Account created on 14 June 2018, about 6 years ago

Merge Requests


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🇮🇳India djsagar

The issue has been thoroughly verified by another member of the Drupal community now moving to the RTBC.

🇮🇳India djsagar

Not able to reproduce this issue, Please provide More detail.

🇮🇳India djsagar

Not able to reproduce this issue, Please provide STR.

🇮🇳India djsagar

Verified MR !393 working as expected moving to RTBC

After MR

🇮🇳India djsagar

Will start working on this, soon will update this into drupal 10.


🇮🇳India djsagar

Tested Patch #5 in drupal 10.2.2.


After patch missing bottom border is added.

Other issues which i found,
Table sticky thead overlap sticky page title.

Patch files are no longer recommended so please create MR.

🇮🇳India djsagar

verified changes moving to RTBC ++



Note: Before apply MR!382 please apply [media_entity_browser] Choose media styling Closed: outdated patch #22 which resolved grid issue.

🇮🇳India djsagar

I've encountered the same issue in Drupal 10.2.2 as well. With Entity Browser + Media Entity browser.

Not updating status, waiting for other to replicate.

🇮🇳India djsagar

Removing tag as tested and added screenshots in #16. moving to RTBC.

🇮🇳India djsagar

@vanessa.fayard i create MR in 📌 Some styling no longer applies due to form-actions -> field-actions html change Needs review for this issue.

Kindly review.

🇮🇳India djsagar

Try to Address

May need to add padding/margin between button and text to improve UX.

please review.

🇮🇳India djsagar

Hi All,

After MR !6287, The test block hide from Place block option,
But i also tested the issue by following Steps

  1. Create a standard D11 installation
  2. Go to Content view edit page (admin/structure/views/view/content)
  3. Add a Block type display to the view and rename it "Test block"
  4. In the view edit page disable the block by cliking "Disable Test block" link
  5. Save the view
  6. Go to Claro's Block layout page (admin/structure/block/list/claro)
  7. Click on "Place block" button for any region
  8. Our disabled block, "Test block", appears in the list

User can place the block after disable block in view, but block not appears in any page. maybe i miss some step.

🇮🇳India djsagar

After applied MR !387, BG color added in Unpublished node in light mode.

Steps to reproduce
1. Enable Gin theme
2. Create a node and keep it unpublished.
3. Check the view mode of the Node.

Before MR

After MR

Also update the summary so moving to RTBC ++

🇮🇳India djsagar

Steps to reproduce
1. Install Drupal using standard profile
2. Edit the Content view (/admin/structure/views/view/content)
3. Add a "Custom text" field to thw view with content:

{{ attach_library('core/drupal.dialog.ajax') }}
<p><a class="use-ajax" data-dialog-type="modal" href="/admin/content">Content</a></p>

4. View the content view page and click the custom text link
This will cause the title of the modal to be 'Array' and will produce a warning log message:

Before applied MR, for the Warning in logs:
Warning: Array to string conversion in Drupal\Component\Render\PlainTextOutput::renderFromHtml() (line 22 of /app/core/lib/Drupal/Component/Render/PlainTextOutput.php)

Tested MR !6569, After applied MR Warning messages is no longer coming in logs.

Need to fix pipeline, so not updating status.

🇮🇳India djsagar

@quietone pipelines passed the cspell error, you can close this.


🇮🇳India djsagar

@quietone pipelines passed the cspell error, you can close this.


🇮🇳India djsagar

@mrshowerman please explain, how to hide text formats in text editor.

🇮🇳India djsagar

Follow the steps:
1. Install a fresh Installation of Drupal 10.
2. Install Gin Admin Theme and Gin Layout Builder along with requirements.
3. Make Gin Theme as default theme.
4. Enable Layout Builder in dark mode and try to add block from layout builder.
5. Create custom block.
6. Text inside body of CKeditor.

Not able to replicate issue in drupal 10,

please provide more information to replicate this issue.

Adding tag moving NW.

🇮🇳India djsagar

@mrshowerman not able to replicate issue Drupal version 10.2.2 with gin theme.

Please share STR to replicate.

Updating tags moving NW.

🇮🇳India djsagar


Thank you for the knowledge transfer.
I have also verified this issue with the core Olivero theme. Therefore, we can proceed to close this issue.

🇮🇳India djsagar

verified and tested MR !385, after applied MR issue resolved.

Steps to reproduce
1. Install the Gin theme and set it as the default
2. Create new user 'test user' with role content editor
3. Login with 'test user' (no need to provide )
4. Go to page which link =>/admin/appearance/settings/gin
5. Check for the "Access denied" below 768px resolution (before screenshot)
6. Apply patch and check for the same

For reference:
Before MR

After MR


🇮🇳India djsagar

@PCate, Hovering over labels displays the pointer cursor, while clicking focuses on text boxes or checks boxes. However, the pointer cursor should be limited to specific label elements, rather than being displayed universally across the site.

🇮🇳India djsagar

HI @NicolasGraph,

Please share more detail about you task.


🇮🇳India djsagar

HI @saschaeggi,

It appears that this issue is only replicated when using Navigation (Legacy, Classic Drupal Toolbar), and the CSS for .gin-back-to-admin is not being applied in this scenario. However, when using other navigation options, the CSS is applied as expected.

With Navigation (Legacy, Classic Drupal Toolbar)

Without Navigation (Legacy, Classic Drupal Toolbar)

🇮🇳India djsagar

After applied MR !5992, Message appear bottom of the choose field type.

Before MR

After MR

RTBC ++.

🇮🇳India djsagar

Applied MR !378, working as expected.
Moving into the RTBC +

After MR

🇮🇳India djsagar

Hi @swatidhurandhar,

replicate issue on safari for reference

Getting error while applying patch.
After Patch:

Note: check the path for the theme (You need to clone theme from )

🇮🇳India djsagar

Issue summary updated, removing tag

🇮🇳India djsagar

Patch files are no longer recommended so create MR for the above.

Moving NW.

🇮🇳India djsagar

@shagel not able to replicate above issue. please provide more detail.

🇮🇳India djsagar

verified MR!321, Now menu hide when clicked meta sidebar.

For reference:-
After MR

Moving into the RTBC +

🇮🇳India djsagar

Adding tag for maintainer feedback.

@saschaeggi please share your valuable feedback.


🇮🇳India djsagar

HI @opi,

I applied MR !380, it's updated core dependency in gin_accent,

I found these settings and gin_init there is no code dependency so do need to update that as well.

Because i'm not able to replicate this issue in local.

let's wait for other drupal member feedback.

🇮🇳India djsagar

Issue summary update. adding tag for testing issue.

🇮🇳India djsagar

Getting error while applied patch #30, creating MR.

🇮🇳India djsagar

Enhance Summary Description Following Drupal Standards for Improved Understanding of the Issue Tagged

🇮🇳India djsagar

Hi @joey91133,

Getting error while applying MR.

moving back to NW.

After MR:

🇮🇳India djsagar

Hi all,

Steps to reproduce for the issue.
1. Drupal Version 11.x
2. Administration theme Claro
3. Add a media field to a content type.
4. Add two or more media types as reference type for the added media field.
5. Create a node for that content type
6. Attempt to attach a media item to the field.
7. Applied MR !6327

Before MR

After MR


🇮🇳India djsagar

Hi @Harish1688,

I applied patch you #2, it's resolved above issue, text and help icon are not align as it's align on URL alias.

For reference:-

Also patch files are no longer recommended so create MR for the above.

Moving this to NW.

🇮🇳India djsagar

Verified the patch #9, it's resolved above issue.

Follow the same steps which followed by @emilymathew,

Sharing screenshots for reference:-


Patch files are no longer recommended so create MR for the above.

🇮🇳India djsagar

Hi all,

I applied changes which is provided in MR !370, it's resolved issue i also update MR as per suggested by @saschaeggi.


Should I replace border with border-color in MR or border will work? As both the property will work.

The border property is a shorthand property that allows you to set the width, style, and color of the border of an element in a single declaration.
border: [width] [style] [color];.

The border-color property is used to specifically set the color of the border of an element.
border-color: [color];

After patch


🇮🇳India djsagar

Removing tag able to reproduce above issue.

Steps to reproduce
1. Install the Inline Entity Form module
2. Configure the "Tags" field in "Article" content to use the "Inline entity form - simple" widget.
3. Open the "Add new article" form and see the problem path => /node/add/article


Proposed resolution

We need to override margin top

tr .form-item {
    margin-top: 0;
    margin-bottom: 0;
🇮🇳India djsagar

Hi all not able to repraduce this issue in 8.x-3 gin theme.

Please provide more details.

Updating tag and moving NW.

🇮🇳India djsagar

Removing tag and moving RTBC as it's already verified.

🇮🇳India djsagar

Hi @sokru,
Encountering an Error When Applying Patch Locally.

My recommend create MR.


🇮🇳India djsagar

Hi @sokru,
Encountering an Error When Applying Patch Locally

Code functions as intended, successfully resolving the issue.

My recommend create MR.


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