Account created on 22 November 2013, over 10 years ago
  • Front-end developer at Skilld 

Merge Requests


Recent comments

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

Now seems all works as expected.
Please review.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

Some issues with RTL, but it close to finish now.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

finnsky changed the visibility of the branch 3197758-create-a-new to hidden.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

finnsky changed the visibility of the branch toggletip-11x to hidden.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

Looks good to me, checked on all screen sizes and rem definitions.

Fixed 2 small bugs

1. scope of mobile expand button. now it is control-bar instead of top-bar
2. duplication of --admin-toolbar-top-bar-height variable in control-bar

That small bugs so i believe they can be applied as RTBC.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

finnsky made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

I think it may need change record since we add new function in Drupal Twig here.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky


I love that idea. existing twig function isn't really flexible.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

This ticket not only admin-toolbar__tooltip. But about all possible hidden elements which are force displayed by layout builder script.
I believe logic should be different here. Please take a look at the Proposed resolution

1. On `hide content preview` add checking. and hide only visible elements + Add special attribute `data-hidden-by-layout-builder` to them.
2. On `show content preview` show only that ^ elements + remove that attribute

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

Sorry, keep in in rtbc. we also had that heading ID in footer.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

Follow up back the ID and aria-labelled-by with JS Postponed

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

finnsky changed the visibility of the branch 3450498-navigation-tooltip-appears to hidden.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

Actually it is not our false. Layout Builder forced show all items on `enable content preview` checkbox.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

Gonna cehck it deeper. seems that tooltip uses own class. not sure why

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

Looks good to me. Also i've removed outdated classnames. they are only should be on block level now.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

Thank you for work here.

I would better resolve it in main issue about no-js behaviour: 🐛 The toolbar should be usable without JS Needs work

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

Thank you for review. This was fast approach.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

finnsky changed the visibility of the branch 3443577-navigation-overlay-z-index to hidden.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

Probably concept of scoped css variables is out of Novice expertise area.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

That changes looks good to me! Thank you!

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

Yes, also it can extends type with custom widgets or fields.

What can be useful for example in Attributes field.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

Works for me after
$settings['extension_discovery_scan_tests'] = TRUE;
was configured in settings.php

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

Problem that:
1. We cannot add test coverage here. Only cover attribute presence. But it is 1% of feature. Probably it is possible to do with Nightwatch. Probably...
2. We already have that type of attributes without any test coverage. Tests shouldn't block it.
3. This is temporary solution until we not have icons library.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

this is Nightwatch issue: Evaluate adding Nightwatch tests Active

But this issue shouldn't be blocked by Nightwatch setup.
We had that type of attributes before.

I'm not even sure this feature can be tested by Nightwatch.
Tricky CSS there, until we don't have Library of icons in module.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

We need to add type="button" for all UI buttons here. Close, collapse/expand etc

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

Let's start when parent feature will be merged.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

Let's fix CSS here: .admin-toolbar__footer CSS fix. [follow up] Active

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

I think that CSS can be simplified. But i don't want to block this feature.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

I would like to fix some css and twig here.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

1. Imo only Nightwatch tests can cover it. So we need to write test for this after Nightwatch setup will be merged.

However, we cannot work on those possible conflicts until one of them is merged

We can work on both in same time.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

For test add any 2nd level menu link to Administration menu:

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

I tried to solve this problem differently.

At the moment, the button--has-icon class does not mean that the variable is actually set, all we have is the presence of the --icon variable

I tried to combine
and a double gradient depending on the presence of the variable and everything seems to work well.

Please review!

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

I don't think proof of concept should be rebased. But thank you anyway.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

Thank you for backporting this.

Some notes.

Since that original script was written lot of things were changed.
We need to rework at and adapt to current logic.

1. I see shadow on mobile but not on desktop
2. I see broken header and wrong padding relative to footer.

3. I see some flickering on popover open
probably not related to this fix but better to check

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

I like CSS-only positioning. But what about

1. my/at/flip in ?
2. also not clean how to set maxWidth etc.

Floating UI seems allows to keep all previous features.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

Thank you for fix. But it is duplicated issue. We need another method in fix 🐛 Navigation overlay z-index is not defined Needs work

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

Looking good to me +1 rtbc. I've added 2 small improvements.

1. Added type=submit to expand/close buttons to avoid LB form submit.
2. Added minor css fixes. Font size for LB text and always wide sidebar in css.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

finnsky changed the visibility of the branch 3444699-navigation-layoutbuilder-ui to active.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

finnsky changed the visibility of the branch 3444699-navigation-layoutbuilder-ui to hidden.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

finnsky changed the visibility of the branch 3446855-get-rid-of to hidden.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

finnsky changed the visibility of the branch 3446818-dialog-posit to hidden.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

finnsky changed the visibility of the branch 3446818-dialog-posit to active.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

finnsky changed the visibility of the branch 3446818-replace-dialog-position to hidden.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

finnsky changed the visibility of the branch 3446818-dialog-posit to hidden.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

Perhaps SDC will be useful here

I've added an icon component and now using SDC I replaced the icon to umami. We need to decide how this yaml config also can be overriden. But globally i prefer this obvious and simplest way.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

This fix breaks collapsed sidebar expand popover functional.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

I think it is good place for
1. SDC.
Before SDC was stable we had some efforts in that direction

We need to convert existing components and add new components as sdc.

2. Storybook. I still believe it is better to check all theories until they adapted on Drupal.

Some previous SB versions.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

I think we can merge it and create META for other tests.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

I've removed initial titles.
Now they are not defined.
Only block level titles we have now.

Backender review required here.

Test passed now.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

I've added special tag for module for :

`yarn test:nightwatch --tag navigation`

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

Probably we need to add better explanations here.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

Nope. I just checked for regressions in tugboat instance

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

Here also we need to fix this one.

I suggest to add to resize observer for that shadows.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

@javi-er yes. i got same result with
forceFallback: true. in core/modules/layout_builder/js/layout-builder.js:166

all works fine in latest chrome and safari

without this fix failure.

probably we need to ask for help layout builder team.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

finnsky changed the visibility of the branch 3446340-fix-z-index- to hidden.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

Looks good. Issue fixed. No regressions. Thank you!

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

Seems tests need deeper rework.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

finnsky made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇷🇸Serbia finnsky

I got what you mean, but it is out of scope of navigation module. even more. this is not new problem

problem now:

problem before:

So i suggest to open Olivero ticket for this.

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