🇮🇳India @sonam.chaturvedi

Account created on 12 June 2020, about 4 years ago

Recent comments

🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and tested on 1.x-dev

Testing Results:
1. Background support is added - PASS
2. There is padding added when background is used in Promo component - PASS

Screenshots :
Background field

Front end

🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and tested on 1.x-dev

Testing Results:
1. When ‘Show as expanded’ is unchecked for L1 / L2 menus, the child menu items are not displayed on mobile. - PASS
2. Works fine on desktop - PASS


‘Show as expanded’ is unchecked

The child menu items are not displayed

🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and retested on 1.x-dev

Testing Results:
1. There is no Quote component option in the component dropdown - PASS
2. BE Quote : the new structure has 'p' tag, this is expected - PASS
3. FE Quote : the new structure is correct and 'cite' tag style is getting applied correctly - PASS



🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and tested on 1.x-dev

Testing Results:
1 When a URL provided as a text, CivicTheme's classes added - PASS
2 When a URL provided as a link, CivicTheme's classes added - PASS



🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and tested on 1.x-dev

Testing Results:
1 "Use name of Media" checkbox is available under Theme settings for Attachment component - PASS
2 By default, "Use name of Media" checkbox is enabled - PASS
3 When "Use name of Media" checkbox is disabled then filename is displayed instead of media name - PASS


When "Use name of Media" checkbox is enabled

When "Use name of Media" checkbox is disabled

🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and tested on 1.x-dev

Testing Results:
1 View the unpublished content as an anonymous user : The banner title shows Access denied - PASS
2 View the published content as an anonymous user : The banner title does not show access denied and it shows page title - PASS

unpublished content as an anonymous user

published content as an anonymous user

🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and tested on 1.x-dev

Testing Results:
1. Upon selecting 'Expand all menu links' checkbox in the "Side Navigation" block, all sub-menu items are visible in the side navigation - PASS
2. Upon unselecting 'Expand all menu links' checkbox in the "Side Navigation" block, individual values of "Show as expanded" is respected - PASS

Selecting 'Expand all menu links' checkbox

Unselecting 'Expand all menu links' checkbox

🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and tested on 1.x-dev

Testing Results:
1. There is a Hidden region in the Block config page where user can place any block successfully - PASS
2. The block placed in Hidden region, exists in HTML but not visible on the page and not accessible via the keyboard - PASS

Screenshots :

🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and tested on 1.x-dev

Testing Results:
1. There is no Quote component option in the component dropdown - PASS
2. BE Quote : the new structure is not correct as 'p' tag is getting added - FAIL
3. FE Quote : the new structure is correct but 'cite' tag style is not getting applied correctly - FAIL

Screenshots :
FE with Quote

BE with Quote

Moving to Need work

🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and tested on 1.x-dev

Testing Steps:
1. Goto create 'Page' content
2. Add 'Automated list' component
3. Save the page content
4. View the page on FE and verify the list does not reference itself

Testing Results: 'Automated list' component does not reference itself

Screenshot :


🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and tested patch #5 with 2.0.x-dev version on drupal 10.1.x-dev.
Patch applied cleanly

Test Results:
Pencil icon is removed. However, I think title "Preview" should be aligned left.
Refer attached before and after screenshot

🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified patch #38 on 10.1.x-dev. Patch applied cleanly.
Test Result: The NAV element surrounding the menu should have an aria-labelledby attribute has correct and complete value.
Screenshot available in #39


🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Tried testing #42 with v3.3.0 on Drupal 10.1.x-dev.
On applying patch, getting below:

Skipped patch 'css/admin.toolbar.css'.
Skipped patch 'js/admin_toolbar.hoverintent.js'.
🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and tested patch #28 on 10.1.x-dev. Patch apply cleanly.

Test Result
1. The label "Visibility" changed to: "Show this block on"
2. The tab-labels changed. ex: "Show on all pages" instead of unrestricted.

Please find attached before and after screenshots.
Keeping it in NR as #17 is not yet addressed, it needs usability review.

🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Patch #13 applied cleanly on 10.1.x-dev.

🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and tested patch #43 on 10.1.x-dev. Patch applied cleanly and resolves the issue.

Test Result:
1. Able to create a node with the path alias '/'
2. Able to set front page URL in basic site settings with "/"
3. Able to add and edit URL alias path with "/"
4. After save and re-open (edit) the node, "/" is not gone.
Please refer attached before patch screenshots and after patch video


🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and tested patch #63 on 10.1.x-dev. Patch applied cleanly.

Test Result:
1. The required attribute is present on the input elements - CORRECT
2. The aria-required="true" attribute is present on the fieldset element, but not on the input elements - CORRECT
3. As per #46, required attribute should not be present on the fieldset elements but it is present - INCORRECT

Keeping it to NR to confirm the expected solution.
Please refer attached before and after screenshots

🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and tested patch #108 on 10.1.x-dev and patch applied cleanly.

Test Result:
1. Links to delete entities via operation links open as a confirmation model with "Delete" and "cancel" buttons - works fine for config entities (content type, menus, taxonomy, custom blocks), terms and node content.
2. When we delete menu link via operation link (/admin/structure/menu/manage/test-menu) then it opens a new page. Expected is that this should open in a modal similar to terms and node.
Please refer attached after screenshot of menu link.

I see title says "config entities" but in Use a modal for content entity form delete links confirmation forms Closed: duplicate it is mentioned that delete entities via operation links irrespective of config or content to be handled in this issue #2253257.

The title of this issue was updated in #54 to use "config entities", which IMO is incorrect. Please correct me if I am missing anything here.

🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

I also tried testing on both claro and seven themes, however issue is not reproducible on 10.1.x-dev.

🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and tested MR!3486 on 10.1.x-dev. Patch applied cleanly.

Test Results
Now user is not navigated to an anchor when a user clicks on a fragment link within a WYSIWYG editor.
Only tooltip shown with the URL and now user can choose whether navigate to the link’s URL by clicking on the URL in tooltip.

Please find attached before and after MR video.

🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and tested patch #17 on 10.1.x-dev. Patch applied cleanly and works fine.

Test Result:
Only the block name is styled as disabled. All the other columns and interactive elements -i.e. Region, "Enable" button are in style indicating that they are accessible/enabled.

Please refer attached before and after screenshots for Claro, Olivero and Seven themes.

Accessibility review required.

🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Patch #159 works fine on 10.1.x-dev only when one Media type is enabled.

After applying patch:
1. When only "Image" media type is enabled in the Media Library then warning is displayed on exceeding allowed limit and error is displayed on clicking "Insert Selected".

2. When multiple media type is enabled say "Image" , "Document" then no warning is displayed on exceeding media selection. However, error is displayed on clicking "Insert Selected".
Expected Result: Warning should be displayed when combination of media type is selected and count exceeds allowed limit.

🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and tested patch #37 on 10.1.x-dev. Patch applied cleanly.

Test Result:
"aria-pressed" attribute of toolbar buttons is updated correctly. "aria-pressed" attribute is set to "true" when button is pressed else it is "false".

Please find attached before and after patch screenshots.

🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and tested patch #37 on 10.1.x-dev.
Patch applied cleanly

Test Result:
"View" link is added as second option to Node revisions overview "Operations" links.
Screenshot already available in previous comment.


🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and tested patch #91 on 10.1.x-dev. Patch applied cleanly.

Test Results:
1. Blank Space issue is no longer reproducible on 10.1.x-dev.
2. When changing a matching string to a shorter matching string then filter work and results match. For ex. When searched for "ch", then searched "cha" and then again searched "ch", all matching results are displayed.

Refer attached video for before and after patch.

@smustgrave This patch resolves the https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/3103506 🐛 Layout Builder Add Block filter doesn't update after changing a matching string to a shorter matching string Closed: duplicate issue.

🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Tested patch #35 on 10.1.x-dev. Patch does not apply cleanly.

Checking patch core/modules/layout_builder/js/layout-builder.js...
Checking patch core/modules/layout_builder/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/BlockFilterTest.php...
error: while searching for:
    $this->assertCount(1, $visible_categories);
    $this->assertAnnounceContains('1 block is available in the modified list.');

    // Test Drupal.announce() message when no matches are present.
    $filter->setValue('Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster');
    $visible_rows = $this->filterVisibleElements($blocks);
    $this->assertCount(0, $visible_rows);
    $visible_categories = $this->filterVisibleElements($categories);
    $this->assertCount(0, $visible_categories);
    $announce_element = $page->find('css', '#drupal-live-announce');
    $page->waitFor(2, function () use ($announce_element) {
      return str_starts_with($announce_element->getText(), '0 blocks are available');

    // Test Drupal.announce() message when all blocks are listed.
    $this->assertAnnounceContains('All available blocks are listed.');

error: patch failed: core/modules/layout_builder/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/BlockFilterTest.php:108
error: core/modules/layout_builder/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/BlockFilterTest.php: patch does not apply

Needs work

🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and tested patch #27 on 10.1.x-dev.
Patch applies cleanly.

Test Result: "Allow embedded displays" checkbox is now removed from BasicSettingsForm.

🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and tested patch #1 on 10.1
Patch applied cleanly.

Test result: In "Time increments" setting, the options are now in plural forms.
Refer previous comment for screenshots


🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified MR !2106 on 10.1.x-dev. MR applied with two offsets.

Checking patch core/modules/language/language.module...
Checking patch core/modules/language/src/Element/LanguageConfiguration.php...
Checking patch core/modules/content_translation/tests/src/Functional/ContentTranslationSettingsTest.php...
Hunk #1 succeeded at 226 (offset 13 lines).
Checking patch core/modules/language/tests/src/Functional/LanguageConfigurationElementTest.php...
Hunk #1 succeeded at 164 (offset 3 lines).
Applied patch core/modules/language/language.module cleanly.

Test Result:
"Content language selected for page" option is available to select as default langcode for translatable entity types.
Patch works fine.
Attached screenshot for 10.1

🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and tested patch #90 on 10.1.x-dev
Patch applied cleanly.

Test Result: When image is displayed as original (no image style) > "image-style-none" class is added.
Patch works as expected
Screenshots available in #94


🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and tested patch #8 on 10.1. Patch applied successfully and works fine.

Test Result:
When user tries to insert multiple media > Error message is displayed saying that only 1 media is allowed.
Screenshot is available in #9.


🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and tested patch #3 on 10.1.x-dev. Patch applied successfully.

Test Steps:
1. Goto /admin/content/media-grid
2. Add media with short filename
3. Verify media-grid the item's name is higher than the space under the item preview
4. Apply patch #3
5. Verify media-grid the item's name is within the space

Test Result: media-grid the item's name is within the space under the item preview
Screenshot is same as #4


🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified patch #7 on 10.1.x-dev. Patch applied successfully and works as expected.

Test Result:
New setting "Disable image resize" for image fields when checked > it rejects the images that exceed the maximum instead of automatically resizing them.

Before Patch:

After Patch:


🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Patch #50 applied successfully on 10.1.x-dev. Patch fixes the issue.
Screenshot same as #51.


🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Patch #57 did not apply on 10.1.x-dev successfully. Need to re-roll patch for 10.1.

Checking patch core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/exposed_form/ExposedFormPluginBase.php...
error: while searching for:
      $all_exposed = array_merge($exposed_sorts, $exposed_filters);
      // Set the access to FALSE if there is no exposed input.
      if (!array_intersect_key($all_exposed, $this->view->getExposedInput())) {
        $form['actions']['reset']['#access'] = FALSE;
error: patch failed: core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/exposed_form/ExposedFormPluginBase.php:281
error: core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/exposed_form/ExposedFormPluginBase.php: patch does not apply
Checking patch core/modules/views/tests/src/Functional/Plugin/ExposedFormTest.php...
🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and tested patch #24 on 10.1.x-dev. Patch applied successfully.

Test Results:
1. When no language is chosen in advance-search and normal search, display results only in current language.
2. Issue #5 point 2 (5.2) is reproducible after applying patch

in the normal Search box you will get two keywords 'chocolate chocolate' which gets increase if you put the same in the advance search.

Basically, keyword searched in Advanced-search "Containing any of the words" field is cleared from advance search box and appended to normal search box. And this results in increase of same keywords - "test test".

Moving to Needs Work

🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and tested MR!3265 on 10.1.x-dev . Patch applied successfully.

Test Results:
1. The arrow aesthetic signature is now positioned correctly in Drupal 10.
2. Arrow position is fixed for radio button and dropdown filter type in Views UI
Screenshots already added in the previous comment.


🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Thanks @Gauravv. I had cleared the drupal cache, however I think it was still cached.

Re-tested with new drupal 10.1.x-dev installation. And patch #2 resolves the issue.
Attaching only after patch screenshot as before patch screenshot is added in #3.

After patch:

🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Patch #16 applied successfully on 10.1.x-dev with one hunk.

Checking patch core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/Element/HtmlTag.php...
Hunk #1 succeeded at 86 (offset -1 lines).
Checking patch core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Render/Element/HtmlTagTest.php...
Applied patch core/lib/Drupal/Core/Render/Element/HtmlTag.php cleanly.
Applied patch core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Core/Render/Element/HtmlTagTest.php cleanly.
🇮🇳India sonam.chaturvedi Pune

Verified and tested patch #2 on 10.1.x-dev. Patch applied successfully.

Test Steps:
1. Add an RTL language
2. Goto /admin/content page
3. Select "Remove content from front page" option
4. Verify icon overlaps
5. Apply patch #2 and check issue is resolved or not

Test Result: Issue is not resolved after applying patch due to padding added. Option text stills overlaps the icon in RTL.

Before Patch:

After Patch:


Moving to Needs Work.

Production build 0.69.0 2024