🇮🇳India @Kanchan Bhogade

Account created on 6 December 2023, about 1 year ago

Recent comments

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I have manually tested issue on Drupal 11.x but Key is populated after validation failure on blank title.

Validation is already compatible for latest version

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested MR!25 on Drupal 10.3.x
The MR is applied successfully...

The broken button issue is resolved
Attaching screenshots

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested MR !15 on Drupal 11.x
Applied MR successfully...

Testing Steps:
Visit the site as an anonymous user.
Log in using another browser and enable maintenance mode.
Reload the page you visited in the first step (please ensure the URL does not point to the user/login path)

Manual Test Result:After MR, The maintenance page is appears and not showing any path to login (/user/login )

Attaching Screenshot
Keeping in review for code verification

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested MR !7 on Drupal 10.3.x
MR is applied successfully

Menu item spacing and alignment are updated

Attaching screenshot


🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

Tested Updated MR !53 on Drupal 10.3.x
MR applied successfully...

Tested manually, the login page error is fixed

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

Tested Updated MR !671 on Drupal 11.x

The clear and search button overlapping issue is resolved


🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested MR !671 on Drupal 11.x
The MR is applied successfully....

Test Result:
The clear and search button overlap issue is resolved for gin theme.

But in summary MR is showing "Open failed pipeline" so keeping in Need review for code verifaction

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested patch #55 on Drupal 10.3.x
The patch is applied successfully...

The menu dropdown is scrollable after applied patch


🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested MR !670 on Drupal 11.x
The MR is applied successfully...

Testing steps:
Install Drupal 11.x
Go to the recipes page
Click on a recipe
See the description appears twice
Applied MR and checked for same

Test Result:
Recipe description appears twice in modal issues is resolved

Attaching Screenshots

Keeping need review for code verification!

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I have tested MR !20 on Drupal 10
Applied MR Successfully...

Test result:
In advanced search, the Keywords fields input box appears.

Adding screenshots

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I have tested MR !1 on Drupal 10.3.x
Mr is applied successfully...

Testing steps:
Install the theme.
Go to Contact form
Check the space between the field label and its corresponding input field.
Apply MR and checked for the same

The space between the field label and the input field is updated and visually looks good.

Attaching screenshot

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested MR !3 on Drupal 10.3.x
The MR is applied cleanly...

The search icon is appearing.

Attaching screenshot

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I have tested MR !4 on Drupal 10.3.x
The MR is applied successfully....

For Mobile view, Header overlap toolbar issue resolved.

Attching screenshots

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tried to reproduce the issues on Drupal 10.3.x but it's already compatible; unable to see any error on Add comment

Attaching Screenshot

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested MR! 53 on Drupal 10.3.x
The MR is applied cleanly...

The Login page error is resolved.



🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I have applied MR! 10662 on Drupal 11.x with a minimal Profile
The MR is applied successfully...

Test Result: PASS
If the Help module is not installed, the Help link will not appear in the navigation menu.
If the Help module is installed, the Help link will appear in the navigation menu and redirect to the appropriate page.

Attaching Screenshot


But MR is in Draft state so keeping the issue in "needs review"

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I have applied MR! 50 on Drupal 10.3 with Bootstrap Cloud theme
Tested issue using Drupapod
On the Search page, the search button is updated.

Attaching screenshots

Keeping in "needs review" for others review

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I have tested MR 8 on Drupal 11.x
MR is applied successfully...

For Read More and other buttons style is updated

Attaching screenshots


🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I have tried to replicate issue on Drupal 10.3 and 11.x
but unable to replicate the issue and all checkboxes are already uniform

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I have tested MR 366 on Drupal 11.x
The MR is applied successfully
The overlapping issue is resolved for both Horizontal, Modern Toolbar or Sidebar, Vertical Toolbar

Testing Steps:

  1. nstall the theme set as an administration theme.
  2. Install the Workspaces module
  3. Go to the /admin/appearance/settings/gin
  4. Go to Navigation (Drupal Toolbar) choose Horizontal, Modern Toolbar or Sidebar, Vertical Toolbar (Default) and save.
  5. Scroll to the top right-hand side and hover the toolbar item which is left or right with the workspaces option
  6. Now you are able to find this issue
  7. Apply MR and check for the same

Attaching screenshots and recoding for reference


🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I have tested MR !10363 on Drupal version 11.x with minimal Profile
MR was applied successfully,
but Help still appears in Navigation instead of the module that was not installed, and the Help Page displays a 404 error.

Attaching screenshots

moving to "Needs work"

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I have tested MR !13 on Drupal 10
The MR is applied successfully....

The Advance search broken issue resolved for the mobile.

Attaching Screenshots

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I have tested MR !14 on Drupal 10.3.11

On User Register page, space is added above the create new account button.

Adding Screenshots

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

Trying to apply MR! 634 on Drupal 10 but getting an error
also In summary MR shows "Open Failed Pipeline"

Attaching screenshot for reference

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

Trying to apply MR!634 but getting an error

Attaching screenshot for reference

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I have tested the #2 patch on Drupal 10.3
The Patch applied successfully...

The Extra spacing issue is resolved

Attaching screenshots for reference

Keeping in need review for code verification


🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I have tested #3patch on Drupal 10.3
The patch is applied successfully...

The footer style is updated and bullet pointers are removed from the footer menu.

Attaching screenshots

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I have tested the #4 patch on Drupal 10.3
The patch is applied successfully...

The spacing between the Tag and Read More is updated.

Attaching screenshots for reference

keeping in Needs review for code review

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

Trying to apply MR20 but Patch is throwing an error

moving to "Need Work"
Screenshot for reference

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I have tested MR 5 on Drupal 10.3
The MR is applied successfully...

Test Result:
After applying MR, social media icons with links to Fediverse and Mastodon are available.

Attaching Screenshot for reference

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tried to reproduce the issue but am unable to reproduce it.
Please provide the detailed Steps to Reproduce the issue

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested Patch "menu-broken-3348039.patch" on Drupal 10
The Patch is applied cleanly...

Test Result:
On-screen 767px menu working as expected.


Attaching Screenshot

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested patch"charity_zymphonies_theme-3457529-4.patch" on Drupal 10
The Patch is applied cleanly...

Test Result:
The Mini and Full pager styled.


🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I have tested MR 4 on Drupal 10
The MR is applied cleanly...

Test Result:
The Full and Mini pager style is updated.


Attchaing Screenshot

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

Hi @rajan kumar@2026
I've tried to reproduce the issue but am unable to reproduce it.
Please share detailed steps to reproduce the issue

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

Tested updated MR 20 on Drupal 10.3

Test Result:
The arrow direction works as expected on all screen sizes. The arrow position has been corrected for mobile and tablet screen sizes.

Attaching Screenshot

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested MR 9278 on Drupal 10.3.x
The MR is applied cleanly on my local;
but in the issue summary MR shows as "Open Pipeline Failed"

Testing Steps:
1. Go to /admin/content/media-grid
2. Click the image item (not the checkbox) and the count is not updated.

Test Result:
The Selection count gets updated when directly clicking on the media image and clicking on 'Select all media'.

Attaching Scrrenshots

keeping "Needs Review" for code verification

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested MR 7 on Drupal 10.3 with the Theme version 3.0.1
Issue able to reproduce on the theme version 3.0.1
MR is applied cleanly...

Test Result:
The footer title is displayed and the footer style is also updated.

Attaching screenshot for reference

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested MR 7 on Drupal 10.1 with the Theme version 3.0.1
Issue able to reproduce on the theme version 3.0.1
MR is applied cleanly...

Test Result:
The footer title is displayed, but the footer menus still show with bullet points.

Attaching screenshot for reference

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

Hi @esha_kundu
I have reproduced the issue on Drupal 10.3.1 with the theme version 9.1.0 (The latest version); there is no 9.1.x version available
But MR 23 is failing

Attaching Screenshot for reference

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

Tested MR !5328 on the Drupal 11
The MR is applied Cleanly...

Test Result:
The No hyperlink text does not show the hyperlink style.

Attaching Screenshots for reference


🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I have tested "Expanded Menus" on Drupal 10.3.1 with the Theme version 9.1.0

For the Desktop, The hover effect works as expected without the MR.

MR !20 applied cleanly and checked Menus for mobile and Tab

Test Result:
The Navigation menus are styled for Mobile and Tab but the Expanded Menu "arrow" does not change as expected and the "arrow" does not have the right side spacing.

Attaching Screenshot for reference

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

Hi @esha_kundu
I have reproduced the issue on Drupal 10.3.1 with the theme version 9.01.
But MR 22 is failing
Attaching Screenshot for reference

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested the patch on Drupal 10
The Path is applied successfully...

Testing steps:

  1. Install the theme
  2. Add 10-20 articles and check for the pagination.
  3. Go to the page view setting and change the pager to mini and Full.

Test Result:
The Style is added for the pager but the "Previous" and "Next" buttons are broken.

Attaching Screenshots for reference

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I have reproduced the issue on Drupal 11 with the Olivero theme.
The MR is applied cleanly...

Testing steps:
Just create a new node with comments

Test Result:
I have added 2 comments, but after applying the MR, the added comments are not visible only the count of comments is visible.

Attaching Screenshots

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I am not facing this issue on Drupal 11 and Project Browser 2.0.x
Followed the recommended Steps to reproduce the issue

Attaching screenshot for reference

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I have reproduced the issue on Drupal 11 with the Olivero theme.
But the MR is falling for Drupal 11

Testing steps:
Just create a new node with comments

Attaching screenshot for reference

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested MR 484 on Drupal 11 with Gin Theme Version 8.x-3.0-rc13
The MR is applied cleanly...

Testing Steps:

  1. Go to a menu link edit page.
  2. Click on "Back to site".
    1. Apply the MR and check for the same

    Test Result:
    The 'Back to site' link is working as expected on the menu item page.

    Attaching Before After Screen recording for reference


🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

Hi @renukakulkarni
I've tried to reproduce the issue on Drupal 11
It's already working as expected

Sharing Screen recording for reference

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

Hi @anton4uk
I've tried to reproduce the issue on Drupal 10 and Drupal 11,
able to see the "Save" button on the Media Directories form.
Attaching SS for reference

please share the detailed steps to reproduce the issue

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested MR 8106 on Drupal 11
The MR is applied cleanly...

Checked for the #32 1 and 2 point
1. Added shadow on desktop
2. Added shadow on Mobile for header

Attaching Screenshots

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested MR 9104 on Drupal 11.x with Olivero theme
The MR is applied cleanly...

Test Result:
Olivero: The "About Text Formats" link floats outside of the text-format wrapper issue is resolved.

Attaching Screenshots for reference

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tried to reproduce issue

Steps :

  1. Navigate to the Layout Library module's add form.
  2. Observe the absence of an image upload field.

The MR 14 is applied cleanly....
Test Result:
1. Add Form
Image filed is present with upload file and Custom image path.
2. an Edit Form
Image filed is present with upload file and Custom image path.
3. Radio Button option not available.

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I have tested MR 7 on Drupal 10
Issue reproduced but MR is failing

Sharing a Screenshot for reference

moving to "Needs work"

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I have tested MR 545 on Drupal 11 version
The MR is applied cleanly...

Test Result:
The spacing is added above the Filter category and module listing.

Attaching SS for reference


🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I have reproduced the issue successfully...
I have tested MR 555 on the Drupal 10.3 version,
The MR is applied cleanly....

Test Result:
The search results number for the Recipes tab displays correctly as expected with Pagination.

Attaching Screenshots for reference


🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I have tried to Install Theme Version 3.0.0 on Drupal 10 with Classy theme, But the site is throwing an expected error and unable to reproduce the issue.

Attaching SS

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I have tested MR 15 on Drupal 10
The MR is applied successfully...

Test Result:
The Logo position with the hamburger is resolved.

attaching SS for reference

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I have tested MR 40 on Drupal 10
MR is applied successfully...

Test Result:
The Spacing is added but the "Add New Comments" and "Subject" spacing does not look good, and the Subject Placeholder should be on the next line.

Adding SS for reference

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested MR on Drupal 10
MR is applied cleanly...

The content left-right margin issue is resolved.

Attaching SS for reference


🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I have reproduced the issue successfully...
But MR is failing and also in Summary MR shows "Open Failed Pipeline"

Moving to "Needs work"

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested MR 8872 on Drupal 11
The MR is applied cleanly...

For no page scroll, there is No back-to-top button as expected, and when the page scrolls, the back-to-top button appears.

Attaching SS for reference

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested "dotstore-3385793" patch on Drupal 10
The Patch is applied cleanly but there is no changes visible for search box.

Testing steps:

  1. Install the theme
  2. Enable it
  3. Go to the search page
  4. See the input search box

#4 comment +1

Moving to "Need Work"

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested MR 9 on Drupal 10
The image blurry issue is not reproduced at my site, actually image is broken and not visible.

Testing Steps:

  1. Install the theme
  2. Enable it
  3. Add content in the article content type.
  4. Save the node
  5. See the image

Test Result:
After the MR, the image does not look blurry and looks good visually.
Attaching SS for reference

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've reproduced the issue but MR 8 failed while applying.

Attaching error SS for reference

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested MR 6 on Drupal 10.3
able to reproduce the issue, but MR 6 failing

Attaching SS for reference

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've reproduced the issue but MR 4 failed while applying.

Attaching error SS for reference

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested MR 8672 on Drupal 11.x
MR is applied cleanly...

Test Result:
The SVG code has been removed from the twig file.

Attaching SS for reference

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested this issue on DrupL 11.x
The MR 8666 is appied cleanly..,
The spacing and alignment looks fine now.

Testing steps:

  1. Install Drupal
  2. Enable layout builder module
  3. Use Layout Builder from Administration > Structure > Content types > Article > Manage display > default > layout options
  4. Create Article from Content > Add content > Article and Save
  5. Click on Layout tab

Attaching SS for reference
Also the issue Title is updated...


🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tried to reproduce the issue on Drupal 11.x
But the Project detail page is working as expected without any error.
I followed the same steps as mentioned in the summary to reproduce the issue, please let me know if I'm missing something

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tried to reproduce the issue; unable to see an error message on a page but while module Single DateTimePicker Range installation the Single DateTimePicker module is missing.
MR is applied cleanly...

Test Result:
The Single DateTimePicker Range module depends on the parent module Single DateTimePicker.

Added SS for reference

Keeping in "needs review" for more review and code verification

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested MR 541 Drupal 11.0
The MR is applied Successfully...

Test Result:
The Browser page left sidebar, and right grid box border spacing issue is resolved for desktop and mobile.

Attaching SS for reference


🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested MR 8645 on Drupal 11.x
The MR is applied cleanly...

Test Result:
The User's image in the comments overlaps with the Layout Builder section issue is resolved and visually looks good.
Also, the Non-Layout UI looks good.

Attaching Scrrenshots


🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I'm able to reproduce the issue on my local with Drupal 10.3.1
The patch applied cleanly...

Test Result:
The cursor has changed to a pointer when hovering the cursor over the results tab.


🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've Tested MR 8695 on Drupal 10.3.x-dev
MR is applied Successfully...

Testing steps:

  1. Create a Webform with the Webform module.
  2. Create a 'Number' element.
  3. Fill in the description.
  4. Fill in the prefix.
  5. Set 'Description display' to 'Before'.
  6. Save the element and view the form.

The Prefix is shown before the Number field instead of before the description.

Attaching SS for reference

Keeping "Needs review" for Code verification

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've reproduced the issue on Drupal 10 with the Gin theme (Gin 8.x-3.0-rc12); For claro issue is not reproduced.
The Patch "3455823-warning-on-node-add-and-edit" is applied cleanly...

Testing Steps:

  1. Install Gin them and set as default
  2. Install and enable the Node Edit Protection module
  3. Create a new node, and hit save.
  4. A warning message pops up.
  5. Pop up the "Leave" Button saving the node
  6. Apply the patch check for the same

Test Result:
When hitting the Save button of the node, the node gets saved and does not get a warning pop-up.
Attaching Screen recording

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested MR 8602 on Drupal 11.x
MR is applied cleanly...

Testing steps:
1. Install the navigation module.
2. Go to admin/config/user-interface/navigation-block/ page
3. Collapse the left sidebar
4. You'll see the design is breaking.
5. Appy MR and check for the same

Test Result:
The layout builder section is fixed in the collapsed state and visually looks good.
Attaching SS for reference

Keeping "needs review" for code verification

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested patch "star_zymphonies_theme-3452718" on Drupal 10
The Patch is applied cleanly...

The Homepage teaser Tag is Styled.

Attaching screenshot for reference

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I am unable to reproduce the Issue, The Result Tab is unable to be seen at my end.
Testing steps:

  1. Install Project browser
  2. Go to /admin/modules/browse

Attaching Screenshot

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

As per comment #7 moving to "needs work"

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested MR 444 on Drupal 11.x
MR is applied cleanly...

The Sticky table issue is resolved for responsive views and visually looks good.

Attaching Screen recording for reference

Keeping in "Needs review" for code verification

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've reproduced the issue on Drupal 10,
and applied the 3345147 patch but the patch failed.

Attaching SS for reference

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested Updated MR 8330 On Drupal 11.x
MR is applied cleanly

"The off-canvas is closed using the cross icon, the toolbar position remains unchanged and the page scrolls to the top" issue resolved.
Adding Screen recording for reference


🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

Duplicate issue
Twitter logo updation is already done in " https://www.drupal.org/project/school_theme/issues/3419217 🐛 Old bird logo to X logo RTBC "

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

Tested MR 468 on Drupal 11
Images in the results should be clickable, and the user should be taken to the module's detail page.
this is +1
Adding Screen recording for reference

but In the issue summary, MR is "Open Failed pipeline"

moving to "needs work"

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

MR is failing and in the Issue summary also MR is "Open Failed Pipeline"

Moving ti "needs work"

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested MR 8330 On Drupal 11.x
MR is applied cleanly

The toolbar position issue is resolved; however, if the off-canvas is closed using the cross icon, the toolbar position remains unchanged and the page scrolls to the top.
Adding Screen recording for reference

Also as per issue Summary MR is "Open failed pipeline"

Moving to "Needs work"

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested MR 6788 on Drupal 10 and 11
MR is applied cleanly...

Test Result:
The positioning of the table drag element is changed from middle to top but the alignment of the drag icon with element name visually does not look good.

Attaching SS for reference

Moving to "Needs work"

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested MR 15 on Drupal 10, The MR is applied cleanly...
As per #13 and my test result "The issue is resolved and the banner image is changed." for the updated MR.

Attaching before after SS for the Reference


🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tried to reproduce the issue on Drupal 10 with Gin 8.x-3.x-dev theme version (PHP V - 8.2.18)
but the issue is already compatible.

Attaching recording

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I was able to reproduce the issue, But MR !494 is falling and in summary, also in Issue summary MR is an "Open failed Pipeline"

Updating issue status to "Needs work"

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

I've tested MR 8324 on Drupal 11
The MR is applied Cleanly...

Testing steps :
1. Enable navigation module
2. Go to mobile/tablet screensize
3. Expand the navigation sidebar
4. Expand the right sidebar menu
5. See the position of the menu button
6. See the screenshot for reference

Test Result:
The mobile navigation button position issue is fixed and it looks fine.
Attaching SS


Keeping in "Needs review" for Code verification

🇮🇳India Kanchan Bhogade

Hi @Graber,
Please share the testing steps, it will be helpful for reproducing and testing the issue

Production build 0.71.5 2024