grimreaper → created an issue.
grimreaper → created an issue.
Sorry to re-open, but with ✨ Make section library template entities fieldable Needs review , there is no more tab on admin content view to go to the section library collection.
Yes, there is now a menu link, but with Navigation module it is not displayed.
So should we use this issue to provide a root level menu link for navigation "content" menu? Or create a dedicated one? Or not supported?
I will create another issue to re-provide the tabs.
Ok, my bad, I had not checked that the change is only in ui_icons_backport, so normal that there is no commit on 1.1.x, this will happen in Core directly.
I have the same problem on a D10.4, with CKE5 in Layout Builder offcanvas, on a text format with the drupal media and/or the icon (from ui_icons) plugins.
When I click on the media insert button or the icon insert button, the error is immediately present in the browser's console.
Should it be ported on 1.1.x too?
Where is the commit on 1.1.x?
grimreaper → created an issue.
Using this issue I had created to ask if the project is still maintained and got no reply to propose to become maintainer.
Thanks for the issue and the work done on it.
I confirm too, that in current state at least it removes blocker of the current state.
Attaching patch from MR for Composer usage.
MR created.
Patch from MR for Composer.
Patch no more apply on 2.0.2.
Creating MR.
I rechecked the commit, with LB block form alter it was the only 2 placed where DependencySerializationTrait was used.
grimreaper → created an issue.
Strange that I had to re-add it for the block form alter, but yet not encountered the problem on section form alter.
Same as 🐛 Incompatibility between Bootstrap 5 and Claro / Gin Toolbar Active .
See other issue for the origin problem.
I had created the issue in Gin Toolbar issue queue: 💬 Why Gin Toolbar loads libraries related to media library? Active , no response yet.
pdureau → credited grimreaper → .
Quick feedback after quick review.
A uuid had been commited in the config provided on install:
uuid: c6a6de3c-e35a-4730-9621-27e6e30aad07
I will try to test that in the coming days.
CSS to add in USB.
Should be already fixed in ui_styles.
MR rebased and updated.
@pierre, can you test with Drush webserver please?
grimreaper → created an issue.
Just realized that cache context query parameter had not been put.
Reproducing the problem on a project on USB, same result, 6sec generation.
Thanks for the quick feedback.
Then I will just remove the check for the user module. And config override problem will be fixed in core.
After rebase, the MR has no more changes. It had been fixed in the issues I recently merged.
Marking as fixed and crediting contributors for the effort even without commit.
I was about to merge, then checking all the comments. Regarding comment 11, then in this case:
- as user is a required module, no need to check for it
- and for the problem of config override, only core patch needs to be applied and nothing to do on Matomo side.
Could someone confirm please?
I'm just trying to help out with testing.
No worries and huge thanks for that! :)
I had "plugin: stripe_payment_element" too. But in "payment_method_types:" I had "credit_card".
I don't know where this other issue comes from. I am not on a project with stripe or commerce to try to reproduce right now.
Wrong target branch.
grimreaper → created an issue.
grimreaper → created an issue.
@joe huggans, thanks for the feedbacks.
Thanks, I know the diff or patch file from a Gitlab URL. The problem is that the content of this URL will change if the MR is changed, so I need something stable to rely on. And I don't want to commit the patch file locally on my project, in case other projects needs it. So until Gitlab provide the feature to be able to pass the commit ID for the diff in the MR, I will upload patch files (generated from the MR).
Before running the update 8103, have you ensured that you had payment gateways that will match the conditions at the beginning of the udpate hook?
On your fresh install, are you starting from commerce_stripe 8.x-1.1, setup payment gateways, then update to 8.x-1.2?
Thanks a lot for the report.
But I can't reproduce, is it because my test environment is on D10?
In the Redirect event subscriber what are the variables values that it triggers a redirect?
grimreaper → created an issue.
grimreaper → created an issue.
Thanks for the bug report and the fix, I also witnessed this behavior to be in Twig debug mode and not have component refreshed after change in Twig.
Tested ok.
I just put one question on MR, so not RTBC for that.
grimreaper → created an issue.
g4mbini → credited grimreaper → .
grimreaper → created an issue.
security_review: ignored, it is about security not SEO and currently gives some false positive
advagg: ignored for the moment, related to performance
diff, search404, filefield_paths added but not enabled by default.
Enable metatag_hreflang instead of hreflang
Robotstxt patched to support simple_sitemap
grimreaper → created an issue.
MR updated and new patch.
Got the following warning:
Warning: foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given in Drupal\Core\Render\Element\Checkboxes::valueCallback() (line 113 of core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/Element/Checkboxes.php).
MR rebased and CI fixed.
I have created another branch for rebase and to create a patch that will apply against 8.x-1.6.
Thanks for the work done here.
Rebasing the MR because there are merge conflicts.
I think this word is a legacy from Protected Node but not sure.
Ok for existing websites, and empty for new installs.
grimreaper → created an issue.
Ok to increase the maxlength.
Tests needs to be fixed.
Code quality needs to be fixed too but if unrelated I will try to fix it.
Thanks for your suggestion.
I wrote this module years ago and I am not using it on projects so I may wrote mistakes about its architecture, sorry.
I like the idea of the field formatter so people can control how it is displayed.
Should a new service type be introduced to let people adapt the message? or such customization be done in custom field formatter on their projects?
Or maybe it is the current services to extend with one or more new dedicated to get the access message:
- Because of permission (Because of permission "Bypass password protection" may be confusing depending on the user)
- Because you already entered the global password correctly
- Because you already entered the password correctly for all @bundle
- Because you already entered the password correctly
Thanks for your feedbacks.
As it is in a template, I would have guessed people would override the template to remove it if needed.
Ok to remove it, if:
- there is an update hook
- let's put "hint:" as default value when configuring the formatter?
Not possible to reinstall with user_picture.
Core issue created: 🐛 user_picture prevents installation from profile Active
grimreaper → created an issue.
Need to wait for a fix in gitlab template to be deployed then I will be able to merge.
MR tested OK in
Providing MR as suggested in
grimreaper → created an issue.
grimreaper → created an issue.
Patch for composer usage.