🇩🇪Germany @luenemann

Südbaden, Germany
Account created on 23 September 2014, almost 10 years ago

Recent comments

🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany

It's also possible to just change the Signature of entity_extra_field_display to allow for null. The method can handle that.

function entity_extra_field_display(
  string $type,
  array &$build,
  EntityInterface $entity,
  ?EntityDisplayInterface $display
): void {
🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany

@crafter You should close this as a duplicate then.

🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany

This should be converted to a Merge Request. Change Status to Needs Review if you think it's ready.

📌 Restrict access to empty top level administration pages for overview controller Fixed touches the same function as this patch. Is that issue fixing the same problem?

🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany

luenemann changed the visibility of the branch 3405798-config-deleted-during to active.

🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany

luenemann changed the visibility of the branch 3405798-config-deleted-during to hidden.

🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany

Fixed link to project page.

🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany

Patch from #7 still applies to 10.1.x.

🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany

Sorry, service colorbox.gallery_id_generator is in use.

But use Drupal\Component\Utility\Crypt; is missing:

+++ b/colorbox.module
index 6b216e2..23c9a87 100644
--- a/colorbox.theme.inc

--- a/colorbox.theme.inc
+++ b/colorbox.theme.inc

+++ b/colorbox.theme.inc
+++ b/colorbox.theme.inc
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@

@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 use Drupal\file\Entity\File;
 use Drupal\image\Entity\ImageStyle;
 use Drupal\Component\Utility\Xss;
+use Drupal\responsive_image\Entity\ResponsiveImageStyle;

@@ -139,6 +82,190 @@ function template_preprocess_colorbox_formatter(&$variables) {
+    $image_id = $entity_id . '-' . Crypt::randomBytesBase64(8);
🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany

No complete review!
The patch should use the service colorbox.gallery_id_generator introduced in #2935266: Make gallery id generation function independent. , released in 8.x-1.7 on 5 March 2021

🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany

IS update for Steps to reproduce.

🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany

This isn't fixed / committed.

Setting to needs review to run tests.

🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany

More then 3000 tests are failing, for example:

1) Drupal\Tests\system\Functional\Module\InstallUninstallTest::testInstallUninstall
Array to string conversion

/var/www/html/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Extension/ModuleInstaller.php:385      <<<<<<<<<<< Changed by MR !4330
🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany

The current approach of MR !4262 always collapses when the secondary tabs overflow. The proposed solution is different.

Set to Needs work (NW) for Issue summary update (IS update).

I think a claro maintainer should have a look at the proposed solution.

🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany

@robertoperuzzo You can set preferred-intall in composer.json config (https://getcomposer.org/doc/06-config.md#preferred-install) . Use

composer config preferred-install.drupal/entity_reference_revisions source
🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany

@google01 the MR !5 does not apply to a released version because entity_composite_relationship_test.info.yml is changed by drupal.org release packaging.

As a solution you could switch to a git checkout of entity_reference_revisions like this:

composer reinstall --prefer-source drupal/entity_reference_revisions
🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany

Updating the proposed solution to document the changes of $this->value = REQUEST_TIME;, see #79.

🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany

#2095195: Remove deprecated field_attach_form_*() had a todo about a new hook:

+++ b/core/modules/node/node.api.php
@@ -91,7 +89,7 @@
- *   - field_attach_form()
+ *   - @todo hook for EntityFormDisplay::buildForm()

That todo got lost in #2216535: Replace Node overview topic and Node API topic with Entity Hooks topic 8 commits later.

🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany

8.x-1.7 was released 20 December 2022, and the fix is in that release. See https://www.drupal.org/project/views_ajax_history/releases/8.x-1.7

🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany

Reproduced with Drupal 10.1.x-dev.

@hudri regarding #10: I think this is not about a custom theme. I would like gin_toolbar to play nice with Drupals default theme.

Olivero changed it's behavior in Drupal 10, see Slack message by @mherchel:

Is that Drupal 9 or 10? Within D10, Olivero uses the new custom CSS properties to place the header. Within D9, we only check for the CSS classes added by the toolbar

🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany

I've checked with

  1. Drupal 10
  2. Gin 8.x-3.0-rc2
  3. Gin Toolbar 8.x-1.0-rc1

Still reproduceable.

In Drupal 9 it's not a problem, only Drupal 10. Didn't check Drupal 10.1.x

🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany
  • fix #334 reference
  • convert comment references to links with dreditors help
🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany

Cannot reproduce on D9.

Relevant changes made in #3277809: Use Drupal.displace()'s new CSS variables to place Olivero's fixed header , maybe #3291729: Refactor Olivero styles to use new --drupal-displace variables and ensure that toolbar/buttons are always visible .

So Olivero D10 changed header positioning to use displace instead of fixed toolbar height values. Maybe worth a CR. But the Drupal toolbar had data-offset-top attribute before. Maybe gin_toolbar should have used it before.

🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany

I don't see the commit to 10.0.x?

🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany

I didn't test on Drupal 9, only Drupal 10.

🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany

Hm - i just came to evaluate this module and left a comment.
So next step is to reproduce the Issue on my side.

I just had an idee to avoid administerusersbyrole.settings at all. Attach the configuration to each role config via third_party_settings.

🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany
  1. But a config import would delete any new Roles, not present in the export.
  2. Agree needs to be addressed.
🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany

Add attribute data-offset-top only for the vertical toolbar layout.

🇩🇪Germany luenemann Südbaden, Germany

It's not perfect for the horizontal toolbar:

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