🇺🇸United States @jrglasgow

Account created on 20 October 2005, over 18 years ago

Merge Requests


Recent comments

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

jrglasgow made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

this is looking good to me

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

this is working and ready to be committed

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

jrglasgow made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

This looks good, I assume that once the JS is released next week you will update your branch to include it. When that is done go ahead and merge in your changes (I have made you a maintainer) and then create a new release.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

I recently ran into an error with the image formatter being hijacked where there is no image style... this occurs when the content display for the image field is set to show "original" so no image style is there to be applied.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

Here is a merge request that does the basics... I haven't had a chance to do any testing yet

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

jrglasgow created an issue.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

jrglasgow made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

yet another backwards incompatible update in a minor release

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

jrglasgow made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

I have a merge request with the changes to update the signature and the Drupal core version to ^10.3

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

This will cause a breakage beginning when Drupal 10.3 is released and people start upgrading to it.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

I guess I can mention that a PHPStan analysis returns

24/24 [▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓] 100%
[OK] No errors

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

jrglasgow created an issue.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

The fork appears to have merge conflicts, please fix and I will merge them in.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

The fork appears to have merge conflicts, please fix and I will merge them in.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

jrglasgow made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

jrglasgow made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

jrglasgow made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

jrglasgow made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

jrglasgow made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

jrglasgow made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

jrglasgow created an issue.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

I don't have a use case for Single Logout, therefore I have no way to test if it works. If you would like to provide a merge request I can certainly merge it in.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

@brad.bulger Drupal.org like to have a new branch with the issue Id included in the branch name, then it is more useful if you create a merge request. Then it is easier for me to approve and merge the merge reqeuest.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

It looks like the default SharedTempStore expiration if 7 days, so for most people that shouldn'y be a problem. I certainly haven't needed a larger temp store. and yes TUS has been serving us well, we have been using it in production for the last year.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

@praveen rani The missing class is part of the Drupal\c2pa_sign\Event\CertificateValidateEvent module which is listed as a dependancy of this module. Can you verify that you have a version of c2pa_sign >=1.0.1 and that the module is enabled?

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

jrglasgow made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

jrglasgow made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

I have created an issue fork for the patch in #11

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

jrglasgow made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

I created a new merge request to 11.x and changed the system_update hook to 10202 so it ensured to run.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

jrglasgow changed the visibility of the branch 3106205-menutree-url-and-route-length to hidden.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

I was unable to get wither merge request (10.1.x and 11.x) to apply to my 10.2.x sites, I hand applied the patch and created a new branch to be merged into 10.2.x. It is working for me on my local.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

I had actually noticed this on Friday and fixed it while working on the module, the commit never got push until this morning.

Thank you for catching it.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

please let me know if this changes fixed the problem for you

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

@Revathi.B, if there is a bug in the PHP wrapper library I am more than happy see issues filed in the github repository at https://github.com/jrglasgow/c2patool, you can also feel free to create a patch that can be added to your composer.json file - see https://vazcell.com/blog/how-apply-patch-drupal-9-and-drupal-10-composer.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

I have this fixed in the most recent version of the library (0.1.4) - https://github.com/jrglasgow/c2patool/releases/tag/0.1.4

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

this works for me, I think it is ready to be committed

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

never mind, it was a one off issue that I ended up being unable to replicate

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

After applying the patch in #5 the warning disappeared in PHP 8.3 (went straight from 8.1 to 8.3)

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

I found another similar error and I have it fixed in this updated patch... this patch applies to both 10.2.x and 11.x

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

Here is the patch to add the following to the ignore_routes list

  • system.css_asset
  • system.js_asset
  • image.style_public
🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

As this problem has come up at work and is at the top of my priority list I am working on this, I expect to have a patch before I finish for the day.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

thinking about this the same probably prevent derivative images from being generated... we should go to the EventSubscriber that is causing the redirect and have it check the path... if the request path is equal to the "public://" path we shouldn't redirect

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

One of the items in the Drupal 10.1.0 changelog

CSS and JavaScript aggregation performance improvements
Instead of the aggregated JS/CSS files being generated when the page is loaded they are (as of Drupal core 10.1.0) generated when they are requested.
A site using Password Policy will force a user to change their password when it has expired... When a user logs in with an expired password the are redirected to their account edit page. My supposition is that when a user with an expired password gets to the account edit page and the styles/script aggregations haven't been recently generated (since the most recent cache clear) their browser tries to request these files but Password Policy is instead causing a redirect to the user's account edit page... this is sent as a text/html page instead of the normal CSS or Javascript mime type... I imagine if you looked at your browser's Developer tools network tab you would see h HTTp status code as a 302 redirect as I am seeing.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

Here is a patch to add the context items.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

jrglasgow created an issue.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

The patch in #48 was no longer applying to 6.2.x (Drupal 10 compatible) so I fixed the merge conflict in the fork

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

jrglasgow made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

I have the deprecated core/jquery_ui library removed and replaced with drupal/jquery_ui.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

jrglasgow made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

I searched the code base for the theme - 3.x and 8.x-2.x for the string "drupal-off-canvas" and I couldn't find it... I don't see how this theme is effected by this change.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

jrglasgow made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇺🇸United States jrglasgow Idaho

Looking at this I see that this section in src/Plugin/views/field/ViewsConditionalField.php ViewsConditionalField->render()

    // Translate text to be displayed with a context specific to this module,
    // view and display.
    $translation_context = "views_conditional:view:{$this->view->id()}";

    // Translate prior to replacements, otherwise the dynamic replacement
    // content results in endless translations:
    if ($this->options['then_translate']) {
      $then = $this->t($then, ['context' => $translation_context]);
    if ($this->options['or_translate']) {
      $or = $this->t($or, ['context' => $translation_context]);

the calls to $this->t() have the $options array with the context key being passed in as the second argument, where is should be the third argument. - see StringTranslationTrait::t. This was cauaing the $options array to be treated as the $args array.

attached is a patch that fixes this

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