Account created on 11 July 2022, almost 2 years ago

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🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

Can confirm patch #2 solves the issue. Attached screenshot.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

The Mtownsend\ReadTime\ReadTime vendor package fixes the read time at 1 min for some reason. I introduced some custom logic to display the minutes correctly. Let me know if it works fine. I'll probably have to make some modifications to it. Here's the patch.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

I was able to reproduce the error following the steps. I did some debugging and found that the return array ($tags) in HtmlTitleFilter::getAllowedTags() only contains the 'sup' element. It should contain all three tags in the config.

I need to look through it more to understand why this happens. I suspect there's something buggy with the fetching of the body child nodes right above.

You can add something hacky like this to work around the issue for now, but I'll try to provide a better solution if I do find it:

$tags[] = 'sub';
$tags[] = 'span';
return $tags;
🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

Modified #3's patch to remove the translation. There are no other occurrences of t() usage anywhere else in the tests.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

I couldn't reproduce the error during installation of the module. I then tested a custom cron where I tried to call the constant and I did get the WSOD. Not sure why it didn't crash out during installation.

Anyway, here's a patch for this

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

The issue is due to the callable passed into the filter. It's highlighted in this issue here: 🐛 Twig\Error\RuntimeError: The callable passed to the "filter" filter must be a Closure in sandbox mode. Needs review

You would want to apply patch #17 in the above thread. It worked for me.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

sidharth_soman made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

#2 patch fails to apply on both 1.0.0 and 1.x. Attaching a new patch to make the module compatible with d10.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

Need to update the font awesome library. Attaching a temporary solution

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

Did you try running drush updb after your upgrade?

If the issue still persists, test this patch. I think the problem is the renaming of the route.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

I've introduced a try-catch block to make sure execution doesn't stop. I'm not sure how viable it would be to check if a file is valid or exists before wrapping it... since you need the URI in the first place to check if the file exists. Correct me if I'm wrong about this.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

Patch in #6 fails to apply against 2.0.2 branch. Attaching a patch against 2.0.2 that will make the module compatible with d10.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

I don't really think there's a need to include the '#max' property since there is already a warning about performance issues given a large number of sub-menus.

For now, here's a patch with max=500 and min=1.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

This issue has already been addressed here - 🐛 Fatal error on Drupal 10.2.x. Closed: outdated

Fixed in core as well - 🐛 [regression] The new property \Drupal\Core\Form\ConfigFormBase::$typedConfigManager conflicts with some contrib modules Fixed

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

@ravi kant - I am able to reproduce the issue. You need to view the article node from the front page. Attaching screenshot.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

Probably should have

// Ensure that cleanTokenValues() does not alter this token value.

rather than

//Ensure that the cleanTokenValues() does not alter this token value.

in tests/src/Kernel/PathautoTokenTest.php. It looks better grammatically.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

I am not able to see the 'Array' text after following the steps to reproduce the bug. Could you share the configuration you used for field_redirect as well as maybe the field's configuration?

Tested on Drupal 10.2.0 and PHP 8.1.4

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

Here's a patch for the first method.
I'm working on introducing a settings type config for this too. I'll update if I have any success.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

According to the code, the social network element's visibility depends on any of these three being true.

1) The plugin settings, 2) Whether the cardinality is unlimited, and 3) Whether the route of the form is an admin route.

I'm not able to grok through it and understand why none of these evaluate to true. The 3rd should be true as far as I can tell.

I've implemented a pretty hacky patch to get rid of the problem, but it definitely isn't the correct way to do this. I'll wait for other people's inputs.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

This patch should remove the deprecation. Please test.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

Sorry for the noise, but I was under the assumption that the lint check had passed as indicated by this -

Or are there some linting errors that aren't picked up and the compilation check fails because of that (without giving any specific error)?
Thanks in advance.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

Added a commit for the lint fixes.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

sidharth_soman made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

I think this should be a feature request since the module actually fetches the core login form to display in the popup and since the core login form doesn't have a progress indicator, the popup form doesn't either. It's expected behavior, not a bug as far as I know.

We'll have to add in some custom ajax functionality to implement this

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

Implemented a cron job to create a .htaccess file.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

Facing the same issue. Here's a patch for it.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

This looks like the expected behaviour of the eStore theme as far I can tell. Switching to the 2.1.x branch of eStore gives no dependencies other than bootstrap. The 8.1.x branch does have the dependencies for font awesome, commerce, pathauto, etc and if you switch to it, you do see the listed dependencies in /admin/appearance.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

You can try deleting the problematic configs with drush.

drush config-delete filter.format.basic_html
drush config-delete filter.format.full_html
drush config-delete filter.format.restricted_html
🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

This patch unblocks the error for now but I'm unsure about what exactly we need to do within the custom method. Leaving it open for now for anyone else to pick up as well.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

I've added a check for whether or not the third parameter is null. Please test this patch.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

You probably still have drupal/file_mdm's version listed as 2.x in the composer file.

Modify it like so:

"drupal/file_mdm": "3.x",

And then run composer require 'drupal/imagemagick:^3.5' -W

It should work.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

Can confirm above MR fixes the flickering issue. Attaching a video for reference.

Moved to RTBC.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

Not able to reproduce the issue. The route works fine for me.

I have a feeling this might be because the dependencies of LB+ got disabled somehow. Could you check whether all these modules (Layout Builder, Layout Discovery, Contextual Links, Block) are working fine?

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

Apply this patch and it should remove the deprecation error. Please test.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

I have modified the argument's comment. Apply against 10.0.x branch.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

Patch #9 in #2975871 applies cleanly for 3.0.0-rc1. I have tested it and it seems to work fine.

Created a PR with the fix for merge into 3.0.x.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

Attaching a patch with the fix.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

3333080-12-9.1.patch applies cleanly and the functionality appears to be intact when testing on my local d10 site.

Hoping for new maintainership for this module since we require it in an upgrade to d10. Seems like the current maintainers haven't made a commit in 3 years.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

I have introduced an option for choosing the checkboxes output in the module's config and also a conditional for outputting the terms in checkboxes in the user form.

Please apply the patch and review.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

Added a commit adding the trait and removing the create method.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

I've made changes to filter out the remaining illegal characters as mentioned in #9.

Couldn't push a new commit or my own branch due to a 403 from gitlab. Hence, uploading a patch for it.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

Seems like the issue occurs when the list item doesn't have a child element within.

For instance, this seems to work fine:

      Testing inside the p tag. 

I've come up with a solution but haven't been able to test it adequately due to weird webpack caching.
Apply this patch against 2.0.x and let me know if it works.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

Not sure if this is the best way to go about doing this, but you can achieve this like so:

1) Exclude all the fields in your view from display.
2) Edit the event date field in your view to use a plain formatter. We need the date string only, not the html element.
3) Add a 'Custom Text' field into your view. Here, we will render the event fields manually and add logic to differentiate the classes using twig templating.

Here's the code I used to introduce a new class of old-event into the div which renders the individual events.

{% set currentDate = "now"|date("U") %}
{% set dateField =  field_event_date|date("U") %}
{% set timeDifference = currentDate - dateField %}
{% set daysDifference = timeDifference/86400 %}
{% if daysDifference > 30 %}

<div class="event-card old-event">
{% else %}
<div class="event-card">
{% endif %}

{{ title }}
{{ field_event_date }}

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

Fixed the deprecations for the 8.x-1.x branch.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

I've come up with a preprocess_page hook to target the 'extend' page but I can't figure out how to replace the specific 'contributed modules' tag. Posting the patch with my work so far so that someone else could fill in the gap.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

Made changes according to #7.

Please review.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

I think you probably want to be using the 'translated into target language' config option instead of 'language native name'. Also needs to be made sure that you have your required languages enabled and their translation files available to the site.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

Fixed the issue. Attaching a screenshot + a patch.
Please review.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

Hi, I've issued a patch for it. Let me know if it's fine.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

Using the extension.list.theme service instead of drupal_get_path now. Please review.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

Thanks for the feedback!

It just occurred to me that it would be more useful to add a menu link under the configuration tab in the toolbar so that the user can access the form through the UI. I'm attaching a patch for it.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

I've added the install hook with the relevant message. Please review this patch.

🇮🇳India sidharth_soman Bangalore

I've added a config form for plugging in your custom message. You can find it at /admin/config/allow_only_one/settings.

Apply the patch and let me know if it works fine.

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