Decommission the 'Quote' standalone component

Created on 19 January 2024, about 1 year ago
Updated 2 April 2024, 11 months ago

User Story



The Quote component is no longer required. This is because a quote can be created within a Content component and it’s not necessary to have two ways of creating the same feature.

The Quote component also has a defect when used on a page without a side navigation (no left padding). The quote within the content component does not have this defect.

We also need a solution for users who are currently using the quote component. The quotes can’t ‘disappear’ and ideally are converted into a quote within a content component.

Acceptance Criteria

AC 1 - available components
Given I’m an authenticated user
When I open the component dropdown to select a component to use
Then I do not see a Quote component option

AC 2 - Existing sites using the ‘Quote' component
Given I’m a user of an existing CivicTheme site
When I check any pages that have used the Quote component
Then I see my content still having a styled quotation

Solution Direction

1. Remove Quote component: configuration, template, preprocess
2. Create an update hook to convert a quote component to a content component with a `

` markup and content from the Quote component within it.
3. Create a test for an update hook to test that the component can be removed and the database can be updated.


This work is blocked by the UIKit

The UIKit needs to support citations residing within the `

` component markup.
🐛 Bug report






Created by

🇦🇺Australia alex.skrypnyk Melbourne

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