
Account created on 22 February 2023, over 1 year ago

Recent comments

Hi Si, thanks for reporting this issue. I'll look into getting this into the next release (1.8 is being prepared now, so it will be 1.9).

@thehaag have you had success? Did you see the comment from chaitanyadessai ?
Postponing this issue until we have more information.
There is also documentation here: https://github.com/civictheme/docs/tree/main/development/drupal-theme

Noting full refactoring of form elements happening in release 1.8. Requirements in this ticket may not be part of the 1.8 release. Will postpone for now, but may be reactivated after 1.8 release.

Full refactoring of form elements is taking place in release 1.8. Due to be released in June. Putting on hold until that release.

Noting that full refactoring of form elements is happening in version 1.8. To be released in June. Putting on hold until then.

This issue is being 'postponed' for now. We are currently working on the Focal point module as pointed out by two community members. Once the focal point module is successfully installed we will move onto image styles. At that point this issue may be closed as we may work off a different ticket. Assigning to myself for now to keep track.

HI @smethawee. I just want to confirm that your last message means you have had success, and I can close this request?
Thank you.

Hi @naveenvalecha, I'm just following this up to see if you have moved the PR over to GitHub Drupal monorepo
as per Alex's comment a couple of weeks ago. https://github.com/civictheme/monorepo-drupal
Thanks again for your contribution. I'd like to put it in the next release if possible.

Closing, duplicate with https://www.drupal.org/project/civictheme/issues/3414202 🐛 Search page does not look as per design Active

Hi @linsen_hou,
Is there some more detailed information you can provide here?
Can you please specifically outline the steps to reproduce this issue?

@ivrh workaround is good, thanks. Regardless, this requires a fix and I'll prioritise is accordingly.

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