that context (and then we need to modify the EmbedTokenParser class, definitely low level code), it's too late for that.

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  • 🇪🇸Spain penyaskito Seville 💃, Spain 🇪🇸, UTC+2 🇪🇺

    This needs sanity checks from @e0ipso.

  • Status changed to Needs review 9 months ago
  • 🇫🇷France nod_ Lille

    (I need this soon so I'm happy it's being worked on :) fixing status

    Regarding DX I would go with the MR 8152, while the overall code is (much) more complex, DX is nicer:

    {% embed 'umami:banner' with {
        variant: 'red',
        attributes: create_attribute(),
      } %}

    With the other solution, having the variant in the template name doesn't feel appropriate, it also exposes the separator which is another magic thing that non Drupal folks will need to learn.

    One question here would be what happens when you override a component in your theme but you don't have the specific variant ? In any case I'd avoid error-ing out and use the default template.

  • Status changed to Needs work 9 months ago
  • The Needs Review Queue Bot tested this issue. It fails the Drupal core commit checks. Therefore, this issue status is now "Needs work".

    This does not mean that the patch necessarily needs to be re-rolled or the MR rebased. Read the Issue Summary, the issue tags and the latest discussion here to determine what needs to be done.

    Consult the Drupal Contributor Guide to find step-by-step guides for working with issues.

  • 🇫🇷France pdureau Paris

    From @penyaskito:

    The difference here is that attributes will be used on the template, while variant intends to modify the template being used.

    You are adding the possibility of having a different template by variant, and some people will love this new feature.

    However, I hope:

    • this feature is optional (I don't have to create different template every time I create a new variant)
    • the variant prop will be injected into the template

    From experience, I believe most of the use of variants will be in class names, as BEM modifier or equivalents in other naming methodologies:

    {% set attributes = (variant and variant != 'default') ? attributes.addClass('foo-badge--' ~ variant) : attributes %}
    <p{{ attributes.addClass('foo-badge') }}>

    So, a single template is enough for all variants.

  • 🇫🇷France nod_ Lille

    Can we cut the separate template and see how much that simplifies the code for 8152?

  • 🇪🇸Spain penyaskito Seville 💃, Spain 🇪🇸, UTC+2 🇪🇺

    @nod_ My main goal is having separate templates, and so far looks like that's the most complex part of it. I'm scared we might end up with a solution that prevents adding that later because of BC. Could we split this to a different issue for easiness of review and getting it in? Definitely. Should we do that before we have the templates covered? IMHO no.

  • 🇫🇷France nod_ Lille

    It's just that having a separate template for a variant is starting to scare me very much.

    If we make people associate "variant" with "separate html" I'm not sure we'll be able to close that door. And there are a few projects I've been on that I know would have abused that instead of making a proper solution, like some wild paragraph templating instead of a proper field formatter.

    I am not clear in which cases this is necessary vs. the real danger of duplicating html and making it really hard to keep things in sync over time. Can you provide a few use cases?

  • 🇫🇮Finland lauriii Finland

    Couldn't you load templates manually from the main template based on the variable? E.g. {% include "banner--" ~ variant ~ ".html.twig" %". With this, I'm not sure if we need to handle loading a variant template automatically. Otherwise we open a can of worms for example to decide what to do about CSS.

  • 🇪🇸Spain penyaskito Seville 💃, Spain 🇪🇸, UTC+2 🇪🇺

    @nod_ We come from cl_components which allowed that, which might reinforce your argument that it's a door hard to close.
    I don't see how @lauriii's proposal couldn't work with the few cases where the template is significantly different and looks like the sanest thing at this point.

    Also @e0ipso already raised than having our own twig token parser in core is something he doesn't feel comfortable with. I would be happy to avoid writing that too :sweat

  • 🇫🇷France nod_ Lille

    If twig already allows it as lauriii suggested (and it's not even bad DX). Then we don't need to do anything special. Now we just need to not advertise it so that people won't do it :)

  • e0ipso Can Picafort

    From experience, I believe most of the use of variants will be in class names, as BEM modifier or equivalents in other naming methodologies:

    AFAICT you can accomplish that with a regular prop today, no need for this ticket to land.

    this feature is optional (I don't have to create different template every time I create a new variant)

    Couldn't you load templates manually from the main template based on the variable? E.g. {% include "banner--" ~ variant ~ ".html.twig" %".

    Just pointing out that this two statements may appear to be in conflict, but I believe they are not. We need to ensure the template file exists before doing the template swap.

    the variant prop will be injected into the template

    I think this may belong to the componentMetadata object that gets injected. Thoughts?

    I am still unconvinced about making the user request the variant using a seemingly regular prop. It feels like bad UX. I only see two inputs for embedding a component: the template name (my_module:my-component) and the template context (with {...}), so we don't have many options.

    If we are to introduce props with render logic, perhaps we could introduce an unlikely reserved prop for those. Then users would write:

    {% embed 'my_theme:cool-component' with {
      unlikelyReservedNameUpForBikeshedding: { variant: 'my-variant-name' },
      prop1: 'foo',
      prop2: 'bar',
    } %}

    In the future we could add more stuff in there (aside from variants), should we need to do so.

  • e0ipso Can Picafort

    At this point, it feels that this issue is only about a name convention. Variant is a regular prop: we can do that today. The template is managed manually: we can do that today.

    The only remaining value is to ensure that people uses variants with the same name, and thus it becomes introspectable metadata that we can use down the line (add a selector in XB?).

    Should we update the IS?

  • 🇮🇳India Sharique

    Sorry, if I'm distracting from main topic, I want to highlight a scenario, which I think might be useful in making decision here, feel free to move it to separate ticket. So scenario is like this

    • There is a component in base theme called card.
    • For project A, created a new sub theme A
    • There is a requirement to a new variant of card in project A
    • Simple solution is to define a new variant in base theme, and implement it in sub-theme. Downside of this approach is in some cases it might break existing sites based base theme and base them may end up with many variant which are specific to projects.
    • Another approach is define a new variant in sub theme only. [It requires this ticket and 📌 Make SDC extensible Active ]. This will keep base theme clean.
  • 🇧🇪Belgium wim leers Ghent 🇧🇪🇪🇺

    Should we update the IS?

    That'd be very useful! 🙏

  • 🇺🇸United States xjm
  • 🇺🇸United States Kristen Pol Santa Cruz, CA, USA

    Adding FAQ page that refers to variants to summary:

  • 🇫🇷France pdureau Paris

    Hi @penyaskito,

    Following our chat at DrupalCon Barcelona, some examples of variants usages in UI Patterns 2 themes:

    Bootstrap 5

        title: Primary
        title: Secondary
        title: Success
        title: Danger
        title: Warning
        title: Info
        title: Light
        title: Dark
    {% if variant and variant|lower != 'default' %}
      {% set attributes = attributes.addClass('alert-' ~ variant|lower|replace({'_': '-'})) %}
    {% endif %}

    Daisy UI 4

        title: Default
        title: Info
        title: Success
        title: Warning
        title: Error
    {% if variant %}
    {% set attributes = (variant != 'default') ? attributes.addClass('alert-' ~ variant) : attributes %}
    {% endif %}
    + some stuff about icons

    USWDS 3

        title: Informative
        title: Warning
        title: Error
        title: Success
        title: Emergency
    {% set role = 'alert' %}
    {% if variant and variant|lower != 'default' %}
      {% set attributes = attributes.addClass('usa-alert--' ~ variant) %}
      {% if variant|lower == 'success' %}
        {% set role = 'status' %}
      {% endif %}
      {% if variant|lower == 'info' or variant|lower == 'warning' %}
        {% set role = 'region' %}
      {% endif %}
    {% endif %}

  • 🇪🇸Spain penyaskito Seville 💃, Spain 🇪🇸, UTC+2 🇪🇺

    penyaskito changed the visibility of the branch 3390712-add-component-variants to hidden.

  • I am not convinced about the necessity of implementing template suggestion for variants 🤔.

    I think it is enough to add the `variants` object at the root of the component declaration.

    IMHO it becomes confusing to mix the concepts of variations and display modes.

    A variant prop is enough for developers to create an infinity of variations (e.g. includes, embed... simply thanks to Twig):

    {# mysdc.twig #}
    <div{{ attributes.addClass(variant|clean_class) }}>
      {% if variant == "averydifferentvariationrequiringanothertemplate" %}
        {% include "mymodule/mysdc/mysdc--extrathingstodisplayforthisverydifferentvariation.twig" %}
      {% endif %}
      {{ title }}
      {{ body }}
      {{ cta }}

    BTW: Can we clarify if variants if a single value or if it is an array?

  • 🇺🇸United States dalemoore

    I just saw this issue and wanted to mention: please don't rely that people will only be using Twig to render variant types. There are some of us who will be using Web components (done in e.g., Lit, FAST) for our SDCs and so will be making use of a variant prop to select the variant, and that is expecting a string value of the variant name (e.g., primary, secondary, etc.). The JS and constructed styles of the Web component will be the thing that determines how the variant will look, what slots each variant has, etc., the my-component.twig will only be to print stuff out into appropriate props/slots of the Web component. Similar to how I see in XB they're using the Shoelace components.

    Introducing something like this:

    {% embed 'my_theme:cool-component' with {
      '#variant': 'my-variant-name',
      prop1: 'foo',
      prop2: 'bar',
    } %}

    With the #variant prop seems to be introducing a Drupalism into a Web component that may be used elsewhere outside Drupal (that is, no other props will start with #).

    As long as I can do this instead:

    {% embed 'my_theme:cool-component' with {
      variant: 'my-variant-name',
      prop1: 'foo',
      prop2: 'bar',
    } %}

    By pulling the string value from #variant or any other method proposed I will be good though!

  • 🇫🇷France pdureau Paris

    Hi Dale,

    The proposal with #variant is for the render element only.

    Don't worry, the call from template will still be:

    {% embed 'my_theme:cool-component' with {
      variant: 'my-variant-name',
      prop1: 'foo',
      prop2: 'bar',
    } %}


    {{ include('my_theme:cool-component', {
      variant: 'my-variant-name',
      prop1: 'foo',
      prop2: 'bar',
    }) }}
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  • 🇪🇸Spain penyaskito Seville 💃, Spain 🇪🇸, UTC+2 🇪🇺

    Still missing:

    - Schema
    - Schema validation
    - Schema validation tests.

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