catch → credited amateescu → .
I saw that in the issue summary so I checked before doing it, and \Drupal\Core\Datetime\DateFormatter
is very much translation-aware, most of its methods call formatPlural()
at some point, so I think we're good.
Merged into 2.0.x, thanks!
amateescu → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Another thing to check is whether 🐛 Users without permission still see action links Active changed something for you.
Then I need more info on the exact steps to reproduce, trash version, etc. because I tried the steps in the issue summary and I get a 403 when accessing node/X/delete?in_trash=1
or <code>node/X/delete?in_trash
for a deleted node.
Implemented a fix for this, thanks for the bug report :)
amateescu → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Merged into 3.x, thanks!
Committed a small fix because translation strings cannot be concatenated with variables, then looked into displaying the actual period of time until a trashed item can be restored, and it turned out quite easy to do :)
amateescu → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Merged into 3.x!
I think you have a module that clashes with Trash's node's access control handler override. Can you check that, for example using this code: get_class(\Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getAccessControlHandler('node'));
Thanks for the bug report :) Can you try the MR attached?
amateescu → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
I also think it's fine to remove it, Navigation is still marked experimental.
@steffenr, note that the MR that was merged did not create a submodule, it fixed everything in the main module :)
I was also surprised to see them, even hardcoded before I changed that in ✨ Integrate with Workspaces Active , but didn't really look into why...
Posted a comment on the MR.
Merged MR !47 into 3.x, thanks for reporting and working on this!
I can't reproduce this problem. How are you deleting the nodes in step 2?
Folks who worked on this issue might be interested in this followup: 🐛 Revision revert links in workspace respond with 404 not found Active
The original problem from the current issue summary was fixed in 🐛 Revert and Delete actions should not be available for the current revision Fixed , but that issue introduced a new problem: when you have pending revisions (e.g. make changes in a workspace), you can not revert to the default revision, while you can revert the latest (workspace) revision. This doesn't make sense and it was actually one of the goals of the issue mentioned above, but somehow missed in the implementation.
The current MR is fixing the new problem in the entity API, so I'm going to repurpose this issue since it's not workspace-specific anymore.
Found the cause of those test failures, and implemented a quick workaround until 📌 Hook ordering across OOP, procedural and with extra types Active is done.
Replied :)
A quick followup is needed here: 🐛 The active variant of an entity in the Live workspace should be the default revision Active
I forgot we need to apply the same principle of this issue for latest revision / EntityRepository::getActive() in Live.
amateescu → created an issue.
+1 for the RTBC. I added this in 🐛 Improve performance for path_alias queries in a workspace Active thinking that path aliases are translatable, but they're not :)
Looked a bit into this and the problem with VBO is that its altering views queries twice, see
Implemented a simple fix for that, and added support for its confirmation form inside the existing form alter.
@steffenr, can you check the new MR and see if it covers everything properly?
I think this should be part of the main module, can't see why it would require a sub-module to be enabled. As for putting requirements in the main composer.json
file just for Gitlab CI, a "soft" dependency can be put into the require-dev
section :)
This was a really nice email to start the week, thank you! :D
✨ Allow multiple ip ranges per user Needs work was the most important issue to get done before a stable release, and I'd like to take a look at #3251359: Move static methods of IpLoginController to a service → and #3308415: Allow for a configurable login path → as well.
There's also → now, and I agree with @davidwhthomas that it's not really in the scope of this module.
A D8+ version is available since 4.0.0-alpha1 →
Closing old issues.
Merged into 2.0.x and cherry-picked to 1.0.x, thanks for all the work here!
After giving this a lot of thought and trying various things, decided to go in a different direction than the latest MRs:
- stop filtering revisions -> all revisions are visible on the overview page regardless whether you're in a workspace or not
- add a Workspace
table column (at the end)
- prevent revert and delete revision operations when an entity is tracked in a workspace and you're viewing the revision overview page from Live or a different workspace
amateescu → changed the visibility of the branch 3490853-live-revisions-in-ws to hidden.
amateescu → changed the visibility of the branch 3490853-live-revisions-in-ws_2.0.0-alpha6 to hidden.
amateescu → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
You need to run the database updates. ✨ Add support for only enabling on certain bundles Fixed changed the config structure for supported entity types, and provided an update function for it.
amateescu → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Updated both the 11.x and 11.1.x MRs to expand that comment, and added explicit test coverage.
amateescu → changed the visibility of the branch 3045177-10.5.x to hidden.
Another option would be to load _all_ route aliases in the route match service, then in getRouteName()
trigger the deprecation if the passed-in route name is an alias (and deprecated).
Replied to the MR comment. It seems that the number of MRs here causes some confusion, so here's a quick breakdown for them:
11.x -> MR !6681
11.1.x -> MR !10971
10.5.x (and below) -> MR !10973
And to reply to that comment here as well, note that in the 11.x MR the hook implementation is in the proper place: core/modules/workspaces/src/Hook/EntityOperations.php
OOP hooks made it very "fun" to work on the Worskspaces module :)
I've searched contrib usage for the node.add and node.add_page routes, and it seems they're quite popular. Should we keep them around until Drupal 13 to give folks more time to update?
Removed those ignored deprecations and all the usages of the deprecated route names. Also updated the CR to mention route match checks :)
Updated the MR to use the new route deprecation mechanism.
📌 [PP-1] NodeRouteProvider should extend DefaultHtmlRouteProvider Needs work is now using core's new mechanism for deprecating routes ( 📌 Support route aliasing (Symfony 5.4) and allow deprecating the route name Needs work ), so I don't think we need an issue specifically for removing that deprecation.
@catch, there's no need to do any additional filtering in RouteProvider::getRoutesByPath()
because we only store data in the name
, route
and alias
columns, so the current conditions on pattern_outline
or number_parts
already exclude aliases.
Another place would be ::preLoadRoutes()
, but that's called by ::getRoutesByNames()
(which in turn is used by ::getRouteByName()
and the new ::getRouteAliases()
), so no need to filter there.
And then there's ::getAllRoutes()
which is documented to return an array of Route objects and has this doxygen:
* Usage of this method is discouraged for performance reasons. If possible,
* use RouteProviderInterface::getRoutesByNames() or
* RouteProviderInterface::getRoutesByPattern() instead.
Added a filter in ::getAllRoutes()
and moving back to RTBC because I don't think this change requires test coverage.
This was recently fixed in core: 🐛 User login and password reset forms should be workspace-safe Active
Are you on a Drupal version which contains that change?
The bot is confused when there are multiple MRs. 6681 (3045177-workspace-specific-latest-revision
) is the one for 11.x. Updated the IS.
The bot is trying to apply the 11.1.x MR to 11.x
amateescu → changed the visibility of the branch 3471675-improve-form-validation to active.
amateescu → changed the visibility of the branch 3471675-improve-form-validation to hidden.
While working on 📌 Allow for / implement simplified content workflow with workspaces Active , it turned out that this is very much needed for that issue, and for ✨ Ability to edit content in live workspace when it has been edited in other workspaces Active as well.
Pushed an update to also handle latest translation affected revisions.
quietone → credited amateescu → .
This could've been done in a new issue, but merged it here for expedience :) Thanks!
amateescu → changed the visibility of the branch 3045177-test-only to hidden.
Merged into 3.x.
There's no mention in #11 about testing with Layout Builder and Workspaces, so I tested everything myself.
Found and fixed one problem: when an entity using Layout Builder was purged, its inline blocks were only soft-deleted, basically leaving them around forever.
Did we consider doing this all in one expanding menu, and doing away with the confirm dialog?
Yup, that's the long-term plan per #30 :) While this issue is only focused on exposing Workspace's current switcher (with all its problems), in a followup we'll handle both suggestions. There's a screenshot in this comment #3457688-29: Support for core navigation experimental module → which shows the WIP design for the full Workspaces navigation UI.
Looks ready to me!
Replied to the MR comment.
Merged the second one as well :)
Merged into 8.x-1.x, thanks!
amateescu → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
amateescu → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
@andypost, thanks for fixing the pgsql issue, I was really scratching my head around it. Reverted your latest commit, we can't add them at the same time until the issue you just opened is fixed, and it's also not worth waiting for it :)
Updated the MR to use the new content_top
region from
Allow other modules to include their own Navigation blocks during installation
. Another artificial dependency down...
The problem was fixed in
amateescu → created an issue.
I have one idea that we can try, but it will complicate things a bit and it depends on content_moderation specifically.
If this idea works and it's not super hard to implement, I think it would be worth doing. It would be temporary anyway, until 📌 Allow for / implement simplified content workflow with workspaces Active is finished and Content Moderation will be able to properly track an entity and its dependencies.
we wouldn't even need to ask whether to re-parent the restored children once their parent gets restored, since they'd be restored alongside of it.
There's a tricky edge case here brought up by @Fabianx: what if a child term was trashed before its parent. In that case it shouldn't be automatically restored alongside the other children of that parent term. I've been thinking about this problem for quite a while, and I think it could be accomplished by ensuring that we only restore child terms with the deleted timestamp >= than the one of the parent term.
Merged into 2.0.x and cherry-picked to 1.0.x, thanks!
amateescu → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Merged into 3.x.
amateescu → created an issue.
Service proxies are going away: 📌 Replace lazy service proxy generation with service closures Active
Opened an issue to remove _initialPublished
from Workspaces:
Fix usage of temporary entity data in Workspaces
Opened a MR to fix this. It doesn't need any new test coverage, this behavior is already tested in a lot of places.
amateescu → created an issue.
Merged into 2.0.x and cherry-picked to 1.0.x, thanks!
amateescu → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
I think it's too late to backport this to 10.4.x now, and the regression pointed out above should get into 11.1.x since it's only a bugfix.
I looked into it and the test failure is genuine, \Drupal\workspaces\Hook\EntityOperations::entityPresaveLast()
runs before \Drupal\content_moderation\Hook\ContentModerationHooks::entityPresave()
What I found is that ModuleHandler::invokeAllWith()
executes the callbacks in a foreach keyed by module name, and ModuleHandler::invokeMap['entity_presave']
looks like the screenshot attached.
Or perhaps it could be even simpler (at least in terms of UI, though not sure how tricky in terms of implementation) if there was a link to switch the site to a closed (previously published) workspace, same as how you can view a site in an open (not yet published) workspace?
We've been discussing this feature for a while, and in order to have a true representation of a past state of the site, there are two major problems to tackle in terms of implementation:
- deleted content: e.g. if a node is deleted after that workspace was published, we have no way of bringing it back unless the Trash module is also used, in which case this would be solved because the past revisions are still in the database.
- new content: e.g. if a new node is added after that workspace was published, we don't have a way of knowing that it should be excluded from being displayed, for example in views listings
Those problems also extend to entity types that are either ignored (e.g. files) or not supported by workspaces (not revisionable/publishable).
The latest "running thought" for this was to store the entire state of the site for workspace-supported entity types (i.e. a list of all entity IDs => revision IDs at the time of workspace publication), use that list to create a temporary workspace on-demand, and change the way of swapping default revisions to use an INNER join rather a LEFT join on the workspace association, which would ensure that only the entities that were "live" at that time will be queried/loaded/displayed/etc. This approach is a bit problematic in terms of database size though, which could grow _a lot_ for sites with a large amount of content, and it also doesn't handle ignored/unsupported entity types.
I think CPS in D7 does something similar, but it stores the list of entities in files on disk, which alleviates at least the database size issue.
The current code from HMIA doesn't run the implementation twice, it moves it first then moves CM's implementation before it. I'll look at the test failure tomorrow :)
Pushed a commit to fix Workspaces' presave implementation, we don't want to run the whole thing twice :)
Or , depending , one hook implementation which runs first and one that runs last -- we now have the ability to implement the same hook twice. Yay.
Yup, that's what we need for Workspaces, to split the current implementation in two separate methods.
workspaces is a fun one: It moves itself first *but* also moves content_moderation "firster". How would that look with the new system?
Workspaces needs the ability to implement the entity presave hook twice, one that runs first and one that runs last :) The current code that moves CM's implementation before is just a workaround.
I wouldn't mind changing wse_scheduler
to use Scheduler's API/UI, or deprecating it entirely in favor of a Scheduler sub-module. The current code was a quick solution that "just worked", but I definitely agree that the UX is a bit.. lacking :)