Cape Town
Account created on 15 June 2009, about 15 years ago
  • Frontend Developer, Site Builder, Team Lead at Amazee Labs 

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🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

Perhaps this may help, check if you have enabled option for the view "Preserve facets while using filters" under VIEWS > Other -> Query Settings? 🐛 Views exposed sort filters does not sort with facets Closed: works as designed

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

Will be released in next tag

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

This has been tested and works well.

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

Merging to Dev and will spin up a test env with Block_field

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

stewest created an issue.

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

This may be related to using Ajax in the view and the new once() syntax needed RE:

Sorry for the noise. Will test this!

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

Hi, yes, I can confirm that Patch #35 worked in conjunction with checking "Hide non translatable fields on translation forms" on the relevant paragraph(s). It did not work without the "Hide non translatable fields on translation forms" enabled, as I'd get the red errors under all the fields.

Entity Reference Revision 1.11.0
Paragraphs: 1.17.0
Drupal: 10.2.5

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

Scenario: A Paragraph type, with a field like "Title". I also have "nested" Paragraphs (Entity Reference revisions).

I want the parent Paragraph type's text Title to be translatable, but not the nested paragraph fields (as that says "Unsupported".

So I will enable translations on the fields inside those nested paragraph types (that is fine). Not the "outer" ones in the parent.

BUT: when I choose the Parent Paragraph Type for content translation, ticking the checkbox, the entire Paragraph Type opens up and all the fields are selected. I then go to the unsupported fields and deselect those, and then click save.

When the page reloads, the entire "Parent Paragraph Type" is selected (all sub fields are hidden, and I can't deselect the unsupported items.)

If I deselect the parent and reselect it, then we start again. It does not seem possible to only select some of the fields under the parent, without selecting the parent itself.

If I look at the exported config though, I see the "nested" entity reference fields I don't want to be translatable (i.e. the unsupported ones) they have "translatable: false" config which is correct. 

So the visible display in "admin/config/regional/content-language" is very misleading. I wonder if there is a better way?


🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

Just checking that you have seen this apparent fix 🐛 Non-translatable fields can only be changed when updating the current revision. Needs review ?

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

Terribly sorry for the mistake that occurred between 8.x-1.4 and 8.x-1.5 with Drupal 10 being removed from the info file. This has been tested and fixed. The jQuery once fix for Drupal 10 is also added.

We do however suggest moving to use the normal Paragraphs Stable Widget on its own, as this already includes the Collapsed feature.

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

Terribly sorry for the mistake that occurred between 8.x-1.4 and 8.x-1.5 with Drupal 10 being removed from the info file. This has been tested and fixed. The jQuery once fix for Drupal 10 is also added.

We do however suggest moving to use the normal Paragraphs Stable Widget on its own, as this already includes the Collapsed feature.

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

If someone could please test the dev branch, that would be great 8.x-1.x-dev. It includes Drupal 10 support and the replacement of jQuery.once() with once()

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

Sorry I haven't been able to get to this.

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

Ah so sorry Kristen, hope all is ok. Thanks. Grace and peace to you.

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

Looking forward to the next 4.0.1 release. Thanks so much. Just trying to get an idea of timing, if I may, when we think we'll be able to release the next one?

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

Automated Project Update Bot fixes - New release 8.x-1.5

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

Thanks! Looking forward to the next release.

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

This will be added to specific projects that require the feature rather than in our starter kit.

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

stewest created an issue.

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

Hi. If you used the "Paragraphs Library "to create and hold re-usable paragraphs, then you could see that as the place to edit them? But this would only be for the ones marked as being able to be promoted to the Library, or currently in the library.

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

Hi @Lysenko, I'm so embarrassed, I totally missed that! That works. Thank you!

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

Released in alpha10

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

An idea could be to rather add the BG colour to the parent and wrap that in a div before the field items.

OR, as it looks like you're wanting different button colours, add the colour choice to the button/link paragraph rather.

Something like

{% set bgColor = content.bgcolour["#markup"] %}

<button class="{{bgColor}}">

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

Dear Aman

The Sector Social Follow module is part of the Starter Kit in Sector 10 Distribution, so you would need to have Sector 10 installed first and then the "block_class" would be available. You'd also need to create a block.block.sector_followus (block_class, sector_theme) template in your own custom theme most likely based off of the Sector Theme.

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

stewest made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

Tested by team

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

stewest created an issue.

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

Looks good, and tested

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

stewest created an issue.

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

This has been reviewed and fixed

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

This has been tested and then merged to the latest 10.0.x-dev

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

Duplicate of as this module is shipped in the Sector Distribution

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

Uninstall actually works fine.

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

The latest updates, fixing the sub theme generation solves the issues mentioned above.

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

node_modules ingnored in the route

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

Could we ammend .gitignore with node_modules

I see `pnpm install` when run, puts node_modules in the root of the workspace, even if we run the install from the theme folder.

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

This works well and has been tested on a dev project using this feature.

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

So the basic premise that we wanted to add body classes with certain information to it, is already covered. By default we get classes:
"node-2 node-type--sector-page" as per

Update: Steps reproduce Sub theme errors.

When I run:

php core/scripts/drupal generate-theme --starterkit sector_starterkit NewSubTheme --path themes/custom

I get:

Directory themes/custom/NewSubTheme could not be created - so this needs to be done manually

So I created the custom folder manually and then the php script works. Updating DOCS. (or we could add a .gitkeep file in the folder to make it remain even when empty?)

Then, I install the theme, from the UI as it didn't want to run from
`drush en SUBTHEME_NAME -y; drush config-set system.theme default SUBTHEME_NAME -y`

Then I got this WSOD:

Drupal\sdc\Exception\InvalidComponentException: [id] Does not match the regex pattern ^[a-z]([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])*:[a-z]([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])*$ in Drupal\sdc\Component\ComponentValidator->validateDefinition() (line 119 of core/modules/sdc/src/Component/ComponentValidator.php).

I then removed this theme and recreated a new theme, using a lower case name, and then I get no errors. So sub theme documentation perhaps should refer to: SUBTHEME_NAME in lower case?

🇿🇦South Africa stewest Cape Town

Duplicate of 📌 Subtheme: Update documentation around subtheming RTBC

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