I just pulled that change and double checked that the contrast checker and code still look fine, and it's good.
Whoops. Sorry about that
- Code changes look good
- Passes contrast checker
- New variable is being used
I'll take a look now.
Related in Project Browser queue for awhile ago:
📌 [META] Test project browser on popular hosting providers Active
Using the naming convention from 📌 Implement designs for Feature component within Olivero for XB Active (cta => link).
Here's what it looks like now. The link styling might need some tweaking.
Looks like it's been update to be clear about this (see below) and you can't see the issue queue any more on the project page so all good.
Do we want to change the project ownership/creation from "jurriaanroelofs"?
Getting support and reporting issues
Check out the Drupal CMS User Guide, which includes set up information and tutorials for common tasks.
Join Drupal Slack and get support in the #drupal-cms-support channel.
Report issues and contribute to Drupal CMS using the issue queue of the Drupal CMS development repository.
Note that the Experience Builder 1.0 is targeted for July.
I'm using DDEV and the site does die when I try to reload after turning the wifi off. Forgot about that annoyance :/
So, I guess this is an edge case and not under our control, so closing. Thanks for the info/reminder.
Minor formatting/wording updates.
kristen pol → created an issue.
Quickly skimmed test errors and they seem unrelated.
In #6, @phenaproxima seemed pretty happy with things and you changed the one thing he noticed.
Back to needs review for his blessing.
I've tested and it is working as expected.
There is an accessibility issue with the hover for the button (can't tell you are selecting it), but it's the same issue on all of them, so I'll create an issue if there isn't one already.
The issue with tests not passing is probably unrelated, but I'll check the errors.
I tested this and it didn't work. Here's a video:
Let me know if I'm testing incorrectly.
Actually... this needs work because, when I use a different directory name, then it doesn't work:
macbookpro:testing_drupal_cms kristenpol$ ./launch-drupal-cms.sh
Creating a new DDEV project config in the current directory (.../Sites/quant/another_cms/testing_drupal_cms)
Once completed, your configuration will be written to .../Sites/quant/another_cms/testing_drupal_cms/.ddev/config.yaml
Configuring a 'drupal11' project named 'testing_drupal_cms' with docroot 'web' at '.../Sites/quant/another_cms/testing_drupal_cms/web'.
For full details use 'ddev describe'.
failed to validate config: testing_drupal_cms is not a valid project name. Please enter a project name in your configuration that will allow for a valid hostname. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hostname#Syntax for valid hostname requirements
We should be able to use a different name.
I just tested as follows:
- I already had these installed: drupal-cms-dev and quant-drupal-cms-1
- Installed using
composer create-project drupal/cms
with the old script - It created
which makes sense based on the old logic - Installed again using the new script and it created
which makes sense because it's using an exact name match - Installed again and it created
- Installed again and it created
- Installed again and it created
- I deleted
and installed again and it createdcms-2
as expected
So, the logic works, but I'm not sure if the code looks okay.
Looks good :)
This approach is similar to other Olivero color styles. It doesn't look like the subtheme is defining any variables... should it? If something else needs this grey, it would be nice... not marking RTBC but can if we are okay not putting in a new variable.
./css/base/variables.css: --color--gray-5: hsl(var(--color--gray-hue), var(--color--gray-saturation), 5%); /* Black */
./css/base/variables.css: --color--gray-10: hsl(var(--color--gray-hue), var(--color--gray-saturation), 11%);
./css/base/variables.css: --color--gray-20: hsl(var(--color--gray-hue), var(--color--gray-saturation), 20%); /* Black 2 */
./css/base/variables.css: --color--gray-45: hsl(var(--color--gray-hue), var(--color--gray-saturation), 44%); /* Gray Dark */
./css/base/variables.css: --color--gray-60: hsl(var(--color--gray-hue), var(--color--gray-saturation), 57%); /* Gray medium */
./css/base/variables.css: --color--gray-65: hsl(var(--color--gray-hue), var(--color--gray-saturation), 63%); /* Black 4 */
./css/base/variables.css: --color--gray-70: hsl(var(--color--gray-hue), var(--color--gray-saturation), 72%); /* Gray medium 2 */
./css/base/variables.css: --color--gray-90: hsl(var(--color--gray-hue), var(--color--gray-saturation), 88%); /* Gray light */
./css/base/variables.css: --color--gray-95: hsl(var(--color--gray-hue), var(--color--gray-saturation), 93%); /* Gray light 1 */
./css/base/variables.css: --color--gray-100: hsl(var(--color--gray-hue), var(--color--gray-saturation), 97%); /* Gray light 2 */
kristen pol → created an issue.
mradcliffe → credited kristen pol → .
I think there may be 2 issues:
1. Issue with images inside of <picture>
2. Some image styles not syncing
When I changed from:
<source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/5_2_1300x520_focal_point_webp/public/2024-12/DrupalCon-Barcelona-2024%20-%20credit-Bram-Driesen.jpg.webp?itok=dF48scR- 1x" media="all and (min-width: 1000px)" type="image/webp" width="1300" height="520"></source>
<source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/5_2_1000x400_focal_point_webp/public/2024-12/DrupalCon-Barcelona-2024%20-%20credit-Bram-Driesen.jpg.webp?itok=deg0hnCl 1x" media="all and (min-width: 700px)" type="image/webp" width="1000" height="400"></source>
<source srcset="/sites/default/files/styles/16_9_704x396_focal_point_webp/public/2024-12/DrupalCon-Barcelona-2024%20-%20credit-Bram-Driesen.jpg.webp?itok=CIs90WqA 1x" media="all and (min-width: 500px)" type="image/webp" width="704" height="396"></source>
<img loading="eager" width="512" height="288" src="/sites/default/files/styles/16_9_512x288_focal_point_webp/public/2024-12/DrupalCon-Barcelona-2024%20-%20credit-Bram-Driesen.jpg.webp?itok=nNObg6nj" alt="Large group of people at DrupalCon Barcelona 2024 posting for a group photo.">
<img loading="eager" width="512" height="288" src="/sites/default/files/styles/16_9_512x288_focal_point_webp/public/2024-12/DrupalCon-Barcelona-2024%20-%20credit-Bram-Driesen.jpg.webp?itok=nNObg6nj" alt="Large group of people at DrupalCon Barcelona 2024 posting for a group photo.">
then the image showed up.
Might not be an image style problem...
This image is in Quant:
Yet, when viewing the page with that image, it doesn't show up:
kristen pol → created an issue.
I've done the testing. There are a couple issues so I'll make follow-up issues for those.
kristen pol → created an issue.
This has been merged into the 2.x branch and an alpha release has been created.
This has been merged into the 2.x branch and an alpha release has been created.
Add meeting parser link.
kristen pol → created an issue.
Jim asked for some help creating meeting notes issues, so I've created ones for:
Aug 13th, Aug 27th, Sep 10th, Sep 24th, Oct 8th, Oct 22nd
and put this issue as the parent.
@thejimbirch These need to be reviewed and credited.
@jdleonard I've left these for you: Nov 5th, Nov 19th, Dec 3rd, Dec 17th, Jan 14th
Here's a video of the process using the Chrome extension (video is still processing):
I'll be finding a place to document this more generally and add the video... probably in the contribution guide.
Adding notes and participants.
Needs review and credits
Added meeting notes and participants.
Needs review and credits.
Adding meeting notes and participants.
Adding meeting notes and participants.
Clean up...
Adding meeting notes and participants.
Clean up...
Adding meeting notes and list of participants to credit.
I'll fill this in shortly.
kristen pol → created an issue.
kristen pol → created an issue.
kristen pol → created an issue.
kristen pol → created an issue.
kristen pol → created an issue.
I agree that some minimal info should be in there to avoid confusion and prevent future issues being created :)
Thanks! And hope the pizza was good :)
Moving to active as I see these in the logs after doing the trial install just now:
- Theme hook symfony_mailer_lite_email not found.
- Theme hook symfony_mailer_lite_email not found.
- Theme hook easy_email_body_plain not found.
- Theme hook easy_email_body_html not found.
griffynh → credited kristen pol → .
Thank you 🙏
Previously it was said that the CMS release with XB would be 2.0 but I see that’s changed here. We should make sure that’s made clear to the leads and advisory council so we’re all on the same page. I’ll link this in slack.
Okay… thanks for the discussion here and in Slack
I’ll open a different issue to add something more explicit to the project page or repurpose this issue for that
Note that Tome has a compatible version now.
Looks good :)
I'm going to RTBC but if we can catch Mike before it's committed then that's good.
@pameeela The CSS changes seem pretty simple but should we have Mike take a look before merging?
Thanks... looking good now... and I double checked the people page and it looked the same as above (and tested responsiveness)...
One other thing that looks a bit odd...
The creator of the cms project is jurriaanroelofs, but I would expect that the creator would be Dries or Tim H or someone from the DA or leadership team.
Assuming jurriaanroelofs doesn't mind, maybe this could be changed? If so, this could be its own issue or we can update this issue to be more general to cover both.
kristen pol → created an issue.
Oh! Fantastic 🥳
Okay… hmm… then we need the real solution in core then
I added a link there too. Can’t we hack around this for now and suppress any warnings that match this pattern? I doubt this will be fixed in core… especially with the move to XB.
Given this will affect Drupal CMS until we switch to XB and it makes the system look buggy, can we figure out a way to try to suppress these somehow soon? Even a hacky way?
Thanks for finding it… I knew it existed and I tried yesterday but didn’t notice it quickly and moved on to shinier things :)
Follow-up issue: 🐛 Hide Fake Section 2 in XB and replace with Olivero section Active
kristen pol → created an issue.
We have two merged XB Olivero components so far:
- Heading: status was missing so I added it back as experimental for consistency
- Paragraph: already had status as experimental
All new component MRs can use the experimental status.
I think this issue can be closed after this tiny MR is merged.
I'll make a follow-up issue for hiding the section.
Wow!!! That's so much better... and will be great after we get the components in over the coming weeks :)
A good follow-up is hiding the Fake Section and adding an Olivero one.
Tested across home page, people page, and person page. The person page alignment is off.
home page
people page (one card and three cards)
person page
Nothing is jumping out at me in the code (except one blank line in the config but I guess it was generated [shrug]).
It's looking way nicer :)
I installed without recipes and it's empty as expected and then installed a bunch.
I'll look at 🐛 Person card should align with other cards Active next.
I agree the misalignment of the image/text is not great so this is closer. I'll test.
I'll test it...
Cool beans... here's what I did:
- Installed rc2 in one place without MR code
- Installed rc2 in another place without MR code and got error
- Downloaded the installer script to "another place" and retried and it worked and named it
I assume 3 because I have a drupal-cms-dev
project? Doesn't really matter but it's different and works :)
All good! Thanks for this... so nice.
macbookpro:drupal-cms kristenpol$ ./launch-drupal-cms.sh
Creating a new DDEV project config in the current directory (/Users/kristenpol/Sites/quant/cms/testing-ddev2/drupal-cms)
Once completed, your configuration will be written to /Users/kristenpol/Sites/quant/cms/testing-ddev2/drupal-cms/.ddev/config.yaml
Configuring a 'drupal11' project named 'drupal-cms-3' with docroot 'web' at '/Users/kristenpol/Sites/quant/cms/testing-ddev2/drupal-cms/web'.
For full details use 'ddev describe'.
Unable to set permissions inside container on settings files: ''
No settings.php file exists, creating one
Configuration complete. You may now run 'ddev start'.
Starting drupal-cms-3...
Building project images...
This is what I reported earlier but I’m sure you know that…
You moved back to review… should I?
That looks a lot better:)
Except for XB components and the final 3 open bullets, it looks like:
✨ Custom styling for home page Active
is the only remaining item... @mherchel was/is looking at it today.
Just seeing this...
I looked at the design today, and it looked okay, and it was implemented without the email+phone here:
Linking as related this login+name of the issue was moved there.
I love visual regression testing so I hope this happens :)
Certainly easier :)
Just tested since
Implement designs for case study/project full page display within Olivero
was recently merged. Note that in both cases there's this class: button--external
which is confusing from a DX perspective, but the CSS works as expected, and adds the icon if it's external. It doesn't redirect because that's not a best practice anymore as noted above.
External link
Internal link
I re-read the text many times, and it seems fine. I changed a couple of nitpicks.
I ran through the instructions with the dev zip file and it worked fine with ddev version v1.24.1.
I had previously had an error with rc2 and ddev version v1.23.4 (had to upgrade ddev), but @phenaproxima says that's been fixed in dev and it was painful to try to revert my ddev so I didn't test that. Hopefully this is fine.
Note, that I did get a ddev error because I had previously installed rc2 and needed to remove my older install. This error could be added to the general docs in a troubleshooting section, so I pinged Suzanne in case it should be.
Other than that, the only "warnings" were:
Unable to set permissions inside container on settings files: ''
on the command line which doesn't have an issue...
... and many "block plugin not found" logs (about 50 of them):
Also get a bunch in the logs upon install... around 50 when I just tried.
Back to active.
Going to review and test.
When doing a completely fresh install, I'm not seeing this. But someone else mentioned they did see it at one point in the past. Moving to postponed since we don't know how to reproduce this.
I put it in typography.css since that seemed like the best place without having to create something new.
Being pedantic.
Added issue for tags label as I didn't find one: 🐛 Tags label should be capitalized to match design Active
kristen pol → created an issue.
I tested over here 📌 Implement & style person card & listing page Active but then found this issue...
Unassigning so @pameeela or @mherschel can respond to feedback...
Consolidating it all into this comment:
- Unclear on asterisk in
*aspect-ratio: 16/9;
- Design doesn't show the summary, so should we?
- Given we are running out of time, should we still try to get the 2+ layouts to look more similar to the design?
- The profile page doesn't match the design either... ah... I see this now: 📌 Implement designs for case person profile full page display within Olivero Active
Added bug issue based on discussions with @phenaproxima:
🐛 Node edit form for views listings should hide tags field Active
kristen pol → created an issue.
Some other things:
- Adding content on the people node did put content on the page above the view
- If you edit the people node and add tags, they don't show up on the page... should those be marked as bugs and fixed after today?
- The profile page doesn't match the design either, see below... should those be marked as bugs and fixed after today? maybe this is a different issue
- Design doesn't show the summary, so should we?
- Given we are running out of time, should we try to get the 2+ layouts to look more similar to the design?
The styling I'm seeing doesn't matching the designs so maybe I have the wrong one?
One person
Two people
Four people
(3 people looks the same but just one row)
Add design to summary.