Use name of Media rather than file name on Attachment component

Created on 18 January 2024, about 1 year ago
Updated 2 April 2024, 11 months ago

User story

As a Content Publisher

I want to be able to use a human readable title related to my Media item

So that it can look clean in presentation


Currently when I add a document to Media, I'm asked to provide a File name when I upload the file.

When I add the file as an Attachment to a "page" content type, I select it based on the Media name, and that's also what's provided when listed as an attachment:

When presented on screen, I'm given the the file name:

While filenames can be changed before upload, this isn't always ideal for publishers and can potentially impact the URL of files that may have a need to remain as is.

It would be more visually appealing for end users to have a more human readable title in place. This would also give better context for content editors, where the title in the editor and media spaces reflect what is shown on screen:

Acceptance criteria

Given I am a Content Publisher

When I attach media to content pages, I have a human readable title presented

Then I have context for myself, my colleagues and clear labels for end users browsing my site

Feature request






Created by

🇦🇺Australia alex.skrypnyk Melbourne

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