Root Cause
The CSS assets were loaded in the wrong order after the Drupal 10.4 update, causing the custom variables to be overridden by the default theme variables.
Fix Implemented
To correct the CSS asset loading order, weights were added to the variable file in civictheme.libraries.yml and _civictheme_library_info_alter__color_selector().
The fix has been implemented, and a PR has been raised: GitHub PR #1327
A patch is also attached for anyone who needs it.
joshua1234511 → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Fixed failing MR.
Added the Required Test.
Tested the scenario again 11
- Steps taken
-- Created a content type and added a custom field of type timestamp.
-- Created a view that displays the content type
-- Added a filter for the created timestamp field.
- Test Failed
Even after applying the change from this Drupal core commit, which sets the filter type to date, the mapping still does not work correctly for custom fields.
I am investigating further to resolve this issue.
Related issue: →
Installed a fresh Drupal CMS setup and attempted to include Drupal CivicTheme via Composer.
The issue arises because the CivicTheme monorepo specifies a dependency on the linkit module at ^6.1, while the GovCMS distribution you are using restricts the version of linkit to 7.0.2. This conflict blocks CivicTheme from being installed.
GovCMS Dependency: GovCMS 3.20.0 restricts linkit to ^6.1 while the latest development version of GovCMS has updated linkit to 7.1.
CivicTheme Dependency: CivicTheme's composer.json enforces a dependency structure that includes all modules, leading to conflicts when partial updates are attempted.
Potential Workarounds:
Use the development version of GovCMS with updated dependencies.
Wait until GovCMS releases a new stable version.
Temporary Override (Not Recommended for Production)
If you cannot wait for a new release but are hesitant about using a dev version, you can temporarily override dependencies:
composer require drupal/linkit:7.1 --no-update
composer update drupal/civictheme drupal/linkit --ignore-platform-reqs
The main cause of the issue is the use of the Composer Merge Plugin in the . This plugin aggregates dependencies for all modules in the monorepo, resulting in rigid version constraints for individual components like linkit, which limits their independent use outside the monorepo.
@shubham_pareek_19 thank you for the MR, but we don't have a field type as 'text_formatted' its suppose to be 'text'
Added the MR on the repo
Details on where to submit MR can be found at → - "Where to submit issues and PRs"
The tests modified in the MR ( are no longer required, as the Ajax behavior they validate has been removed from the main branch. This can be verified by referring to the comparison here: .
Can proceed with testing and mark the MR as ready to merge.
This MR is no longer necessary as the required changes have already been addressed in the source branch. The fix for the issue can be found in EntityViewsData.php.
joshua1234511 → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
joshua1234511 → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Thank you for submitting the Merge Request!
Issue has been raised under similar concept:
For any support or Merge Requests related to the Drupal theme, you can raise them on the
For the Drupal theme:
For UI Kit updates:
Thank you for submitting the Merge Request! Currently it cannot be included at this time as civictheme is updated to core 10.3 and will be released soon. After that we will follow up and start updates to Drupal 11.
Additionally, there is a dependency on GovCMS, which currently restricts the version of the layout_builder_restrictions module to 2.20.0, as specified in its composer.json file.
For any support or Merge Requests related to the Drupal theme, you can raise them on the
For the Drupal theme:
For UI Kit updates:
Drupal update to 10.3 has been done as part of 🐛 Illegal access to constants in shipshape on govcms Active .
richardgaunt → credited joshua1234511 → .
richardgaunt → credited joshua1234511 → .
richardgaunt → credited joshua1234511 → .
richardgaunt → credited joshua1234511 → .
richardgaunt → credited joshua1234511 → .
gargsuchi → credited joshua1234511 → .
OEmbed (remote video) is already handled similarly to other media components, with:
for Remote Video
for Video.
Is there a specific reason to use civictheme_media_get_variables() for this case?
In the current setup, this function is used only for attachments (Documents), and an image which always include an associated file.
Tested the patch provided in
Rework valid transitions to respect group scoped system
It fixes the issues but introduces a use case issue where the other user roles that are non group do not follow the permissions.
Added a patch for the fix.
Updated the MR with fixes for visually hidden text to read out on back-to-top button.
@sourojeetpaul Could you please test the same.
joshua1234511 → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Tested the patch provided, The patch fixes the issue.
Raised a MR and setting for code review.
Issue is related to 🐛 Import failed: Deleted and replaced configuration entity sitemap.type Needs review
Standalone module has no issue, issue with Domain access feature.
Can be closed.
joshua1234511 → changed the visibility of the branch 3.0.x to hidden.
joshua1234511 → changed the visibility of the branch 3465449-import-failed-deleted to active.
joshua1234511 → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
kristen pol → credited joshua1234511 → .
kristen pol → credited joshua1234511 → .
Issue is replicable on Latest 3.0.x-dev
@ richardgaunt
The issue more of global then civic theme specific. though the patch will fix the issue. But there might be more instances where getCreatedTime() is used. 🐛 getCreatedTime returns string instead of integer Needs work
I suggest we keep track of the issue.
Submitted a merge request. Ready for review.
joshua1234511 → created an issue.
Identified minimal amount of files/directories that are built with npm run build for base theme and subtheme
Updated .gitignore to not include these built files/directories
Update README and dev guide with correct steps to install base theme and subtheme
Reviewed and tested locally
Following steps from →
Update README and dev guide with correct steps to install base theme and subtheme
- No update required as steps already added →
Step 3: Configure and enable base theme
Step 5: n addition to enabling the base civictheme theme, we have a subtheme with the custom branding and components for Drupal CMS, so we need to configure and enable that too
joshua1234511 → made their first commit to this issue’s fork.
Issue fixed in
Proof of Concept (PoC) for content provisioning with Content & Callout Component.
Investigated the pending issues. It's a similar case.
Reference -
The "extra_field_block:node:recipe:content_moderation_control" was not found
Needs work
- Needs work
The provided patch does not solve the issue, it just removes the section listing the issue, which is incorrect.
Its due to the point when the installation happens the layout builder is not aware of the fields .
Looking into a way to suppress the warnings.
I reviewed the document changes, updated the wording, and added a reference to the ongoing issue with the Gin theme.
Reference: →
Added Reference to the Issue requiring a contrib patch
I did play around with the code and could think of two approaches and a blocker
Creating a Demo Page: programmatically create a page that shows all components by adding paragraphs for each component. However, this approach requires creating an actual page with these paragraphs, which would need default content.
Alternative Using Views: Another approach could be to create a view that lists all paragraphs. If each field in the paragraph has a default value, you can list them directly in the view. This could serve as a dynamic display of components, though it still relies on having those paragraphs with default content in place.
In both cases the blocker: overriding the paragraph templates to embed/include the SDC components.
Needs to be done manually as done here
Create automated script for converting components to SDC
-- Once all components are updated paragraph templates to embed/include the SDC components. ie : reference
The warning related to [warning] The "block_content:50c52459-c100-4e4d-92a4-9c4c77d8f8d0" was not found
block_content not found is in know issue in CivicTheme.
The scenario
- The blocks are created during config import on theme install.
- Default site block are placed within the layout with predefined content.
- Block content at this point is not available, it is created only after the provision of content.
Block content cannot be created before the install of the block types.
After the provision of content blocks the blocks are correctly assigned.
These warning can be ignored
field_block Issue
- Needs more debugging.
Tested the patch from issue
contents of dropdown button go to the left and can be off the visible page
Patch tested from Merge Request
Case tested for mention issues
Case 1: when the dropdown is at the top
Case 2: when the dropdown is somewhere in the bottom
Not sure of the status that needs to be set to this issue, As patch needs to be applied to the
Kristen Pol → credited joshua1234511 → .
Tested the issue in two scenarios:
Test 1
Without running the necessary Drush command:
Components field was missing due to an incomplete installation process.
Test 2
With running the necessary Drush command:
Components field was added correctly, and everything worked as expected.
Ensure that the installation steps are followed correctly, including running the essential Drush command to enable the required modules.
Related to
Please do not submit issues if your installation finished with WSOD - this means that you are using CivicTheme that was not fully installed. Install a patch mentioned above and restart your installation from scratch.
Steps Taken to Debug:
Fresh Installation:
Downloaded CivicTheme as an archive.
Extracted it to the themes directory.
Ran the sub-theme script and followed the instructions in the project/readme.
Scenario 1: Missing Components Field
Did not run the necessary Drush command:
drush ev "require_once dirname(\Drupal::getContainer()->get('theme_handler')->rebuildThemeData()['civictheme']->getPathname()) . '/'; civictheme_enable_modules();"
Result: The field components were missing due to an incomplete installation process.
Scenario 2: Successful Installation
Followed the latest installation steps from CivicTheme Drupal project page.
Ran the necessary Drush command & followed the Patch installation.
drush ev "require_once dirname(\Drupal::getContainer()->get('theme_handler')->rebuildThemeData()['civictheme']->getPathname()) . '/'; civictheme_enable_modules();"
Result: All components were added correctly, and everything worked as expected.
The issue of missing components field in the node form display was due to not running the required Drush command during the installation process.
Testing Notes
- Switched to tag 1.7.1
- Build Drupal site (New Build)
- Switch to branch `feature/3458260-missing-update-hooks`.
- Update/ Build child theme code.
- Clear Cache
- Review the site and validate that the issues exist.
- Run update DB code.
- Review the site and validate that the issues have been fixed.
Test Result: Reviewed the site and validated that the issues have been fixed.
The above issue is related to
Utilize Focal Point module
As a sub task of above related issue is to fix
- Update code to use existing image styles.
Test: When we update focal point of an image used in an existing component : Updated Focal point should be reflected for the component.
The change to be reflected cache needs to be cleared.
As the image styles are generated and cached.
Related issue on DO:
After changing focal point, image doesn't change until you click preview
Needs review
Even though the patch solves one issue, it still does not solve the cache issue. Still needs work.
Please suggest.
alex.skrypnyk → credited joshua1234511 → .
alex.skrypnyk → credited joshua1234511 → .
alex.skrypnyk → credited joshua1234511 → .
alex.skrypnyk → credited joshua1234511 → .
alex.skrypnyk → credited joshua1234511 → .
The wrapper
for radios and checkbox need to be 'flex'
&ct-form-element--checkboxes {
display: flex;
Label is not printed within the input element but rather outside.
Content is never passed to
rather label has its own component 'form-element-label'
joshua1234511 → created an issue.
alex.skrypnyk → credited joshua1234511 → .
alex.skrypnyk → credited joshua1234511 → .
alex.skrypnyk → credited joshua1234511 → .
alex.skrypnyk → credited joshua1234511 → .
alex.skrypnyk → credited joshua1234511 → .
alex.skrypnyk → credited joshua1234511 → .
Followed the steps to reproduce
1. Installed civictheme
2. Build theme assets
3. Opened built storybook and observed if the property knobs have disappeared.
4. Did the same for a new sub-theme
visited the storybook on the below build storybook
Issue No longer exists.
alex.skrypnyk → credited joshua1234511 → .
alex.skrypnyk → credited joshua1234511 → .
alex.skrypnyk → credited joshua1234511 → .
Tried to replicated the issue using latest 1.6.x version
Test 1
Issue is replicable if
- Install Drupal 10
- Install Components beta 3
- Install the CivicTheme
- Enable the required modules
- Enable the theme via the Appearance admin UI screen
Clear cache is not done after the Theme download/ or added via composer. (
Twig template is not defined
Closed: won't fix
Test 2
Issue Non Replicable
- Install Drupal 10
- Install Components beta 3
- Install the CivicTheme
- Clear Cache
- Enable the required modules
- Enable the theme via the Appearance admin UI screen
Not sure if an issue. Related to 🐛 Twig template is not defined Closed: won't fix
Steps to reproduce
- Install D10
- Download via composer/ or manual
- Enabled all dependencies
- Clear Cache (Skipping this steps results in Break in the install)
- Install CivicTheme
- Enable Watchdog
- Load the homepage
- View the watchdog log
- With out Clear Cache
- Results in Some pending installations, ex, views & webforms.
- With Clear Cache after theme downloaded
- Installation Completed properly.
- All views installed with no errors.
alex.skrypnyk → credited joshua1234511 → .
Updated the configuration to display the column title.
PR raised:
- Created Media tags (civictheme_media_tags) vocabulary.
- Added permissions for the Content author and Site administrator roles to perform CRUD operations on terms (but not the vocabulary).
- Added Behat tests for permissions.
- Added entity reference Media tags ( field_m_media_tags ) field to each media entity.
- Updated existing Behat tests for fields on media entities.
- Created a clone of vanilla Drupal Media view and store it as optional config in theme (named with civictheme prefix ). Adjust filters to show the Media tags filter and allow to match on partial tag matches.
- Implemented an additional settings provisioning option to replace Media view with the one shipped in CT configuration.
- Added a Behat test that would be checking that a Content->Media page has the required filters and can be searched through.
Not Implemented/ Questions
- Create a clone of vanilla Drupal Media library view and store it as optional config in theme (leave the name as-is). Adjust filters to show the Media tags filter and allow to match on partial tag matches.
- Cloning is not enough, there are theme template and preprocessing required to obtain the look na feel of existing view
- One way can be update the exiting view add it to optional and load as single import via content provisions.
Investigated the issue.
Steps used to reproduce the issue.
- Created a new content with having Manual list with various cards ie: event card, promo card etc.
- Added text which will follow full text search 'textwithsummary'
- Searched the content with the text
- Search Result Displayed the result.
- Issue no longer replicable.
alex.skrypnyk → credited joshua1234511 → .
fionamorrison23 → credited joshua1234511 → .
fionamorrison23 → credited joshua1234511 → .
fionamorrison23 → credited joshua1234511 → .
JoiGarrett → credited joshua1234511 → .
JoiGarrett → credited joshua1234511 → .
JoiGarrett → credited joshua1234511 → .
JoiGarrett → credited joshua1234511 → .
JoiGarrett → credited joshua1234511 → .
JoiGarrett → credited joshua1234511 → .
JoiGarrett → credited joshua1234511 → .
JoiGarrett → credited joshua1234511 → .
JoiGarrett → credited joshua1234511 → .
JoiGarrett → credited joshua1234511 → .
JoiGarrett → credited joshua1234511 → .
JoiGarrett → credited joshua1234511 → .
JoiGarrett → credited joshua1234511 → .
JoiGarrett → credited joshua1234511 → .